[-] DosDude@retrolemmy.com 3 points 1 day ago

The community I miss most from reddit. Nice! Thank you.

[-] DosDude@retrolemmy.com 7 points 2 days ago

Your skin is constantly shedding. The dust you can find In a house is mostly dead skin. Applying sunscreen could make it stick instead of fall off. If it's dry it could also be dust and sand in the air.

Try scrubbing before going sunbathing to see if it still happens then.

[-] DosDude@retrolemmy.com 5 points 3 days ago

Every time there's hype and eyes, the stock gets blasted. Why would this time have been any different?

I expect it to blast off when we least expect it. The only out is more shorting for the shorties. Because if they actually buy the shares, the stock will blast to infinity.

[-] DosDude@retrolemmy.com 10 points 3 days ago

Honestly, with all the fuckery going on, nothing has changed. Gamestop has got an "out" for when it does happen and if people blame them they can say they offered up shares.

The company is not going bankrupt any time soon, making the shorts even more fucked. The drs numbers haven't changed, only the percentage. Locking down the float was always an unobtainable dream, but worth a shot. And even then if you believe the DD there are so many shorts that the dilution is just a drop in the water.

Their cash on hand is now >40% of their market cap, making this the smartest investment from an objective and squeeze-less point of view. Add in the shorting and fuckery that still goes on to this day, I don't see a problem.

Momentum was probably still going to lose if they didn't dilute, considering this is one of the most, if not the most manipulated stock on the market.

When MOASS happens, it happens. All the rest is just noise.


!retrostatus@retrolemmy.com is a community celebrating retro.

From the sidebar:

For posts on the big anniversaries of retro games, gaming hardware, and more.

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submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by DosDude@retrolemmy.com to c/newcommunities@lemmy.world

!retrostatus@retrolemmy.com is a community celebrating retro.

From the sidebar:

For posts on the big anniversaries of retro games, gaming hardware, and more.

  • 15 years - Old
  • 20 years - Retro
  • 25 years - Retro Silver
  • 30 years - Retro Gold
  • 35 years - Retro Platinum (and every 5 years after)
[-] DosDude@retrolemmy.com 102 points 1 month ago

Really? How displaced is your view if you consider the USA easy mode?

Also, fuck Mexico. Apparently.

[-] DosDude@retrolemmy.com 62 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I don't click piped links myself, but some people find them useful.

As for tldr bot, it's useful insofar it gets an idea across for wether I want to read the article, but leaves out a lot of information, often vital to the story, and leaves in fluff.

They aren't perfect, but useful for some.

[-] DosDude@retrolemmy.com 79 points 3 months ago

Nintendo is on their way of becoming one of the worst companies of the year for the fans. Fucking hell...

[Epic] Super Meat Boy Forever (store.epicgames.com)
submitted 4 months ago by DosDude@retrolemmy.com to c/freegames@feddit.uk
[Steam] RPG Maker XP (store.steampowered.com)
submitted 4 months ago by DosDude@retrolemmy.com to c/freegames@feddit.uk
[Steam] Ultimate Zombie Defense (store.steampowered.com)
submitted 4 months ago by DosDude@retrolemmy.com to c/freegames@feddit.uk
submitted 4 months ago by DosDude@retrolemmy.com to c/freegames@feddit.uk
[-] DosDude@retrolemmy.com 68 points 5 months ago

If anyone wants to hate this guy even more: listen to the Behind the Bastards episodes on this guy. It's a 6-parter, so you know it's going to be good.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by DosDude@retrolemmy.com to c/foodporn@lemmy.world

6 eggs, goat cheese, sun dried tomatoes, walnuts and 2 leeks. Topped off with shredded cheese. Very delicious.

Edit: also 2 spoons of crème fraiche

[-] DosDude@retrolemmy.com 71 points 5 months ago

I never worry about motion blur, because I turn it off. The stupidest effect ever. If I walk around I don't see motion blur. Cameras see motion blur because of shutter speed, not the human eye.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by DosDude@retrolemmy.com to c/retroachievements@retrolemmy.com

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.sdf.org/post/8393343

Hi all!

I am excited to announce that my RetroAchievements companion app, RA Tracker, has officially launched on the iOS App Store!

Version 1 has many capabilities, all designed around maximizing the RetroAchievements experience and feeling right at home on your iOS Device.

  • View your completion progress for all games you are earning achievements for
  • View awards for mastering a game
  • View all of your recently earned achievements
  • See users that have earned specific achievements
  • View the Achievement of the Week and get a notification when a new one is posted!
  • View the top ten user leaderboard
  • Add games to the Backlog to keep track of what you want to play
  • Search for games by console to see what games currently have Achievements to earn
  • Create a list of games to track completion progress
  • Follow other RetroAchievements.org users and track their progress and recently earned achievements

I would absolutely LOVE to hear feedback from the community.

Once the final API endpoints get enabled, I will start work on the v2 update which will have much more information for users.

If you don't know what RetroAchievements is, now is a great time to check it out!

[-] DosDude@retrolemmy.com 104 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Still funny that valve still can't count past 2 even though this is the 5th installment


I haven't seen a community dedicated to Windows 9x yet, so I decided to make it myself.


[-] DosDude@retrolemmy.com 61 points 10 months ago

I love the stock image of an ethernet cable with only phone capabilities having continuity. Good choice from whoever made that decision.


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