Well, obviously you don't start with 9mm. You start with .17 and work your way up to 22 short then 22lr and so on. If you jump straight to shooting yourself in the face with a 9mm of course you're gonna get hurt.
If you just got done giving birth in a stable because some diety decided to knock you up without your consent then you've earned the right to be a bit of a bitch.
I am adding "made a window in the block" to my lexicon. Thank you.
You wipe up to the fourth knuckle?
Sure, I'll just wave hi to the folks at the urinals as I waddle over to the sink with my shit caked ass.
Maybe he thinks touching his butthole would make him gay and a bidet would force him to wipe.
Fires up pressure washer with extreme prejudice.
Assuming you're in the US you should know that first time home buyers can put basically 0% down. You need to pay mortgage insurance until you hit 20% equity in your home but that isn't terribly expensive when you compare it to the mortgage, insurance, and taxes. The 20% down rule is really only if youre selling an existing property to buy a different one. No bank is expecting a first time buyer to put 20% down.
I want to say the total amount I paid out of pocket at closing for my house was like $3000 back in 2018. So it's still spendy but the down payment isn't as much of an obstacle as people make it out to be. The bigger obstacles are just having a good credit score and a history of stable employment.
You definitely don't need to oil it after every use. The main reason for applying oil is to keep it from rusting while it sits. If you just use it at least once a week then that rust isn't a concern. Even if it did rust you can just scrub the rust off before you use it.
There is all sorts of special care you can do to cast iron if you really get into it. But if you really don't care then you can just use it and wash it exactly like any other pan without issue. The whole soap thing is a myth now a days because modern soaps don't contain lye anymore. Soap is entirely unnecessary in cast iron but it won't hurt it. Seasoning is adequately acheived just by actually cooking with it. You really don't need any special process to season it unless you deliberately stripped off all the old seasoning. You can cook acidic foods in it without issue. I do tomato sauce in mine all the time.
Coated pans require way more care. At least I can use proper metal utensils in my cast iron.
It's pretty hard to ruin good cast iron. A good cast iron pan could spend a year at the bottom of a lake and all it would need is a good scrub and reseason to be good to go again.
About the only thing I've seen that makes them completely irrecoverable is when people use them to melt lead. Also you can crack the cheap ones in half with thermal shock.
This is a good move. So many people buy thi shit thinking its just like psylocybin. I actually had to tell mom to stop buying them.
Normally when people say this it is at least a bit of an exageration, but not in this case. That is some straight up nightmare fuel.
Heres a taster for those of you who don't want to read the whole thing.