movie and tv streaming and sports. I wonder if it wasn't one of the sports sites as it was a sports betting pop up, but the susflix was the only site that seemed to have anything bad according to the virustotal site.

I presently have both uBlockorigin and Brave's native adblockers at work, so not sure how it slipped through there. Definitely gonna look at the userscript manager though

I have firefox as it were

as it were, I wouldn't have, but it was in the FMHY wiki as a starred site, so I figured it was trusted

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

Windows defender showed it as being a trojan- it appeared as a popup with a sports betting page popup anytime I opened my browser. I quarantined it and took care of it and did a few different scans with windows defender and malware bytes, all of which came back negative after the initial scan.

The sites I visited were:

sportssurge (v2)

steameast (v2)




I went through and scanned all of these websites with virustotal this morning, and it came back with a detection on susflix for phishing. Susflix was listed as a goated site in the FMHY wiki, so maybe I should reach out and let them know about it just in case?

I assume this is the site that installed it as I have used every site other than that on both PC's and have had no problems whatsoever on my other one. Either that, or one of the links that was given by sportsurge had a virus in the stream or otherwise somewhere else in the link- either way, I didn't download anything so I got it straight from the browser.

Just thought I'd let y'all know to keep your guard up! Happy sailing!

edit: As much as I appreciate a good bit of sarcasm, I was indeed using uBlock origin as well as Brave's built in browser adblocker. Both are always turned on. Never had any sort of issues before now and I never download anything from non recommended sites or click on anything sketchy on the page (which nothing sketchy usually pops up with the adblockers running). Maybe some pages with streaming can still infect you with something even if you have adblock?And yes, I realize susflix is a weird sounding name for a site, but it seemed pretty nice and was listed as one of the few options to stream movies in 4k on the FMHY wiki. It was also a favorite according to the FMHY guide, so I figured it was safe. Guess I won't trust as much from that site anymore

yeah that's pretty crazy lmao

why don't you just teach your kids to be pretentious hipsters from a young age and let them look down upon other kids for being part of the mainstream?

that's awesome mate, I will be saving this for later for sure.

Clicked through and saw the Thomas show- absolutely loved that one as a kid. Will say, the narrator that replaced Ringo, Carlin, and Baldwin has one of the most irritating voices I have ever heard. It's still soothing, but annoying in a weird way that I don't know how to describe

[-] 6 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I have family members who are otherwise not worried about having to save money who are dropping netflix as soon as they get done binge watching their current show. Why? because they are paying for four people to use the account, and because of their new rules their parents aren't getting to use the account since they don't live in the same house.

I hate to break it to you netflix, but octagenarians who have no idea how modern technology works aren't going to understand how to setup an account, and they definitely aren't going to want to deal with having to call their children every week when they are asked for the "permission code" just to have the privelege of accessing what their children are already paying for.

On top of this, I'm sure their children don't want to have to deal with having to input this on a weekly (or however so often) schedule. It's a frustrating situation all around, and I have no idea why they thought it was a good idea.

hey sorry if other people have already answered this, but you can usually use jdownloader to rip audio straight out of youtube. I've been doing that for ages, but sometimes the playlists I want to rip have way more tunes than I want to rip and the quality is all over the place so I want more consistency. It works really well though if you want to curate your own youtube playlists and then rip them.

It should be noted that this also works with video in youtube too- you can rip your favorite videos in their entirety


I've been using either Spotifymate or doubledouble to automatically plug in spotify playlists and have all the tunes downloaded.

Doubledouble tends to have issues with regionlocking and will freeze a good bit of the way through processing certain playlists, so I've found it less than reliable.

Spotifymate is way more reliable, but when you plug in the link to the playlist, you have to download each song individually. This is not a problem with small playlists, but when you come across larger playlists it makes it a very tedious task. I may just be stupid, but I don't seem to see a way to download the whole playlist with one click.

Anybody know if its possible or should I look for other solutions? I should also add that I would be more than happy to use some sort of software that automatically makes spotify playlists into youtube playlists so that I can download them from youtube directly with jdownloader if that is an option, I just didn't see that anywhere.

Thanks in advance!

I wish to break my youtube addiction. Every night I end up going down rabbit holes with a "just one more" attitude that would make a gambling addict blush.

The way I got around ads was adblockers and the like. Or using the new piped website. But honestly, I wish that I had the will that you have to just drop it and never use it again.

update. I was able to see the instance from this instance, but when I try to go to the instance itself it doesn't work. Not sure what's going on but I'm gonna try to join their stuff. Thanks

Yeah probably. I saw where either yesterday or a couple of days ago they posted a link to some sort of japanese website that they were going to start something like that on, but I can't remember the name of it for the life of me.

I was super busy at work when they announced it and didn't have time to create an account. Really regretting that now, but this is a great community too so it is what it is


Hey guys, made an account here. I had originally setup an account on the FMHY instance but its been down for the past half a day or so. Anybody know what's going on? Were they hacked or something? Or are they just doing some sort of server maintenance?

Either way, I'm happy to be here with fellow pirates and looking forward to continuing sailing the seven seas with you lot. ARRGH

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joined 11 months ago