[-] BradleyUffner@lemmy.world 5 points 12 hours ago

...every time veganism comes up...

You mean every time that a vegan uses whatever tenuous link to the current topic they can imagine exists to bring up veganism?

[-] BradleyUffner@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago

Maybe prince had prosopagnosia.

[-] BradleyUffner@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

As far as I can tell, there is no rule to break here.

[-] BradleyUffner@lemmy.world 38 points 2 days ago

In highschool I had an ultra religious friend who saved up for months to buy Final Fantasy III (6). He was having a great time playing it until about halfway through, where you have to talk to some demons to escape from a dream world. Even though you end up killing the demons, it was too much for him and he destroyed the cartridge with a hammer.

[-] BradleyUffner@lemmy.world 12 points 2 days ago

That's so punk-core.

[-] BradleyUffner@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

They aren't great, but they aren't totally useless either. I met my amazing fiance through one, but I had to wade through a ton of shit first.

[-] BradleyUffner@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago

No, it's just posturing. The emissions from AC at the Olympic Village would have zero impact on climate change. This is just green washing for public perception points.

[-] BradleyUffner@lemmy.world 28 points 6 days ago

Sorry to say this, but regardless of the validity of your claims, the way you present your story, like having everything in capital letters, kinda makes you sound a little like a conspiracy nut. You may want to work on your presentation a bit.

[-] BradleyUffner@lemmy.world 183 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I am altering the meme. Pray I do not alter it any further.

[-] BradleyUffner@lemmy.world 115 points 3 months ago

I can drive around my block for 30 hours and still be on my block! It's crazy!

[-] BradleyUffner@lemmy.world 245 points 6 months ago

This is reason #856632 that you don't put vital government services on fucking Twitter.

[-] BradleyUffner@lemmy.world 92 points 9 months ago

Personally, I think I'll be avoiding anything that starts with "Elon Musk's..."

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