[-] Blackout@kbin.social 90 points 4 months ago

Humans get to slowly raise the temperature of the world over 100 years until it causes a mass extinction event. It's very effective.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Blackout@kbin.social to c/animemes@ani.social

Conversations seem to die once I use this line ¯\(ツ)

[-] Blackout@kbin.social 49 points 4 months ago

Bot farms are always early adopters

[-] Blackout@kbin.social 55 points 6 months ago

Yeah but I don't remove my shoes first, that's just weird.

[-] Blackout@kbin.social 92 points 6 months ago

I remember going to the first fast n furious at the theater. Ice storm during the movie so everything was covered in ice after, had to chisel around the door just to open it. But that didn't kill the racing spirit in some of them. They got in their cars and tore out of the parking lot. 2 slammed into trees on their way out. Another didn't get far, jackknifed himself on a light pole. I just sat in my car watching it, way better than the movie.

[-] Blackout@kbin.social 57 points 6 months ago

I think Joe was out of things to say 10 years ago. You could replace him with AI and never know the difference.

[-] Blackout@kbin.social 353 points 7 months ago

no cost

I think the head of a CEO somewhere just exploded.

[-] Blackout@kbin.social 103 points 7 months ago

Oh I'm so grateful they are expending resources to catch this non-lethal drug before it hits the hands of groovy people. Meanwhile opioids have killed how many this year alone?

[-] Blackout@kbin.social 69 points 7 months ago

We really need a functioning IRS, FTC and SEC. Just won't happen if repugs are constantly elected.

[-] Blackout@kbin.social 48 points 8 months ago

Take his fucking guns away!

[-] Blackout@kbin.social 92 points 8 months ago

Definitely. He ended up making his wealth buying property and raising the rent. We don't talk anymore but those types of people seem to fit a mold.

[-] Blackout@kbin.social 140 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

First time skiing, friend was desperate to get someone to go so I went. Paid for everything like the meme says except the lessons. "I can teach you! Let's take this lift up to that ridgeline". I don't know any better so up we go. Get there and it's pretty high, oxygen is thin and a blizzard moved in. "Ok, ready?" He says. "What do I do?" I ask. "Just crouch down and twist back and forth to slow yourself. Here we go!" He replied and then off he went.

It started out fine. I'm upright, the snow is powdery so it is helping to slow me down and I kinda got the twisting movement right, for the first 50 feet. Then the ground dropped beneath me and suddenly I'm cruising at what feels like mach speed. There is no twisting anymore, just barrel rolls. I finally stop and my arm is no longer in the socket. I just lay there wondering if I had died and hell really was frozen over. Then a ski guide came up, asked me if I was ok. "Uuuuughhh" I answered him. He then asked me if I could make it down on my own which I answered with a stare of both death and fear. Another dude arrived with a sled. By that time I had regained the ability to talk and popped my arm back in place. At the bottom they offered to call an ambulance but I was largely ok, got the direction to the ski lodge bar instead.

10 hours later my friend finds me. "There you are! I was wondering where you went!" This is a story of the first and last time I went skiing.

[-] Blackout@kbin.social 59 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Man these people forget the days when a month of Spotify would afford you 1 CD. I remember cause I would spend half my paycheck on music. I'm just sitting here happy for services like Spotify and YouTube in my life. I remember a time when music and information was much harder to obtain (even illegally).

submitted 9 months ago by Blackout@kbin.social to c/risa@startrek.website
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