Not only do they cost more, the greater surface area means your cold drink warms up faster.
Not only do they cost more, the greater surface area means your cold drink warms up faster.
Greater surface area also means more material for the same product, which leads to less effective transport, more waste and increased polution. Non-standarized can size means every can storage system and cup holder which have taken can size into consideration will be worse. I'm sure a lot of vending machines will have to be modified or scrapped for this can design.
Everyone are worse off because of this, and it's all for attempting to trick consumers and increase profits. Shit sucks.
Hey we get this revolutionary super can which is supposed to keep your beer cool.
The ribs are supposed to reduce the contact area of warm fingers.
It doesn't work obviously since they aren't big enough and skin on fingers are flexible enough to touch everything.
You only pay 30 to 50% more for this nonsense.
Everyone tries to avoid them but somehow the normal cans are more than often 'sold out' in stores.
Where is the one on the left no longer available? I live in the US and see those all the time.
People with vending machines aren't going to be happy, those new ones won't fit.
As a consumer you should have thought about the consequences of your habits. Because of you they now have to replace all the vendig machines.
Its the consumers fault. Companies have absolutely no responsibility.
Huge /S if there ever was any doubt.
Just straight up stop buying shit. Drink filtered tap, and live off only what you need and shrug off ppl that think buying expensive shit will make them cool.
How do I fit my coke addiction in your filtered water?
Also stop paying for filtered tap water when there's nothing wrong with your specific tap water.
Where I live has heavy agriculture and oil industry presence. People here are concerned over pesticides and random chemicals randomly seeping into the water system.
Is it not tested regularly?
I meant use a brita or something
Just a heads up Brita filters do basically nothing it's mostly just a carbon block which will help remove chlorine flavor which makes it taste a little better but in terms of actually removing contaminants it does very little to almost nothing.
Zero water is the closest thing in brita drip form that actually removes things but getting a counter top reverse osmosis is the way to go if not getting a dedicated under sink unit
Just remember! Reverse osmosis filters are NOT eco friendly, it cost 3 to 4 gallons of waste water discard to gain 1 gallon of drinking water.
Using modern filters, and using a pressure booster pump to ensure proper pressure level this is actually nowhere near as bad it's now possible to achieve a one-to-one clean to waste ratio.
If you don't want any waste you can go to nanofiltration which is roughly as effective as Reverseosmosis and does not have the Wastewater issue but they are significantly more expensive.
And it's not as if that Wastewater is sewage it's just the same water that came in with a higher concentration of the stuff that you didn't want that was already present in the water so that Wastewater can be reused for gardening, or gray water such as showers and toilets
I get that they aren't perfect but everything has a trade off and reverse osmosis or nanofiltration is really the only way to get rid of many different sources of water contamination especially things like microplastics and pfas
I'm surprised the new one isn't something less than 12 ounces.
surely this uses more aluminum
It may use less aluminum, as the top and bottom surfaces are much thicker
Babe, wake up. New shit corpo practice just dropped.
The fuck is a fluid ounce?
Common mistake. Its actually Florida ounces.
Fluid ounce is volume, ounce is weight. Liters vs grams.
Ah wonderful, so I'm sure one fluid ounce of water weighs precisely one ounce weight wise?
Almost identical, my understanding is it’s slightly off since it’s such an old measurement. But for everyday purposes it’s the same.
Ounces that are wet.
Damn liberals and their woke-genderized measurements smh
...two-thirds a dram of scotch whisky...
1/8th of a cup
About 4.835 micro cubic fathoms.
A few years back we literally had frito lay vendors come in before store open to reset the chip aisle, all the bag sizes shrank and they credited out the previous size.
Welcome to the world, m8! :,-)
So that's why they changed the shape. I saw no valid reason so I just assumed they were trying to evade taxes in some way. I'll admit I have no idea how much anything I buy at a convenience store costs.