submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by Upstream7564@discuss.tchncs.de to c/android@lemdro.id

~~I accidentally removed a MicroSD card from an Android device running Android 12 while it was being ejected. This happened because it took longer than usual (less than a few seconds), and I pulled it out without looking at the notification. Now, when I insert the MicroSD card into any Android device, it tells me to format it to use it, as a problem has occurred. It also gives me the option to format it and extend the internal storage. The third option is to skip both and do it later, which keeps the SD card unreadable by the system. The MicroSD card contains a lot of data that's important to me, and unfortunately, I had no backup, as I always considered my MicroSD as an external storage medium for such data. I would really appreciate any help on how I can resolve this issue and make the SD card data accessible again by Android. Thank you for reading! 🥲~~

Edit: Don't ask me why or how. But I put the SD Card into a phone running Android 14, and booted it. The SD Card could be actually read by the phone after it finished booting. I turned the phone off again, pulled the SD card out and put it back into it's original running Android 12 and magically it works again! My theory is that the Android 14 recognized and automatically fixed what was wrong and this made the card readable again to older Android versions.

Thanks to everyone who commented!

Realme GT 6 review (m.gsmarena.com)
submitted 1 week ago by limerod@reddthat.com to c/android@lemdro.id
submitted 1 week ago by limerod@reddthat.com to c/android@lemdro.id
submitted 1 week ago by limerod@reddthat.com to c/android@lemdro.id
submitted 1 week ago by limerod@reddthat.com to c/android@lemdro.id


  • Strings in the latest Android 15 beta suggest the OS can automatically delete biometrics that aren’t working well.
  • Android will delete your face or fingerprint unlock when they aren’t working well and then prompt you to set them up again.
  • We don’t know how the OS determines when a biometric isn’t working well or if this feature is even live yet in the latest Android 15 beta, though.
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by limerod@reddthat.com to c/android@lemdro.id


  • Android 15 is preparing to tweak the threshold that determines whether a charger is seen as fast, from a measly 7.5W to a more reasonable 20W.
  • The operating system has long considered any charging speeds of at least 7.5W to be fast, which is far, far below what actual fast chargers can deliver nowadays.
  • The change isn’t live yet in the latest Android 15 beta, though, so chargers that deliver 7.5W of power will still be seen as fast on Pixels.
submitted 1 week ago by jorge@feddit.cl to c/android@lemdro.id
The Third Beta of Android 15 (android-developers.googleblog.com)
submitted 1 week ago by neme@lemm.ee to c/android@lemdro.id
submitted 1 week ago by sag@lemm.ee to c/android@lemdro.id

Cross posted from: https://lemm.ee/post/34921227

submitted 1 week ago by schizoidman@lemmy.ml to c/android@lemdro.id
submitted 1 week ago by ladfrombrad@lemdro.id to c/android@lemdro.id
submitted 1 week ago by Sunny@slrpnk.net to c/android@lemdro.id

I keep having my phone completely drained of battery over night, and im not sure why.. Each night the phone will easy chew through 30-40% battery. Only thing that helps is putting it in battery saving mode. But feels like a temporary solution.

The second most used app is at 7% percent usage.

Am running GrapheneOS, anyone else struggling with this?

submitted 1 week ago by limerod@reddthat.com to c/android@lemdro.id
submitted 1 week ago by Blaze@lemmy.zip to c/android@lemdro.id

The dedicated sub was quite popular, and it is probably a question that might interest a few people

submitted 1 week ago by yoz@aussie.zone to c/android@lemdro.id
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by limerod@reddthat.com to c/android@lemdro.id


  • Google is adding an additional layer of security when installing an APK or updating an app through an APK.
  • A PIN or biometric authentication will now be required in certain cases.
  • This will be the case for APKs that Google thinks are malicious or didn’t come from the Play Store.
submitted 2 weeks ago by baatliwala@lemmy.world to c/android@lemdro.id
submitted 2 weeks ago by neme@lemm.ee to c/android@lemdro.id
submitted 2 weeks ago by Blaze@lemmy.zip to c/android@lemdro.id
submitted 2 weeks ago by Blaze@lemmy.zip to c/android@lemdro.id
submitted 2 weeks ago by baatliwala@lemmy.world to c/android@lemdro.id

Points taken from article:

  • Android 15 is adding a built-in mechanism to protect your device from “juice jacking” attacks.
  • Charging will be allowed when lockdown mode is enabled in Android 15, but USB data access will not.
  • Juice jacking is a largely theoretical problem you don’t really need to worry about, but it’s still nice that Android will protect you against it.
submitted 2 weeks ago by mbestavros@lemdro.id to c/android@lemdro.id

Howdy, Android nerds!

A little while ago I wrote a simple power consumption benchmark for Android web browsers, called browser-power-hour. I've since used it to test Chrome against Firefox on two different devices, and I'm here to share the results!

Why is this useful? It's pretty common to see battery drain brought up as a reason to use (or avoid) certain web browsers, often without evidence. But browsers are complex and constantly evolving pieces of software... maybe those perceptions are out of date? Maybe they're still valid! Unlike raw performance, there are few, if any, good ways to reliably measure battery impact for an individual app, especially on Android, so it's hard to tell what's actually true. Hence, this project! My goal is to be able to provide objective metrics on browser power efficiency to demystify the battery impact question.

I wrote a blog post about the benchmark if you're interested in more detail about how it all works, but I suspect most are primarily curious about the results. Let's focus on that!

A few caveats to keep in mind

  • Most importantly: the actual consumption percentages mean very little on their own. A web browser's relative power consumption next to its competition is the only useful statistic this benchmark provides.
  • Adding onto the above: these results, and the benchmark as a whole, are NOT meant to be general-purpose device battery tests. Under the hood, the benchmark tests a static set of websites sequentially. Great for testing an individual app, not great for testing a device that will be subject to far more variable conditions.
  • The results for one device/SoC may not be relevant for other devices with wildly different system configurations.
  • Finally: I am far from a technical Android expert. It's possible there are far better ways to do what I'm doing, and it's possible there are significant improvements to be made to my benchmark. If you believe there are, the benchmark is open source, and I encourage you to contribute!

Let's get started!

I'm a Pixel guy, so I tested this on both my old 4a 5G (powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon 765G) and my new Pixel 8 Pro (powered by Google's Tensor G3). As I mentioned up top, I chose to focus on Chrome and Firefox - lots of alternative Android web browsers are Chromium-based and (from additional tests I've run) appear to have similar speed and battery performance to stock Chrome, so there's no need to analyze more than just one Chromium-based browser for this initial comparison. Firefox, on the other hand, is Gecko-based, and might potentially perform meaningfully different!

We do know one big thing going into this: Firefox has traditionally lagged behind Chrome on speed benchmarks, so a lower benchmark score isn't surprising. What I'm hoping to see is that, despite the lower performance, Firefox is still competitive with Chrome on power efficiency.

Pixel 4a 5G

(Full results with screenshots here.)

Browser Power consumption Speedometer average
Chrome 4.00% 4.02
Firefox 4.22% 4.72

This is a little shocking - Firefox is outright competitive with Chrome! Firefox is on average ~17% faster in Speedometer benchmarks while maintaining similar power consumption. That's great news if you're on a 4a 5G or another device that runs the Snapdragon 765G - you can base your choice on the browser's feature set instead of performance. That said, the Pixel 4a 5G is out of support, and it's possible that this trend won't hold with newer devices.

Speaking of...

Pixel 8 Pro

(Full results with screenshots here.)

Browser Power consumption Speedometer average
Chrome 0.38% 8.14
Firefox 1.38% 8.43

This is also surprising! Firefox performs similarly to Chrome... while consuming 3.6x the power in active use. That's... pretty bad.

It's unclear on the surface why there's such a large discrepancy here, but (baseless speculation alert) my best guess would be that Firefox just isn't well optimized for Tensor G3, or Chrome is VERY well optimized. Either way, the end result for Pixel 8/Pro users is that Chromium-based browsers are the obviously better choice.

What about [insert device here]?

This is where I need your help! That's right, YOU!

I don't have a wide variety of phones to test on, just my two Pixels. Notably, that means I haven't tested a single flagship Qualcomm chip. But you might be able to! The benchmark is open source, and I've tried to make it as easy as possible to run it yourself. If you do run the benchmark, please share! I've created a Github discussion where people can post their results.

Thanks for reading!

submitted 2 weeks ago by neme@lemm.ee to c/android@lemdro.id
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