[-] wim@lemmy.sdf.org 16 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

It's an NVIDIA specific term that is the abbreviation for GPU System Processor. It's a RISC-V core that does all sorts of management tasks on a modern Nvidia card, mostly related to task setup, resource allocation, context switching, adjusting clock speeds, etc.

[-] wim@lemmy.sdf.org 20 points 4 months ago

I don't mind this. It's unreasonable to expect them to provide a free service forever without any kind of monetization.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by wim@lemmy.sdf.org to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Hi all,

I'm in the market for a new big desktop replacement gaming laptop, and looking at the market there are almost exclusively Nvidia powered.

I was wondering about the state of their new open-source driver. Can I run a plain vanilla kernel with only open source / upstream packages and drivers and expect to get a good experience? How is battery life, performance? Does DRI Prime and Vulkan based GPU selection "just work"?

The only alternative new for my market is a device with an Intel Arc A730M, which I currently think is going to be the one I end up buying.

Edit 19/11: Thanks for all the feedback everyone! Since the reactions were quite mixed - "it works perfectly for me" vs "it's a unmaintainable mess that breaks all the time", I'm going to err on the side of caution and look elsewhere. I found a used laptop with an AMD Radeon RX 6700M, which I'm going to check out the coming days. If not, I've also found Alienware sells their m16 laptop with an RX 7600M XT, which might be a good buy for me (I currently still rock an Alienware 17R1 from 2013 with an MXM card from a decomissioned industrial computer in it).

[-] wim@lemmy.sdf.org 21 points 8 months ago

Given how little spotify gives to artists, I can't imagine this being a cost effective way to launder your money at all.

[-] wim@lemmy.sdf.org 37 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Everything is fine within the scope of a college course or project.

Where C++ breaks down is large, complicated projects where you colaborate with other developers over multiple years.

I worked in C++ for almost a decade, and while there were a few good projects I encountered, most suffered from one or more of the following problems:

  • C++ has so many parts, everyone picks a subset they think is "good", but noone seems to fully agree on what that subset is.
  • A side effect of the many possibilities C++ offers to compose or abstract your project is that it allows for developers to be "clever". However, this often results in code that is hard to maintain or understand, especially for other developers.
  • Good C++ is very hard. Not everyone is a C++ veteran that read dozens of books or has a robust body of knowledge on all its quirks and pitfalls, and those people are also often assigned to your project and contribute to it. I was certainly never an expert, despite a lot of time and effort spent learning and using C++.
[-] wim@lemmy.sdf.org 20 points 9 months ago

I've been using Firefox since it was called Phoenix. Mozilla, for all it's flaws, has been our first and only line of defense for an open web for so long.

[-] wim@lemmy.sdf.org 19 points 10 months ago

If you really need the scale of 2000 physical machines, you're at a scale and complexity level where it's going to be expensive no matter what.

And I think if you need that kind of resources, you'll still be cheaper of DIY.

[-] wim@lemmy.sdf.org 58 points 10 months ago

Got to agree with @Zushii@feddit.de here, although it depends on the scope of your service or project.

Cloud services are good at getting you up and running quickly, but they are very, very expensive to scale up.

I work for a financial services company, and we are paying 7 digit monthly AWS bills for an amount of work that could realistically be done with one really big dedicated server. And now we're required to support multiple cloud providers by some of our customers, we've spent a TON of effort trying to untangle from SQS/SNS and other AWS specific technologies.

Clouds like to tell you:

  • Using the cloud is cheaper than running your own server
  • Using cloud services requires less manpower / labour to maintain and manage
  • It's easier to get up and running and scale up later using cloud services

The last item is true, but the first two are only true if you are running a small service. Scaling up on a cloud is not cost effective, and maintaining a complicated cloud architecture can be FAR more complicated than managing a similar centralized architecture.

[-] wim@lemmy.sdf.org 16 points 10 months ago

Yes, because AI and automation will definitely not be on the side of big capital, right? Right?

Be real. The cost of building means they're always going to favour the wealthy. At best right now were running public copies of the older and smaller models. Local AI will always be running behind the state of the art big proprietary models, which will always be in the hands of the richest moguls and companies in the world.

[-] wim@lemmy.sdf.org 18 points 10 months ago

Surely Elon would prefer the old Lucid fork, https://www.xemacs.org/

[-] wim@lemmy.sdf.org 17 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

This article is trying to conflate two different things:

  • Anti trust regulation of big tech which is trying to reign in the power of these companies. This is happening everywhere - including the US, which is currently starting a big anti trust case against Alphabet. The same is happening in the EU and probably the UK.

  • The UK online safety bill trying to ban private and encrypted communication

These are not the same. Portraying them as two branches of the same tree, and the tech companies as upset bullies because someone is standing up to them is disengenious.

Of course they don't particularly like either, but most of them are threatening to leave over the online safety bill and the UK trying to puff its chest and show it can regulate these forces post brexit.

I don't see this going well for the UK honestly.

[-] wim@lemmy.sdf.org 18 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I'm not convinced. I think a lot more people are susceptible to getting distracted than there are susceptible to extreme acts of violence.

Your stated good use cases can easily be performed after/outside of classes. And I would say in this day and age should be part of assignments/homework/studying in high school level education to guide and educate young people in filtering, identifying and assessing source materials better. But that's asking a lot from teachers, who are not experts at this, either.

I don't see how any of this discussion relates to funding though.

[-] wim@lemmy.sdf.org 17 points 11 months ago

Vote with your wallet. I recently increased my monthly donation to Mozilla.

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