[-] webadict@lemmy.world 11 points 2 months ago

If he's so smart, why is he dead?

[-] webadict@lemmy.world 10 points 2 months ago

Is it actually incorrect? I don't think it's necessarily wrong, but it just sounds bizarre or Shakespearean if you use it when it's not an auxiliary verb.

"I've no need for that." is a perfectly cromulent sentence.

[-] webadict@lemmy.world 11 points 4 months ago

No there isn't. Anybody that young receiving hormonal treatments are recieving purbety blockers, which is a very legitimate medical use (for both cis and trans children) as early onset of puberty can have detrimental health effects. You would not receive hormones until you are mid-to-late teens, and have been undergoing other gender-confirming care up to that point. It takes a long time to get hormones.

If this was an American doctor, and you would like to make an accusation about a doctor that definitely didn't happen, you can absolutely report them to their state's medical board, but making fake accusations will get you sued, so have fun.

[-] webadict@lemmy.world 9 points 6 months ago

I love Lejolas and Jimli's gokes.

[-] webadict@lemmy.world 14 points 6 months ago

They didn't, otherwise there'd be one less, they'd be wider, flatter, and the tray picture wouldn't be from an amazon listing.

[-] webadict@lemmy.world 14 points 6 months ago

Not quite. Homeopathy is a medical belief structure consisting of certain practices that attempt to cure "like with like". It has shown no benefits over placebos or other medical treatments, and on certain occasions, has been shown to have serious consequences.

There are many parts to homeopathy that are widely criticized, such as "potentisation", a process of diluting a substance to such a degree that there contains little or none of the beginning ingredient. Additionally, since the goal is to treat symptoms by using like symptoms, the causes are never truly addressed, especially since the underlying philosophy of homeopathy is that the body can cure itself.

Thus, if you were helped by a homeopathic medicine, it was more than statistically likely a placebo effect. Please do not rely on homeopathy for medicine.

[-] webadict@lemmy.world 14 points 6 months ago

Because people other than the two arguing read that and learn things. If someone states factually wrong or hurtful information about, say, trans people, I would rather they be corrected than someone think that trans people are anything other than human beings being human beings from that prior comment.

[-] webadict@lemmy.world 13 points 7 months ago

Yes really. Your study suggests doing more studies, not that the effects were negative (because if they were, the conclusion would be no further studies.) At the end of the paper, it also pointed out newer studies not included in the 196 studies out of the 10,000 it pretends to have looked it that found the benefits did exist (nd even then, it really only looked at a couple dozen studies exhaustively).

The biases that your study shows are known, and fucking obvious to anyone that has talked to a trans person once in their lifetime: There aren't many long-term studies. This is due to obvious reasons, like discrimination, lack of support, and higher chance of being murdered, which most people don't want. The study also seemed to show that the bone density issue wasn't as pronounced as some nay-sayers seem to think, but they bury that in the data analysis and hide behind a more hardline in the synopsis. Additionally, you can't really do a randomized approach in this case because of fucking ethical concerns! Obviously!!! Randomly giving out hormones seems like a bad idea, both to people that want it and people that don't!

But, you don't really give a shit because you didn't read the study, and also you hate trans people, and that's what you actually care about.

[-] webadict@lemmy.world 12 points 7 months ago

Bethesda's goal, as usual, is rent-seeking. They can't penetrate more markets, so they need to make new ones, and what better way to do this then to hire what amounts to contractors doing gig work. They don't even have to pay them except in commission, which is a really scummy thing to do.

Some people see this as a way for mod-makers to make money, but mod-makers already have those! Every mod I've seen and every modder I've talked to has a donation link you can send money to, and the ones who didn't had organizations and charities you could send your money to instead.

[-] webadict@lemmy.world 10 points 10 months ago

Most people aren't trans, but anti-trans legislation still affects them. It doesn't really matter who it affects more, because it is meant as a culture war, but also as a hate tactic to bully people. How do you check that someone is transgender? You really can't. You could claim they are dressing a certain way that doesn't match. You could claim they look like they have more of a hormonal type. You could claim they are acting a way that doesn't match their assigned gender at birth.

But that's the point. You can pick and choose who to apply this to.

[-] webadict@lemmy.world 11 points 10 months ago

Ah yes, just like Martin Niemöller's poem:

First they came the trans people, and that was totally okay because there was less of them, so it never affected me.

[-] webadict@lemmy.world 13 points 10 months ago

He's the one that frosts the flakes.

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