[-] vlad76@lemmy.sdf.org 51 points 3 months ago
[-] vlad76@lemmy.sdf.org 93 points 3 months ago

We can close this thread now. The question has been answered.

[-] vlad76@lemmy.sdf.org 71 points 4 months ago

That's pretty funny. I'm sorry that it happened. But it's pretty funny that it did.

[-] vlad76@lemmy.sdf.org 52 points 6 months ago

I'm actually genuinely surprised that more people don't know about uBlock Origin.

[-] vlad76@lemmy.sdf.org 183 points 8 months ago

And that's exactly what people were worried might happen.

[-] vlad76@lemmy.sdf.org 144 points 9 months ago

I bet it'll last less time then the reddit standoff. But I do wish them all of the luck. Fuck Unity and their bullshit fees.

[-] vlad76@lemmy.sdf.org 92 points 10 months ago

This is exactly why the 1st amendment is so important.

[-] vlad76@lemmy.sdf.org 63 points 10 months ago

Do you guys think there's a part of him that realizes that people dislike him for a legitimate reason? I mean, he started out being the darling of the internet, when he was in the early stages with SpaceX and Tesla. His cult of personality was pretty large. Obviously he still has fanboys, but he has to realize that he ended up on the fringe, right? Right?

[-] vlad76@lemmy.sdf.org 209 points 10 months ago

XKCD is amazing.

[-] vlad76@lemmy.sdf.org 96 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The 98 year old editor of that newspaper died the day after the raid.

I understand that 98 is a bit of an extreme age, but I guarantee you that the stress of watching you constitutional rights being violated was the tipping point for this person's health. Imagine living for 98 years and some shit cop pushes you to your grave.

[-] vlad76@lemmy.sdf.org 48 points 10 months ago

Every time I see Chris Brown's name, I'm reminded that this piece of shit is still rich and famous. People are disappointing.

[-] vlad76@lemmy.sdf.org 65 points 10 months ago

I just recently learned what "scrum manager" is and it sounds like a cult of useless middle managers.

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