[-] vahtos@programming.dev 46 points 2 days ago

This is making me realize that I have never encountered this equivalent of a blue screen of death on Linux.

[-] vahtos@programming.dev 16 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Ubuntu/Canonical is the Microsoft of Linux distros. It's no surprise they were the choice for WSL.

Ubuntu has been forcing decisions on users and embedding advertisements for a long time.

Examples that immediately come to mind...

  • When that Amazon search was embedded into the app launcher search.
  • These sorts of self promotions.
  • Quietly installing snaps instead of debs when using apt install
[-] vahtos@programming.dev 38 points 1 month ago

Losing the Internet Archive would be a huge loss. Unfortunately, greedy companies don't want us to have nice things.

[-] vahtos@programming.dev 17 points 1 month ago

What changed? The new update?

[-] vahtos@programming.dev 263 points 2 months ago

It's so ridiculous that this isn't even brought up:

The Command you provided worked fine. Thank you so much for the help! Really appreciated! We are going to proceed to make a release today and test with customers. Will post the updates here.

Gotta love being a forced beta tester... I mean customer.

[-] vahtos@programming.dev 25 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Their CEO has gone out of his way to shit talk Linux multiple times on Twitter/X, spreading false information, he is also vehemently against doing the bare minimum to allow their games to work on Linux (enabling EAC support for proton in their games, which by their own words is just a checkbox). They also have no Linux support in their embarrassment of a launcher, which is why everyone recommends Heroic, even when using Windows because it actually has features.

A one time donation of what amounts to an insignificant rounding error for them to try to appease people unhappy with their stance on Linux does not mean they are not "against" Linux.

[-] vahtos@programming.dev 24 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Additionally, instead of actually trying to compete and gain users but making a platform that isn't trash, they insist on instead trying to trick users with temporary free game offers. And if that doesn't work, they try to strong arm users into going to their platform by buying exclusive sales rights to games, bringing exclusives to the PC gaming space.

Their CEO is a loud clown who is always spouting nonsense on Twitter. They buy games studios and rip their games off of the platform where users bought them (see Rocket League), and discontinue mac/Linux versions that were fully functional.

Their flagship game preys on children via micro transactions. They lack so many features on their platform that (I believe) they have endorsed using Steams community features for games bought on Epic.

I could probably go on, but I think that's probably sufficient.

[-] vahtos@programming.dev 23 points 5 months ago

I can't believe they didn't include the unit. Are we talking 6 small, medium, or large fries? There's variation on where you get them from too. That could be so many fries!


[-] vahtos@programming.dev 24 points 10 months ago

Russia says

So he's definitely (not) dead, right?

[-] vahtos@programming.dev 53 points 10 months ago

A cryptocurrency miner. It uses your computer to generate currency, which costs you resources (electricity, compute power, etc.).

[-] vahtos@programming.dev 14 points 11 months ago

I found this amusing enough to try it out. It does actually compile (I used g++ for this). However, the current implementation just goes into an infinite loop if you enter a number >= 2.

I think the original author meant to do n -= 1 rn in the tweakin loop that is inside the bussin loop. That way, at some point n % i finna cap will be false, and i will bouta. Which then makes the expression i <= n in the bussin loop eventually false, so we stop bussin and yeet cap rn.

However, that would mean that the intention of the program isn't to output prime factors, because even with this fix it does not do so. The structure of mf chief() also doesn't suggest that is the purpose as it is missing another tweakin and sussin like this example of calculating prime factors in C++.

Example run:

$ ./zpp.exe
Enter a number larger than 1: 50
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