[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 27 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Shit. Shit. Shit shit shit. I knew some asshole stunt like this would happen. I said it at the very beginning - trump will never pay for any of the despicable things he's done, and he'll never ever set foot in prison.

I do not know what sort of strings he has attached to other people's spines, I do not know what sort of tremendous fear they have of him or what strange powers he must have - but I knew, I KNEW some horseshit like this would come along and fuck up the whole fucking process.

THe judicial system in the U.S. is an utter piece of total crap.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 30 points 3 months ago

I think most of that is true, (born in 1959 myself), but I'm not remembering them being such happy days. Maybe less well informed days would be a better way to put it; before we had instant news of every bad thing happening, we lived in a kind of blissful ignorance.

Everyone on earth is racist, make no mistake. It's hardwired into our brains to see other certain groups of people as lesser or less deserving. Maybe it's a holdover from primitive times, we're not that far out from having been cave-people, maybe being tribal was a way of protecting ourselves. At any rate, everyone has some racism and/or phobia about others inside themselves.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 30 points 4 months ago

Yeah it's always the same. In Utah this past week, the passed a law to disallow trans people from using public bathrooms. I mean,t here's probably TWO trans people in the whole state. Now, one of the women on our Board of Education is in trouble for harrassing a student over possibly being trans (the student isn't trans, she just thought she might be).

What the FUCK is the problem? I've never seen trans people be a threat to ANYBODY ANYWHERE - yet, white moronic privileged idiots are threatening all of us with blocking all of our basic rights to exist. It seems to me the real threat to humanity is wherever bigoted white people gather together.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 26 points 4 months ago

This is heartening in some ways, at least it's good news for certain people in that area of the U.S. Here in Utah, tenants have NO rights, and they are told that whenever they sign a lease. There are no options for tenants to retalitate against anything a landlord decides to do.

Of course, almost 100% of our "esteemed" legislatures here are landlords, so they are the one who pass the laws. And in Utah, a landlord is allowed to enter your premises and abscond with any item of furniture or equipment they so desire (if they want your stereo, it's theirs) and there is nothing a tenant can do. Tenants aren't even allowed by law to contact a landlord's place of business, under penalty of fines and jail sentences.

Our legislatures are strengthening landlord laws this session, so things will only get worse and worse for renters here.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 34 points 6 months ago

In Utah, our legislature is so committed to rejecting the will of large government and their attempts to control what happens. And yet, the Utah legislature itself controls every single thing that happens in this state, and so long as everyone agrees with their ultra-conservative point of view, then everything is great in their view of things. So in the end, we end up being slaves to THEIR beliefs anyway, and the victim of their own form of big government interfering in everything in our lives here all the time.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 34 points 6 months ago

The last two steps are the easiest. And the most fun. And I know people think, if you eat ass you'll get some disease and get sick. Well I'm an old "apple polisher", and a case could be made that I'm a sick person (!) but, I have never had any problems from it. In fact in some ways, on some people, it's probably the cleanest part of the body. I have not ever experienced anything unpleasant about going down "down there."

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 34 points 7 months ago

My lifetime ban from Reddit (which resulted from saying that we need a more progressive political candidates in our country) was a badge of honor, proving my opinions to be correct and undigestible to fascists. So I had a medallion engraved with my date of expulsion which I keep in a place of honor over my fireplace.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 31 points 7 months ago

Stardew Valley expanded?? What is that? Is it something that is available to us long-term SV users? I bought Stardew Valley when it first came out and people looked at me like I was crazy for buying such an obviously casual and pixelated game.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 31 points 7 months ago

That's a fact of life here in Utah. Polls have shown most Utahns believe they are justified hitting or killing someone with their car, if that person is in the road (even in a crosswalk) and happens to impede their car. They truly believe this. Of course page one of our driving handbooks states "no matter the situation, pedestrians always have right of way over oncoming cars." This should be obvious to even the lowest grade moron, but I guess that explains why it's not obvious to Utahns - they get most of their information from supermarket tabloids and Fox news.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 31 points 7 months ago

Good to know. Shit, shit shit, shit! Hey you're right. This - this changes the whole game for me!

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 30 points 8 months ago

Love it. It's true - imagine all the time we spend on these social media sites that we could use for better purposes. Writing books, drawing, setting things on fire. All the wasted potential!

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 37 points 8 months ago

Thank God. Let's hope he doesn't win public office. The world can't survive any more fascist right wing nuts in office.

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