[-] trslim@pawb.social 8 points 1 day ago

Imagine if they made a survival game in Night City where you were homeless and had to get food, water, shelter, avoid gangs and police, and treating combat the way Tabletop does. Having it fast, brutal and very easy to die in.

[-] trslim@pawb.social 23 points 1 day ago

I really enjoyed Cyberpunk, but I dont think it did enough to make me hate corporations. I wanted to see them activily being terrible, but you mostly just hear about how bad they are and idk, they just weren't portrayed as villianously as I think the game wanted them to be. Adam Smasher was the only enemy that I like really wanted to get my hands on, and even that was because of Edgerunners.

I did start to notice things during gameplay, like how there arent any animals, save for a few cats, no birds, nothing like that.

Now when I finally to the dive into the tabletop lore, that was when I found all the henious shit that I wanted to. Multiple corporate wars, purposly getting people addicted to cyberware, overthrowing governments (hey Ive seen this one!) And all sort of just vile disgusting actions that make you want to be Johnny Silverhand. Actually made me sad we didnt blow up Arasaka HQ again. Or Millitech for that matter, theyre actually kind of worse imo.

[-] trslim@pawb.social 4 points 4 days ago

I am a Jedi, like my father before me you peice of shit.

[-] trslim@pawb.social 32 points 1 month ago

I can get a full, wellmade calzone and drink for 8.15 at a nearby pizza place. I got two small cheeseburges and a small fry for 10.00 at McDonald's. Ridiculous

submitted 2 months ago by trslim@pawb.social to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Hi, i am having a problem with my internet speeds. I should be getting 100mbps, but am only getting 50ish. I have a dual boot machine, Windows 10 on my ssd and MX Linux on my m.2

In Windows 10, my internet speed is a lot faster, but going to Linux, it just drops off. I use the same device, TP-Link Archer T3U Plus. Can anyone help me?

[-] trslim@pawb.social 20 points 3 months ago

I crave the certainty of PLASTIC

[-] trslim@pawb.social 28 points 3 months ago

Gen Z here. I have a house, (its small, i wouldn't want a bigger one, because there is no need for it,) a decent car, am married, dont have any debt other than a mortgage, and i can comfortably pay everything i need to now and save a bit for the future. Why would I want to work harder for a better car? I don't have a desire to show off or anything. Instead of working hard for someone else, I want to create things. Stories, games, art, I want to be creative, i dont want to work my ass of for someone else, doing menial labor.

Simcity 2000 feels. (pawb.social)
submitted 4 months ago by trslim@pawb.social to c/gaming@beehaw.org

I have been playing a lot of the DOS version of Simcity 2000 recently. I grew up with it on my windows 98 pc, so revisiting it was nice. There were a few thing I picked up on that I never realized when I was young.

1: The game, especially the soundtrack, reminds me of Blade Runner. It has the synthy jazz instrumentals that are melancholic, but also has that classic simcity cheer.

2: The game kind of has a dystopian feel to it, at least visually. The ground is brown, with only sparse trees filling the world, buildings are fairly realistic, with not many colors, outside of the luxury homes and the Arcos are very intimidating structures, like something out of Judge Dredd or, again, Blade Runner.

3: Omg, water sucks in this game xD.

Why does this game feel so moody, at least to me? It's also intensly funny, and I will never not laugh when 1700 llamas die in a plane crash.

[-] trslim@pawb.social 25 points 5 months ago

Its not about money. It's about power and control. Corpos only care about one thing, and thats power. What good is money if you can't use it to lord over someone?

[-] trslim@pawb.social 24 points 7 months ago

Its kind of silly, but VR. I like hanging out in vrchat with my internet friends and it makes me feel a lot closer to them. Even when we're just talking and goin to cool worlds.

[-] trslim@pawb.social 31 points 7 months ago

At least he cared about his fellow Americans.

[-] trslim@pawb.social 35 points 7 months ago

I dont even mind ads when its like one minute for 20 minutes of footage. Pluto TV is free to use and has commercial breaks but they never really bother me because they aren't that annoying and i get a lot of MST3K before I watch them. Youtube ad are cancer in comparison.

[-] trslim@pawb.social 27 points 8 months ago

Fear and Hunger man... that game is like a playable version of Berserk as a random person, rather than Guts.

[-] trslim@pawb.social 21 points 9 months ago

Lae'zel is my best friend. If anyone makes her sad, I will kill them.

Additionally, my favorite i interaction with her involved freeing the Drow Nere, who I then talked to. I was like, "Nere, you use slaves, thats terrible," and I saw a little 'Lae'zel disapproves' box. Nere was mouthy, then I responded, "You don't understand. You aren't leaving here alive." I then saw 'Lae'zel approves' immediately after. Best natural interaction ingame I've had.

Her trust bar is maxed out for me because if bad people give me shit, I tend to murder them enthusiastically, and when good people give me shit, I ignore them and tell them to go screw themselves. And hey, she's gone from evil crazed zealot to less-evil skeptic that loves me. She's my bestie 💓

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