[-] tr00st@lemmy.tr00st.co.uk 41 points 1 week ago

Accidentally hitting reply-to-all on a company wide email and more or less stating that I wanted to be transferred to another team.

There was a new team forming elsewhere, and in fairness, it was a great opportunity in a lot of ways. But... I didn't get the transfer until another batch of jobs opened a few months later.

That... was a long few months.

[-] tr00st@lemmy.tr00st.co.uk 5 points 10 months ago

I'd get in the car and start driving. I'd go and have the conversation I've been afraid to have for years

... or I'd be paralyzed with fear like I've been for the rest of my life.

... or if I'm being honest, I'd most likely grab a bottle of tequila, fall off the wagon, and find out what I actually want to do that way.

[-] tr00st@lemmy.tr00st.co.uk 2 points 11 months ago

About 15 years on, I'm still so happy I got good coursework marks for the route-finding equivalent of a bogosort. Picked a bunch of random routes and pick the fastest. Sure, that guy who set up a neural net to figure it out did well, but mine didn't take days of training, and still did about as well in the same sort of execution time.

[-] tr00st@lemmy.tr00st.co.uk 3 points 11 months ago

Glad someone made this point. My next printer will definitely be a tank printer. It's basically flipping the business proposal back to "pay for the printer up front" instead of "pay for the printer whenever you buy ink". My current printer was cheap enough that I basically spend enough on ink to buy a new printer every few years, given degradation of cartridges when they're left after opening.

[-] tr00st@lemmy.tr00st.co.uk 27 points 11 months ago

That's 102 stars more than my best... Nicely done :)

[-] tr00st@lemmy.tr00st.co.uk 3 points 1 year ago

The protocol would seem unlikely to satisfy the concept of "necessary". It's entirely possible for the protocol to be impossible to implement whilst not complying with GDPR. Might require the development of something more sharded - data pulling in real time, etc.

[-] tr00st@lemmy.tr00st.co.uk 2 points 1 year ago

An excellent choice of picture - many thanks.

[-] tr00st@lemmy.tr00st.co.uk 15 points 1 year ago

I'm too lazy to find a picture of a spider for this joke - this exercise is left for the reader.

[-] tr00st@lemmy.tr00st.co.uk 4 points 1 year ago

In the 13 years I've had a Reddit account, I made 40 comments, and 4 posts.

In the 15 days I've had a Lemmy account, I've made 28 comments and 1 post.

Now I wouldn't want to be one for extrapolating from data of different timescales, but...

[-] tr00st@lemmy.tr00st.co.uk 7 points 1 year ago

I, a real normal human person, would consume the turtle with my regular bone teeth, in the usual fashion.

[-] tr00st@lemmy.tr00st.co.uk 7 points 1 year ago

I really want the Vim/VS Code one - as someone who professionally devs in an MS stack, but would choose Vim as a primary text editor otherwise... it speaks to me deeply.


Summary first - I'm looking for software to use for web-controlled music playback. Main requirement is playback via a DAC on the hosting device and a half-decent UI for it (though streaming would be nice...).

Hardware-wise, I've currently got a Pi Zero W paired with a HiFiBerry DAC+ Zero, which has been fine for me quality-wise, routed as an aux input to an old HiFi. That, plus plenty of space elsewhere to host split apps - currently running Emby as a main streaming host for other media, and the media is just on a NAS pulling over NFS.

I've been using Volumio for a while, but have been frustrated with a few things (UI, playlist management, etc) so I'm looking for a change. Streaming from Emby/Jellyfin via DLNA looks like it might be a decent fallback, but I'm wondering if there are any nicer ways to handle it.

Any ideas? Open to switching a few bits of infrastructure around, of course :)

[-] tr00st@lemmy.tr00st.co.uk 2 points 1 year ago

I'll get QA to update the test plan

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