[-] thesmokingman@programming.dev 1 points 9 hours ago

The baseline cloud certs should be much cheaper. AWS Associate tiers are something like 150/test.

You might also have luck with the big consulting companies. NTT, Slalom, Accenture, stuff like that. Might be less permanent but will pay pretty well.

If you are able to find a US govt job and can make it through the whatever period you need to be a contractor until you get hired on as a federal employee, this should cover you. I have a contact in a similar situation except cluster headaches. It’s going to pay less than private sector and you might have to learn some new skills for the right role. IIRC Softrams just landed a huge federal contract and hires warm bodies; might be a great place to start.

I’ve got a lot of contacts on the market right now struggling to land a gig that wouldn’t have struggled a few years ago. Do you have DevOps skills? Any security qualifications? Get both. Are you working on certs? Do some. Have you hired a resume service? Do so. The last two are things I normally think are kinda bullshit but they are edges that seem to matter right now.

As for a recruiting firm, I feel like all the good recruiters I’ve worked with would have advocated for me. That’s a total fucking crapshoot tho. I’ve worked with plenty that have shafted me. I don’t think there’s a specific firm for this problem.

[-] thesmokingman@programming.dev 7 points 2 days ago

The only feature that vanilla Make doesn’t have over this is solid Windows support.

I’ve evaluated a ton of these tools for CI/CD processes and common task management. So far I have found that Make is the best solution for task management unless you need strong Windows support. If you want to go crazy, you can use Autotools but that’s really only for builds not tasks. I get it; it’s cool to reinvent the wheel with a new feature that makes one thing a little bit easier.

[-] thesmokingman@programming.dev 13 points 5 days ago

I can’t find this being a problem. What circles do you move in where “jerk” is a problematic word?

[-] thesmokingman@programming.dev 56 points 3 weeks ago

It’s P2W. There’s absolutely no way their grind example is actually achievable by a casual player.

[-] thesmokingman@programming.dev 60 points 1 month ago

Here is what I get when I complete the search.

And here’s what I get when I intentionally change the units. Notice the color difference?

[-] thesmokingman@programming.dev 91 points 3 months ago

Absolutes in programming tend to lead to bad designs. This is more a “I’m gonna stir up some shit on Twitter” post than real wisdom.

  • No microservices usually leads to bloated, tightly coupled logic that ignores business domains
  • No monoliths usually leads to sprawling microservice deployments with tightly coupled dependencies and flavor-of-the-week new ones
  • No Kubernetes usually leads to VPS pets or crazy obstacle courses trying to get SSL termination without a million fucking dependencies in a cloud container orchestration system that isn’t as good as Kubernetes
  • All Kubernetes usually leads to huge SRE costs for a tiny app

The same shit happened last summer when AWS came out with their “we dropped microservices for a monolith and look at our speed increase” article which ignored good design principles. Sometimes you should split things over business domains so you can deploy and code independently. Sometimes Kubernetes is the best way to handle your scale needs. The stories we normally read are about people doing it wrong (eg AWS making a bunch of microservices inside a domain sending fucking gigs of data between what should have been functions in a single service). Inexperienced folks don’t always know when to move from their minimum viable solution to something that can scale. That doesn’t mean you remove these things, it means you train on when you need them.

Should we abandon design patterns because singletons or flywheels aren’t the correct solution all of the time?

[-] thesmokingman@programming.dev 65 points 4 months ago

That’s how little they got‽ Holy shit. That’s the steal of the fucking century for all that content. Reddit clearly puts the same stock in its negotiators as it does its 3rd party ecosystem. Anyone who values them more than maybe 2x this price for their IPO is a fucking idiot. Forget Trump’s Art of the Deal. spez needs to write a book.

[-] thesmokingman@programming.dev 92 points 6 months ago

This is known as revenge bedtime procrastination and capitalism plays a huge role in it.

[-] thesmokingman@programming.dev 87 points 6 months ago

Nintendo does not sell hardware at a loss and, IIRC, has done so since the Wii. It was a huge deal back when they said they were going to make a profit off the hardware. Given how abysmally the Wii U did, I’m struggling to find coverage of that from 15yr ago that I only vaguely remember. However, that’s been a major point from Nintendo since the Wii, so it’s ridiculous that Epic wouldn’t know that and is clearly just an attack on Google (please don’t read that as me supporting Google or Epic).

[-] thesmokingman@programming.dev 58 points 9 months ago

This is more a Chromium vulnerability than a GPU vulnerability. Firefox and Safari aren’t vulnerable.

[-] thesmokingman@programming.dev 59 points 10 months ago

This is a driving factor in a majority of Star Trek fiction.

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