[-] thesanewriter@vlemmy.net 12 points 11 months ago

Now that's exciting, I'm looking forward to seeing the finished app

[-] thesanewriter@vlemmy.net 3 points 11 months ago

That's purposeful I think. The difference between men and women's glasses is fairly subtle, but I have definitely noticed that men's glasses lend a more masculine look to someone and women's glasses lend a more feminine look to someone.

[-] thesanewriter@vlemmy.net 7 points 11 months ago

I wash my coat from time to time because I consider and have considered it to be part of my wardrobe. For my belt, I suppose I kinda just considered it as an accessory and it never occurred to me to clean it.

[-] thesanewriter@vlemmy.net 9 points 11 months ago

I have some clothes that fit well enough that I don't need a belt in order for them to stay up. I do use a belt for some of my clothes though.

[-] thesanewriter@vlemmy.net 3 points 11 months ago

In most cases the creator doesn't hold the IP anymore, they signed it over to the platform. I don't think it's cool to pirate indy games when you can afford them because in that case the money is genuinely being withheld from the content creator, but in a lot of cases depriving Amazon of $5 for a TV show isn't going to impact anyone.

[-] thesanewriter@vlemmy.net 6 points 11 months ago

Agreed. I'm under no delusions, when I pirate media I'm stealing. I personally don't believe it's immoral to steal from super corporations, especially considering how much they steal from us, but some people disagree and with these types of moral arguments there isn't a clear right answer. Even still, I think the majority of pirates are willing to pay for software or media when the service is priced well and more convenient than piracy.

[-] thesanewriter@vlemmy.net 6 points 11 months ago

Yeah, this happens a lot, especially when I'm tired. Luckily, I usually leave cues for myself so that I remember what I was doing.

[-] thesanewriter@vlemmy.net 5 points 1 year ago

I think it's really cool here. The people have been mostly friendly, the communities I'm following are decently active, and new features are being added every day. I honestly have very few complaints.

[-] thesanewriter@vlemmy.net 12 points 1 year ago

I'll be honest, I own so many games from the last sale that I'm probably going to sit this one out. I have something like 140 games, and of those the majority are on my backlog, so I won't be running out any time soon.

[-] thesanewriter@vlemmy.net 12 points 1 year ago

I use Mullvad. They have you buy time upfront at a fixed price, have lots of payment options, and at one point were subpoenaed and proved to the Swedish government they don't store any user data and therefore have nothing to turn over. They have a nice app too, I like them.

[-] thesanewriter@vlemmy.net 2 points 1 year ago

Reddit isn't going to win or lose, it already lost. It has never been profitable, has been outcompeted by Instagram and TikTok, and was already showing signs of failure. The one thing that they had going for them was their relationship with the community, and they couldn't even maintain that. At this point Reddit is a sinking ship, average people will move on to the next big thing and the power users will move to other places they can get their content seen, and Reddit may not be in the grave but they've already dug it and they are on the edge.

[-] thesanewriter@vlemmy.net 10 points 1 year ago

It's honestly hilarious Reddit bungled this so badly as to upset everyone. Ah well, at least with this digital piracy community I can rest assured a corporation isn't censoring discourse.

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