[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space -1 points 4 days ago

Yeah, we don't need higher education, just low skilled workers. That'll sort things out. /s

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 148 points 1 month ago

This is even more concerning when you look at some of the motivations: "The bill was largely spurred by recent protests on university and college campuses across the country, including North Carolina-based schools, against the war in Gaza."

this is about control, fascism. historically student protests are the canary in the coal mine on a number of issues. powers that be are looking to stamp out any dissent going forward.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 71 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

'Outrage' aside, the actions of these religious fanatics that 'settle' on stolen lands is not at all new or surprising. They can be described as terrorists as much as any other group.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 76 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Forced Arbitration Skyrockets. Need to ban this shit.

Some irony as NYT did a big investigation back in 2015: In Arbitration, a 'Privatization of the Justice System'

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 145 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Reddit/Stack/AI are the latest examples of an economic system where a few people monetize and get wealthy using the output of the very many.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 139 points 1 month ago

Friendly reminder that Judge Aileen Cannon was a Trump appointee. So much for proving the critics wrong.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 76 points 2 months ago

Move fast, break shit. Fake it till you sell it, then move the goal posts down. Shift human casualties onto individual responsibility, a core libertarian theme. Profit off the lies because it's too late, money already in the bank.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 53 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

This is just an example of the AI-shitshow to come, both in and out of politics. You don't even necessarily have to get away with it, disruptions alone will wreak havoc.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 61 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

So the human shills that already destroyed good faith in forums and online communities over time are now being fully outsourced to AI. Amazon itself a prime source of enshittification. From fake reviews to everyone with a webpage having affiliate links trying to sell you some shit or other. Including news outlets. Turned everyone into a salesperson.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 55 points 2 months ago

Less billionaires, corporations and hedge funds involved in higher education would actually be a turn for the better.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 51 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Microsoft, an early example of enshittification. I read about the pay-to-play nickel and diming of security logs to cloud providers. Logs which would help identify intrusions. Theres just been so many examples of security failuers that highlight the company knows its embedded status within the US govt, and knows it can do less for more.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 65 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Never underestimate the ability of banking and finance to invent new financial products and then tell you how it's beneficial for everyone. (See financial crisis and derivatives for good example of this money making house of cards)

Thank goodness for polits like Warren, a regular target of repubs and wealthy individuals, greedy corps and crypto bros.

*As others pointed, like many other polits, Warren too should be called out for insider-trading. We need less cheerleading and greater accountability. Thank you folks for educating me on this.

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