[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 7 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

This is frightening, dystopian stuff, and i don't understand how police and govt allow for this.

"Known as the Hate Crime Working Group and formed in 2019, it is composed of nearly two dozen Crown prosecutors, some of whose public comments show pro-Israel and anti-Palestinian bias.

The committee’s chair has said she is “committed” to the state of Israel, while another member described a pro-Palestinian activist as a “terrorist” and collaborated with a group of lawyers that aggressively defend Israel’s assault on Gaza, which has killed 38,000 Palestinians.

In one case from 2021, involving a protest in front of the Israeli consulate of Toronto, the Hate Crime Working Group’s prosecutors had greater access to the consulate’s staff than the police. ... The Hate Crime Working Group is shrouded in secrecy. In the Crown Prosecution Manual published by the Attorney General’s office to explain the criminal process, there is no mention of its existence. ... A direct line to Israeli consulate

Even before the recent uptick of public mobilization opposing Israel’s treatment of Palestinian, the Hate Crime Working Group has intervened in cases of solidarity activism. In 2021, David Mivasair, a rabbi and member of Independent Jewish Voices, was charged with mischief for pouring red paint on the steps of the Israeli consulate in Toronto.

But its treatment by the Crown was highly unusual. Two high ranking prosecutors—Rochelle Direnfield and Kim Motyl, another member at the time of the Hate Crime Working Group—were assigned to the case and it was dragged out for many months."

Mossad being involved would not surprise me at this point, that includes his 'suicide'.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 0 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Nothing dumb about it, it's actually quite on point. They didn't mention price points or comparing speakers, but that the actual sounds heard from any speakers in a room depends greatly on room treatment (things like reflections, absorption, standing waves). This is where good usage of dsp room correction can help, along with rugs.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 1 points 2 days ago

The younger kids are using it as well, it's a problem starting at an earlier age. I don't see how chat gtp is gonna help those kids learn. AI sellers want us to think differently. But like silicon valley, their kids are not gonna be using it. Sell it to the poor schools as the future!

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space -1 points 2 days ago

Yeah, we don't need higher education, just low skilled workers. That'll sort things out. /s

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 1 points 2 days ago

But over time looks like the snake eating it's own tail as AI iterates over everything. Someone will have to create fuzzy AI to dilute the writing down.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 5 points 2 days ago

https://democracyjournal.org/arguments/the-untold-history-of-charter-schools/ ... In the 1970s, deregulation was the name of the game. Efforts to deregulate major sectors of government took root under Ford and Carter, and continued to escalate throughout the 1980s under Reagan. From banking and energy to airlines and transportation, liberals and conservatives both worked to promote deregulatory initiatives spanning vast sectors of public policy. Schools were not immune. Since at least the late 1970s, political leaders in Minnesota had been discussing ways to reduce direct public control of schools. A private school voucher bill died in the Minnesota legislature in 1977, and Minnesota’s Republican governor Al Quie, elected in 1979, was a vocal advocate for school choice. Two prominent organizations were critical in advancing school deregulation in the state. One was the Minnesota Business Partnership, comprised of CEOs from the state’s largest private corporations; another was the Citizens League, a powerful, centrist Twin Cities policy group. When the League spoke, the legislature listened—and often enacted its proposals into law. In 1982 the Citizens League issued a report endorsing private school vouchers on the grounds that consumer choice could foster competition and improvement without increasing state spending, and backed a voucher bill in the legislature in 1983. The Business Partnership published its own report in 1984 calling for “profound structural change” in schooling, with recommendations for increased choice, deregulation, statewide testing, and accountability. The organized CEOs would play a major role throughout the 1980s lobbying for K-12 reform, as part of a broader agenda to limit taxes and state spending. ...

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 30 points 2 days ago* (last edited 9 hours ago)

Yeah, it's a marketing thing, with some tax loophole type stuff. Charters were pushed by people looking to privatize and destroy public education. Mostly conservatives and neoliberals.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 12 points 4 days ago

Just reminding folks that just because it's flatpak'd, doesn't mean it's sandboxed. But they probably should add some general click here for more info.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 20 points 4 days ago

This is something hopeful, I applaud them 🙏 👏

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 10 points 4 days ago

Yeah, but it's something that wasn't there before so it matters. Current and past gens have fucked it ALL up so these kids are part of something positive. And future lies with them.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 10 points 4 days ago

Greece had been effed since the austerity economics were placed on them due to the great big financial crisis where boys were declared to be too big to fail. Remember only regular working people are allowed to fail.


Spain has refused permission for a ship carrying arms to Israel to dock at a Spanish port, its foreign minister, José Manuel Albares, said on Thursday.

“This is the first time we have done this because it is the first time we have detected a ship carrying a shipment of arms to Israel that wants to call at a Spanish port,” he told reporters in Brussels.

“This will be a consistent policy with any ship carrying arms to Israel that wants to call at Spanish ports. The foreign ministry will systematically reject such stopovers for one obvious reason: the Middle East does not need more weapons, it needs more peace.”

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by tearsintherain@leminal.space to c/world@lemmy.world

Feb. 2023 New Yorker profile unknowingly giving a prelude of what was to come.

...Ben-Gvir, who entered parliament in 2021, leads a far-right party called Otzma Yehudit, or Jewish Power. His role model and ideological wellspring has long been Meir Kahane, a Brooklyn rabbi who moved to Israel in 1971 and, during a single term in the Knesset, tested the moral limits of the country. Israeli politicians strive to reconcile Israel’s identities as a Jewish state and a democracy. Kahane argued that “the idea of a democratic Jewish state is nonsense.” In his view, demographic trends would inevitably turn Israel’s non-Jews into a majority, and so the ideal solution was “the immediate transfer of the Arabs.” To Kahane, Arabs were “dogs” who “must sit quietly or get the hell out.” His rhetoric was so virulent that lawmakers from both sides of the aisle used to walk out of the Knesset when he spoke. His party, Kach (Thus), was finally barred from parliament in 1988. Jewish Power is an ideological offshoot of Kach; Ben-Gvir served as a Kach youth leader and has called Kahane a “saint.”

Ben-Gvir, who is forty-six, has been convicted on at least eight charges, including supporting a terrorist organization and incitement to racism, compiling a criminal record so long that, when he appeared before a judge, “we had to change the ink on the printer,” Dvir Kariv, a former official in the Shin Bet intelligence agency, told me. As recently as last October, Netanyahu refused to share a stage with him, or even to be seen with him in photographs. But a series of disappointing elections persuaded Netanyahu to change his mind. ...

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by tearsintherain@leminal.space to c/news@lemmy.world

He wrote that the justifications for Israel’s war in Gaza became “difficult to defend” and that “whatever the justification you’re either advancing a policy that enables the mass starvation of children, or you’re not.” The post received an outpouring of support with hundreds of likes and comments in just a few hours. ...

In his letter, Mann also says that he’s the descendant of European Jews and “was raised in a particularly unforgiving moral environment.”

“When it came to the topic of bearing responsibility for ethnic cleansing — my grandfather refused to ever purchase products manufactured in Germany — where the paramount importance of ‘never again’ and the inadequacy of ‘just following orders’ were oft repeated. I’m haunted by the knowledge that I failed those principles,” Mann wrote.

Mann went on to say that he held off sharing the reason for his resignation because he was afraid of violating professional norms and disappointing officers that he respects.


Video of the incident on Monday at Tarqumiya checkpoint, west of Hebron in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, showed settlers blocking the trucks and throwing boxes of much-needed supplies on the ground. Photographs from the scene showed piles of damaged aid packages and drifts of rice and flour across the road.

Late on Monday, photos began circulating on social media showing the trucks on fire.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by tearsintherain@leminal.space to c/news@lemmy.world

.... In the previously unreported civil rights complaint, 18 students said that they have “been the target of extreme anti-Palestinian and anti-Arab harassment and discrimination by fellow UMass students, including receiving racial slurs, death threats and in one instance, actually being assaulted.” The result, the students said, was a hostile environment for all Arab and Palestinian students, those perceived to be Palestinian, and their allies on campus. Among the most chilling allegations involves a student yelling “kill all Arabs” at fellow students protesting Israel’s war on Gaza.

... The student, whose name is redacted in the copy of the complaint reviewed by The Intercept, also allegedly attempted to intimidate an elderly woman among other people, “while also being extremely racist towards Arabs and Palestinians, stating ‘level Gaza’ and ‘Kill all Arabs.’”

The complainants also report receiving vicious messages and threats online, also allegedly by a student and student-run accounts with names like “@amherstzionwarroom, @UMass_amherst_sjp_watch, @UMass_amherst_zionists and @UMass_zionists.”

Some of the posts called the students “classic Islamic barbarism supporters [who] love raping and killing,” and “genocidal barbarian baby decapitator supporters.” One account, named “palisranimals,” reportedly targeted two students, making comments like “where is the best beach in Gaza to build a house next to?! I’ve heard Pali bones make great foundation!” and “every ‘Palestinian’ child in Gaza is actually a terrorist.”

“These accounts would target SJP students and comment on their meeting times, eventually bragged about the doxing on Canary Mission,” reads the complaint, referring to a website that targets and doxxes students and professors who criticize the Israeli government.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by tearsintherain@leminal.space to c/technology@lemmy.world

Reddit, AI spam bots explore new ways to show ads in your feed

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"We highly recommend only mentioning the brand name of your product since mentioning links in posts makes the post more likely to be reported as spam and hidden. We find that humans don't usually type out full URLs in natural conversation and plus, most Internet users are happy to do a quick Google Search," ReplyGuy's website reads.

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