[-] synapse1278@lemmy.world 2 points 2 hours ago

It's friendly, but doesn't always accept to pet.

[-] synapse1278@lemmy.world 6 points 3 hours ago

Here is our local U-Bahn Katze

[-] synapse1278@lemmy.world 72 points 1 day ago

GrapheneOS FTW

[-] synapse1278@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago

Isn't GitHub already blocked in China?

[-] synapse1278@lemmy.world 26 points 4 days ago

Parisian Franch sounds pompous and snobbish to other French. Although, it really depends which accent you're talking about, there are several distinct accents coexisting in Paris nowadays.

Anyway, I really respect the effort of Quebec to keep inventing new French works.

[-] synapse1278@lemmy.world 11 points 5 days ago

The cats at my parents home have a portion "RECEIVING PET" that is at least as big as the "SLEEP", they will never get tired of pet and cuddles.

[-] synapse1278@lemmy.world 24 points 6 days ago

I visited Kraków recently, it was very nice :)

Real photo of the Wieliczka salt mine:

[-] synapse1278@lemmy.world 106 points 1 week ago

RISC-V (pronounced risk five), is a Free open-source Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). Other well established ISA like x86, amd64 (Intel and AMD) and ARM, are proprietary and therefore, one must pay every expensive licenses to design and build a processor using these architectures. You don't need to pay a license to build a RISC-V processor, you only need to follow the specifications. That doesn't mean the CPU design is also free, no, they stay very much the closed property of the designer, but RISC-V represents non the less, a very big step towards more transparency and technology freedom.


Hello ! I have a custom build NAS currently using 4x6TB hard drives in RAID10. I am looking for a capacity upgrade. My main focus are low power consumption and low noise (the NAS is in my living room / home office).

I can't seem to find any 5400RPM HDD over 8TB in capacity anywhere. Is there any model with 10, 12 or more TB in existence ? If not, what could be the reasons ?

[-] synapse1278@lemmy.world 76 points 4 months ago

They still get 2 days of home office then! /s

[-] synapse1278@lemmy.world 76 points 6 months ago

This bagette doesn't look lovely nor fresh

[-] synapse1278@lemmy.world 77 points 7 months ago

USA citizen having no clue about the existence of manual gear-box in vehicles, probably.

submitted 8 months ago by synapse1278@lemmy.world to c/til@lemmy.world

I had lost hope with my electric cooking plates. The white circles where completely hidden under a layer of diamond-grade burn residue that no amount of scrubbing with chemicals could even begin to remove. I found this 3€ scrapping tool and it's amazing !!! Sorry, but I don't have the before picture, believe me after 6 years of usage, it was bad.

[-] synapse1278@lemmy.world 265 points 8 months ago

And now for the secret ingredient... fear.

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