I've had my current laptop (dell g5 15, 9th gen i7, 1660ti, 16gb RAM) for 6 years now, and its great for running every game aside from cp2077 at med-high graphics, 60fps smoothly. its on its on its way out though (mostly the issue is cp2077, brings it to its knees, 50fps on low at best)

either way, looking to build something that can do the same as this thing did but at 1440p 120+ fps. what sort of budget will I need for that?

tldr: how much would it cost to build a PC that can run 1440p 120+ fps high settings for the next 5 or so years. ty all :)

[-] strawberry@artemis.camp 13 points 8 months ago

download in a non proprietary format

Spotify let's you download, but that doesn't mean shit, because its unplayable without a premium subscription

[-] strawberry@artemis.camp 13 points 9 months ago

and that's why I dont want to buy a modern car (2010+)

too much going on. old cars are so much simpler. what's the ac set to? cold. Bluetooth? cables are so much more reliable

[-] strawberry@artemis.camp 13 points 9 months ago

oh well. fuck the corpos

submitted 9 months ago by strawberry@artemis.camp to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

Ive opened user.js and set browser.startup.page to 3. according to the gui that should resume previous session (0=blank, 1=home, 2=last visited page, 3=resume previous session)

It does say, however, that "Session Restore is cleared with history (2811), and not used in Private Browsing mode", so I set user_pref("privacy.clearOnShutdown.sessions", false); // [DEFAULT: true] to false, but still it opens to a new tab.

other issues: ff opens windowed, and Enhanced Tracking Protection settings dont save (I changed it to block all cross site cookies)

help appreciated :)

submitted 9 months ago by strawberry@artemis.camp to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

or can I just use the desktop one somehow

[-] strawberry@artemis.camp 10 points 9 months ago

shit that would be breaking news if only 95% of it was wet lol

[-] strawberry@artemis.camp 11 points 9 months ago

literally anything. call me whatever u feel like

submitted 9 months ago by strawberry@artemis.camp to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

using mull rn, wondering if y'all recconend something different. nothing really wrong with mull, but maybe there's a better alternative. privacyguides.org reccomends brave, but a. I font like the CEO and b. I'm hesitant to use chromium

[-] strawberry@artemis.camp 11 points 9 months ago

glad to hear you're doing better :)

[-] strawberry@artemis.camp 84 points 9 months ago

"according to our extensive research, when we multiplied how much we like you by fuckall, you owe us 20000"

submitted 9 months ago by strawberry@artemis.camp to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

I currently use OpenBoard with gestures, and now all that I'm missing is an emoji search system. I don't like having to just scroll through emojis to find the one I want. any forks that include that? not a deal breaker, just a neat feature


Says "Please type in the domain into the input field below that will be used for Nextcloud in order to create a new AIO instance."

I dont wanna unnecessarily spend money

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by strawberry@artemis.camp to c/privacyguides@lemmy.one

when not connected, i get 400mbps. connected to mullvad, i only get 150mbps

the server isnt very far from me physically (sub 100miles) and says it can support 1gbps. any way to fix or is this just an inherent flaw with vpns? using wireguard

on windows 11

[-] strawberry@artemis.camp 21 points 10 months ago

nice ass makes up for lack of boobs, can't be done the other way around

[-] strawberry@artemis.camp 18 points 10 months ago

I'm working on it

[-] strawberry@artemis.camp 11 points 10 months ago

you ever notice how old tech often proves to be amazing once we make advancements in it?

[-] strawberry@artemis.camp 10 points 10 months ago

can't rely on things that don't exist

[-] strawberry@artemis.camp 42 points 10 months ago

what the fuck was he thinking with the rebrand? not only did he throw all of the brand identity that twitter had, x. com and especially x premium don't exactly sound like social media sites if y'all get what im sayin

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