[-] starlord@lemm.ee 17 points 1 week ago

Pushed to prod

submitted 2 weeks ago by starlord@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml
[-] starlord@lemm.ee 52 points 2 weeks ago

Nobody wants to work any more

Free Dice Roller (git.starlord.zip)
submitted 3 weeks ago by starlord@lemm.ee to c/tabletop@beehaw.org

cross-posted from: https://lemm.ee/post/33546668

I have created a free tool for players to roll dice, saving the history of all rolls, and requiring no login: simply pass a unique URL back and forth between players as rolls are made.

You can start with the empty page here, or take a look at the code to make it yourself (it's simple HTML with a tiny bit of JavaScript).

Free Dice Roller (git.starlord.zip)
submitted 3 weeks ago by starlord@lemm.ee to c/rpg_tools@lemmy.world

I have created a free tool for players to roll dice, saving the history of all rolls, and requiring no login: simply pass a unique URL back and forth between players as rolls are made.

You can start with the empty page here, or take a look at the code to make it yourself (it's simple HTML with a tiny bit of JavaScript).

[-] starlord@lemm.ee 9 points 2 months ago

Never mind; username explains.

[-] starlord@lemm.ee 9 points 2 months ago

I was first imagining being in the same era and happening upon one as one would a deer in the words.

You first imagined cruelty and elitism. Why it's that?

submitted 2 months ago by starlord@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml


submitted 2 months ago by starlord@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I'm looking for recommendations for an Android app to track and report GPS-type data (if such an app exists). Specifically, I'm hoping to be able to extract stops, origin/destination, roads/route traveled, and speed information.

Two use cases:

  1. Friend does an ad-hoc delivery service where requests are phoned in when they're needed rather than scheduled ahead of time. The ability to see where they started, where they went, and what roads/distance they traveled as they scurry about all day without having to enter it all manually into a map program later on would be invaluable to calculating expenses.
  2. Same friend was pulled over, while I was also in the vehicle, for speeding but was definitely not exceeding the speed limit. I would've loved to be able to pull up some GPS data that said what speed we were going at the time on the road in question.
[-] starlord@lemm.ee 17 points 2 months ago

People think motivation comes before action, but it is actually the reverse. You have to decide (not be motivated) to act, and the motivation will follow.

submitted 2 months ago by starlord@lemm.ee to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

Is there a way to specify where photos are saved? I don't see an option in the settings menu and it seems to be defaulted to (Android) Internal/Pictures/

Play GB games (lemm.ee)
submitted 2 months ago by starlord@lemm.ee to c/retrogaming@lemmy.world

So I have these old, original Game Boy (like, the grey one with the maroon buttons) games I wanna play again (original Pokemon Blue). What can I get to do so?

I bought a GB on eBay but the screen was barely visible. I'm comfortable partially building/programming something myself, and would also be fine with an adapter or some such that allows me to play the cartridge or copy its contents so I can play on my laptop or Raspberry Pi or whatever.

Suggestions sought!

[-] starlord@lemm.ee 7 points 2 months ago


[-] starlord@lemm.ee 67 points 2 months ago

This isn't already a right?

submitted 4 months ago by starlord@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I'm trying to figure out what's happening to me and I'm not sure where to look.

For the last several years, whenever I listen to silence-filling noise (white, brown, pink, etc.) I tend to hear additional sounds. It's like having your radio tuned to a MHz that's just off a tiny bit, so you hear static but there's just a slight edge of voices or something that you can't quite make out but is definitely there. Sometimes, instead of voices, it's also patterns in the noise or various pitches.

It happens in a variety of situations, like Youtube videos, audio tracks from meditation apps and noise generators, and even devices that have no audio input or antenna and are specifically for noise as you'd find in the waiting room of a massage clinic. It even happens when it's a completely benign source like an air fan. And the sounds I hear match the volume of the source.

Do I have superpowers? A brain tumor? Am I just sensitive to imperfect wave form generation? Am I part-dog? Have I done damage to myself from listening to Metallica way too loud for too many years?

Where do I start looking into this? Does anyone have any possible explanations for what I'm experiencing that might lead me in the right direction?

submitted 4 months ago by starlord@lemm.ee to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

Looking for recommendations on how to SMS from a computer, á la Pushbullet or some such. Currently using Google Messages with companion desktop/web app and love the experience, but am on a de-Googling quest and looking for alternatives.

Prefer FOSS options (love the Fossify stuff, for example) but an willing to pay a slight premium if required. Would like solution to be compatible with any web browser and Windows but Linux (Mint) would work, too.

Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance!

submitted 5 months ago by starlord@lemm.ee to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

Has anyone heard of this AppCrypt by Cisdem? I'm normally wary of things not FOSS and I couldn't find much information about the app or the company.

I like that I can require authentication (screen unlock) for certain apps on my phone, so I can hand it to my kids and know they aren't opening my work email, etc. I'd like to be able to do that for my desktop as well.

submitted 6 months ago by starlord@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I am looking for a recording tool/app (preferably for Android) which would allow me to start recording a video and have that video saved to the cloud as I record it. I already have several ways to automatically upload video files to the could once the recording has ended and the file is saved to the device. I want something that will save a video in progress to the cloud as I record it.

An example use-case would be an activist filming coverage of an event where the device is accidentally destroyed or confiscated by authorities mid-stream/record. The ability to go and find what was recorded before it has to be completed, saved, and then uploaded is extremely valuable to me. The upload to cloud option is, of course, in case access the device can not be restored; I'd like to go find what was captured up until the moment of disruption from any device so long as I have the credentials.

I avoid mainstream services like YouTube and Facebook but will use them if I must, preferring FOSS, decentralized, privacy respecting, etc. options where possible.

Any suggestions are much appreciated!

submitted 6 months ago by starlord@lemm.ee to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

Question for the group on a problem I'm trying to solve: How can I block internet access for some apps on standard, OOTB Android?

My current set-up is to use Proton VPN with the Android settings "Always-on VPN" and "Block connections without VPN" and then use Proton VPN's Split-tunneling to exclude certain apps from using the VPN. This has the desired effect of blocking certain apps from having access to the internet.

However, I now find that I need to use certain Apps without the VPN but with internet access. In the past, I'd used something like NetGuard to control which apps have internet access, but, as Android only allows one VPN slot, this would require me to swap out Proton VPN.

So my problem statement: I'd like to be able to continue to use Proton VPN, exclude some apps from using that VPN but still have access to the internet, and block still other apps from the internet entirely. I'm struggling to find a way to do this.

Any suggestions are welcome!

[-] starlord@lemm.ee 273 points 7 months ago

Couldn't you just pay them enough so that they don't need a second job?

[-] starlord@lemm.ee 11 points 8 months ago

Obsidian is really great but I can't recommend Standard Notes enough; it is my Google Keep replacement and has served me well.

[-] starlord@lemm.ee 14 points 8 months ago

Going in-patient saved my life, but it did not cure it. It armed me for the war I would fight with myself on the path to healing, but did little to support it long-term. It is an effective stop-gap, but should be considered only the beginning of the journey, as continued work and treatment (for potentially very long after) may be on the menu.

[-] starlord@lemm.ee 28 points 8 months ago

Freddy Mercury

[-] starlord@lemm.ee 7 points 8 months ago

Let's not forget that these directives originate from vastly different points in "our" moral evolutionary "history," not to mention technological capability (especially versus the rest of the galaxy) and sense of safety/security. If the SGC were founded in the same century as The Federation, would they have a similar stance?

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