[-] silentdanni@beehaw.org 3 points 4 months ago

So what's Noita's appeal? I've tried getting into it several times, but it never clicked. It feels overly difficult, but not in a fun way. I'm sure I'm missing something, as this kind of game would be up my alley otherwise.

[-] silentdanni@beehaw.org 3 points 6 months ago

Joyce Carol Oates is there; She counts for hundreds of cool people; I think some other writers make use of it too. I hope they voice their discontent.

Nazis find a way to ruin every fucking thing. I really believe certain groups of people should not have right to free speech. In 2024, we should be well-aware that tolerating intolerance does not work. Just fucking look around and take a look at what these people are doing with their free speech. I am not the gatekeeper or good morals and the bastion of good values. Some ideologies are objectively bad, though.

[-] silentdanni@beehaw.org 1 points 6 months ago

It's been a good week except for the whole covid thing. It lasted only 2 days, but left me with a nasty cough. I'm gonna go visit my sister down south next tuesday; I'm really looking forward to that. I'm hoping this will give me ample opportunity to think, breathe and decide on the next steps of my life. I also tried out a new gym, which is closer to my house, last thursday. Going to a new gym is always a stress for me cause I never really know if it's just going to be a bunch of "bros", if you get my gist. Nothing ever happened, but loud people can make me anxious. To my surprise, it was mostly empty with the exception of some dudes here and there. I've also started listening to all the albums, I've been ignoring this year to compile my best of 2023 list.

I've been a bit depressed, as usual, but it was mostly manageable. It seems that my overall mood is a little bit more stable even though I have pretty harsh weeks at times such as last week...

[-] silentdanni@beehaw.org 2 points 6 months ago

I have the same problem; my flat is only about 50sqm. Judging by the way things are going, I think there’s a chance Nvidia will release some consumer-grade hardware meant for LLMs in the near-ish future. Until they reveal their next lineup, although it may seem like a poor financial decision, I’m just sticking to using the cloud for running llms.

I’m also hoping to get my hands on some raspberry pis too. I would like to build a toy k3s cluster at some point and maybe run my own mastodon instance. :)

[-] silentdanni@beehaw.org 3 points 6 months ago

Thank you for your words, I really appreciate it. ❤️

I managed to convince myself, with the help of my therapist and trainer, that exercising is a habit that is essential for my wellbeing. I’ve lost 15kg and am quite proud of my progress. It’s the first time in a long time that I can look myself in the mirror and feel comfortable in my body. Mind you, I’m not thin by any means and don’t feel like I need to be, but I do feel and look much healthier. :)

I cannot recommend Ursula’s books enough. Her writing style is so fluid and satisfying. The way she crafts her sentences is stunning. She’s a very good storyteller. Reading her book has been the highlight of my day.

[-] silentdanni@beehaw.org 4 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I once witnessed a German person explaining the holocaust to an Israeli person. The world is collectively getting more stupid.

Edit: maybe it isn’t, but social media is definitely helping us reach our stupidity potential.

[-] silentdanni@beehaw.org 3 points 6 months ago

Ah man, dealing with depression can be really hard. I hope things are getting better for you and you’re happily trying out your new clothes.

What are your plans for your new homelab, if I may ask?

Hang in there, sir.

[-] silentdanni@beehaw.org 2 points 9 months ago

I did the same. My story had a really dark twist though…. Luckily things are somewhat better these days, but it’ll be one of those things that I’ll remember in my deathbed…

[-] silentdanni@beehaw.org 2 points 9 months ago

I understand healing is not a linear process, but some days just feel so hard. I’ve been exercising very regularly(dropped 15kg), going to therapy, engaging with other people, but any amount of effort still feels Herculean. It was pointed out to me that low testosterone levels could cause some of these symptoms so I guess I’ll get that checked next. But yeah, my week has been difficult…too many losses in a very short time span…

[-] silentdanni@beehaw.org 4 points 9 months ago

Kagi is the only one that consistently gives me much better results than google. The fact that it's not riddled with ads on the first page was a big incentive for me to give them some cash. It actually improved my productivity at work a whole lot. This actually made me think how shitty google has become when I was preferring results given by an error prone AI compared to just searching for it. Now with Kagi, I can actually find the stuff I'm looking for and only use AI in case I can't find it there for some reason. Totally worth the monthly subscription for me.

[-] silentdanni@beehaw.org 2 points 10 months ago

Unfortunately, there's no correlation between game quality and its price. The standard now is 70 euros.

[-] silentdanni@beehaw.org 4 points 1 year ago

I’m 34 and can’t say I’ve ever had this problem. All the people I’ve gone out with just see it as a hobby I have and nothing else. I think the may problem is when people assume you don’t have any other hobbies or don’t do anything else because you like video games. I find that as I get older I’m gravitating towards vastly different hobbies so when the topic of video games comes up their reaction is usually what you describe: “Ah my kids love them!” then we move on to the next topic. That has never been a deal breaker though, which I assume is what you’re somewhat implying in your post.

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