[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 145 points 1 week ago

I like flatpaks and flathub, but this is just something they do badly. I think as well they also have "probably safe" which is just as unhelpful... And what does "access certain files and folders" even mean!?

I think they should just follow the example of every other app store; list the permissions in an easily understandable list and let the user decide whether or not they are comfortable with it.

[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 143 points 1 month ago

Steam probably.

[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 88 points 2 months ago



[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 90 points 3 months ago

Yeah, I read this meme and it was like... Have you met gamers?

The amount of patches that apparently ruin the game or Devs refusing to fix "simple" bugs is astounding.

[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 124 points 4 months ago

system dees nuts haha gotem

[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 82 points 5 months ago

[Windows] can make the experience crippling for non-technically minded users

Wild seeing this in an article talking about Linux.

[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 119 points 5 months ago

Do people actually want this?

Like, I know the megacorps that control our lives do (since it's a cheap way of adding value to their products), but what about actual users? I think many see it as a novelty and a toy rather than a productivity tool. Especially when public awareness of "hallucinations" and the plight faced by artists rises.

Kinda feels like the whole "voice controlled assistants" bubble that happened a while ago. Sure they are relatively commonplace nowadays, but nowhere near as universal as people thought they would be.

[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 135 points 6 months ago

A pile of HTML + JS is the only cross platform GUI toolkit that's practical to deploy.

I'm not really happy about it myself, but realistically there's not any other option than just bundling a website into a wrapper.

And to pre-empt any replies; your proposed solution must support Windows, Linux (X11 and Wayland), MacOS, iPhone, Android, Chromium and Firefox.

[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 115 points 6 months ago

Yeah, this is super annoying. I want to try out roleplaying and get into character and all that, but in some tables you have people like the following:

  • The involved roleplayer who, despite their intent otherwise, takes control of the narrative. They try to involve you, but it always feels like you're a side character in their story.
  • The funny guy, who tries to crack jokes and make the whole game feel light-hearted and silly. I get we're all here for fun, but sometimes I'd like a bit of meat to bite into.
  • The GM's friend, who derails the game into taking about that cool dog that they had when they flat shared last year. No seriously, it's a cool dog. Let me find a picture on my phone.
  • That guy whose character is a reference to that show you don't watch. They keep making references to it, and a few other people get it, but you have to awkwardly nod your head.

... Wow, sorry, kind of went on a rant there. I guess I have a bit of frustration at going to play a game, and most of the session being taken up by not playing said game.

[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 99 points 6 months ago

Screw client side anti-cheat, fix your goddamn server code.

I'm reminded of a case in Apex Legends where cheaters started dual wielding pistols, despite dual wielding not actually being a game mechanic. That should be something you can easily detect on your server and block.

Client side anticheat is just smoke and mirrors and lets developers think they can get away with not doing their job of writing secure code.

I'm honestly surprised that with all this concern about privacy against Google, Microsoft, Epic, and so on, gamers are willing to just let these games have unrestricted and unchecked access to all your internet, microphone and camera data.

Likewise, despite how much gamers call games "broken glitchy messes", they are perfectly willing to give them enough hardware access to literally destroy your computer.

[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 85 points 7 months ago

If you're cold, they're cold.

Run this command to warm up your computery friends.

[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 134 points 10 months ago

If you're not intending to sell them for profit any more, then just let us download and emulate them.

It's not a hard problem.

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