[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 2 points 12 minutes ago
[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 1 points 14 minutes ago

I think the onboarding and new user experience for Mint could be better, but I think there's one important thing that I think makes Mint a good intro distro: Its Ubuntu base.

If you look up guides for "linux" it usually gives instructions for Ubuntu, which usually also apply to Mint. Likewise, if you look for software downloads you tend to find Ubuntu debs.

I know flatpak fixes these issues to an extent, but I think we're not there yet.

[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 3 points 1 day ago

If you're serious about getting help from the community, open source the game and/or provide concrete questions on what code you want to improve.

[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 16 points 1 day ago

Technically that would mean that one copy of the file is no longer updated when the other is.

You should consider using ln bkp.tar.gz bkp2.tar.gz instead.

[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 36 points 1 day ago

Proton isn't designed to be a security layer and afaik doesn't go out of its way to sandbox applications. I'd expect a lot of viruses will fail to do anything, but there'll also be some able to do things like steal your browser or discord passwords.

There's no reason to risk it; don't run anything in Proton that you don't feel safe running on Windows.

[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 34 points 5 days ago

All previously played moves get played again.

[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 144 points 5 days ago

I like flatpaks and flathub, but this is just something they do badly. I think as well they also have "probably safe" which is just as unhelpful... And what does "access certain files and folders" even mean!?

I think they should just follow the example of every other app store; list the permissions in an easily understandable list and let the user decide whether or not they are comfortable with it.

[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 3 points 6 days ago

I have never wanted to play a game so hard in my life. It seems to have the atmosphere of Inscryption, the gameplay of Papers Please and a lot of buttons and knobs to mess around with.

[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 208 points 2 months ago

Programs running graphically (Firefox, your file browser, etc.) need a way to tell the system "draw these pixels here". That's what the display server does; it takes all these applications, works out where their windows are and manages that pixel data.

XOrg has historically been the display server in common use, but it's very old and very cobbled together. It generally struggles with "modern" things that must people expect today. Multimonitor setups, vsync, hdr and all that. They work, but support is hacked together and brittle.

Wayland is a replacement for XOrg that was designed from scratch to fix a lot of these issues. But it's been an uphill battle because XOrg is the final boss of legacy codebases.

tl;dr They're both software that manages drawing pixels from applications to the display.

[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 242 points 2 months ago

They 100% would stop you if they could.

It's why Google's website DRM thing was so scary.

[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 414 points 4 months ago

TBF, they could probably make the "releases" page more prominent rather than having it buried in all the "code" stuff.

4 billion if statements (andreasjhkarlsson.github.io)
[-] savvywolf@pawb.social 160 points 6 months ago

You know, I do wonder how many of these statistics are influenced by Linux users tendancy to use adblockers and block tracking. Linux could be more popular than it looks.

Also, they should tell us how much of that increase is due to the Steam Deck. :P


Piped.video link, for the googly disinclined: https://piped.video/watch?v=vNGkPVD8kII

[OC] Fox Head! (pawb.social)

I've been doing pixel art for a while now, and I've finally made something that I feel comfortable showing off. I don't feel it's as good as some of the other stuff I've seen around, but I got it to a state where I think it looks kinda cute.

Any feedback or advice would be welcome!

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