[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 13 points 10 months ago

Quake 3 Arena and Unreal Tournament. In my opinion, these are still two of the greatest games of all time. You don’t get better because your character or weapon is better. You get better because you put in the practice. you improve your reflexes. You learn the arena. Every player starts every match on an even playing field. Every frag feels like an accomplishment.

I appreciate that modern shooters are trying to do something different with every iteration. But stuff like call of duty, overwatch, or destiny never captures that magic. In many ways, they felt more like slot machines.

Halo got close, but I always felt it was too slow. And also, I felt Tribes was the better series for online play that felt similar. 

[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 5 points 11 months ago

Politically, we agree on 90%+ on things. Like - it would be really odd if I married a woman who didn’t believe my friends deserved basic human rights. 

But I will say we handle conflict very differently, loss very differently, anxiety very differently, fear very differently. We’re different people.  The important thing is that were able to communicate with one another. We’re supposed to understand each other’s motives, behaviors, needs. And try to anticipate them.

Ideally, we’re strong in areas the other is weak in.

As far as interests, there’s a lot of crossover. But I have specific hobbies (music production mostly), that she has no interest in. She’ll give feedback from time to time. And also, she plays piano. But we don’t play together.

I like goofy nerd shit, she likes The Bachelor. I like some gaming, she thinks it’s lame and reads in her free time. I mean, no great relationship has ever thrived based on a shared love of Star Trek or something.

So most importantly, we match well in two areas. One, we can make each other laugh. Two, we like the same foods and are adventurous eaters.

For what it’s worth, half of every live-in relationship is trying to decide what to eat next.

[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 11 points 11 months ago

I’m not particularly into anime either, but I thought that “The Devil Is A Part-Timer” and “One Punch Man” were really funny and clever.

[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 13 points 11 months ago

Excel for Dummies 2023

[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 20 points 11 months ago

“Ape alone.. weak. Apes together…. strong”

So no, it’s baked-in the DNA of how we survive. We group to fight threats. Early days, that threat is protection from hostile wildlife like bears.

You scale that to a modern civilization - and you have groups of people fighting for resources, food, money, opportunities, land, etc. Sometimes they’re gangs. Sometimes they’re entire countries. Sometimes they’re groups of allied countries.

And heck, you see it in stupidly small scales too. “Coke v Pepsi”, “N64 v PlayStation”, “Rock Fans v Disco Fans”.

Sunni and Shia believe 98% of the same stuff. But the bit they don’t agree on pushes fringe lunatics to terrorism, war, ethnic cleansing, etc.

Same deal with Protestants and Catholics.

The only thing could make us drop “us versus them” mentality is a giant alien force more violent and sick than anything you can imagine.

Then maybe, humanity will be the “us” finally.

[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 13 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Strange New Worlds picks up as a spin-off of Discovery Season 2. If there’s one Nu Trek to watch, it’s this.

Discovery and SNW are prequels to TOS. However, Season 1 of Disco is very weak with the exception of one or two episodes. Season 2 is much better and you can probably start here. Then go into S3 or SNW.

Season 3 is where I believe Discovery really shines. It also changes setting entirely. 4 is good too.

Lower Decks takes places shortly after/around DS9/Voy era. So if you’re familiar with 90’s trek, this show is basically like home cooking. You can watch it anytime.

Picard Season 1 and 2 are bad. But if you think of it as non-canon Fan Fiction written by Patrick Stewart, it’s just kinda fun. Season 3 is the final season and is basically the show everyone actually wanted. It’s an epilogue to TNG. There’s a few references to Season 1 and 2, but you can Google the small gaps. You can watch it anytime.

Also, watch The Orville. It’s a love letter to Star Trek, has Trek writers, producers and actors. It’s starts as a dumb comedy that didn’t really know what it’s doing, but by episode 3 they start to find their footing.
Season 2 and 3 and pretty much perfect and IMO as good as the best of Trek. The show gets more serious and the humor takes a backseat to the human element.

[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 40 points 11 months ago

At some point, he deserves a lifetime achievement award from the academy.

[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 23 points 11 months ago

Whats it say in the employee handbook regarding time off?

It’s not the manager’s job to decide if someone’s personal obligations are necessary or not. It’s their job to assure there is coverage and the work is complete.

If the employee is abusing the shift-change timeoff policy, that is a different story.

If the manager is the owner, it may be a good idea for your wife to freshen her resume.

[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 11 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I recommend downloading Discord to join an English Language Learning server.

The voice chat rooms allow you to speak with real people to improve your listening comprehension. The text chat rooms will improve your reading and writing.

There are many native speakers there that enjoy helping, myself included. It’s not “gamelike”, but nothing is better than talking to real people - I’m sure you’ll find value in it.

[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 5 points 11 months ago

New Game Plus starts you in the same place, same face and family - but you now have dwarfism. Every aspect of life will be that much more challenging. Everything from dating, transportation, even securing an accessible living space.

[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 4 points 11 months ago

Eddie Redmayne somehow managed to act well through the terrible script. Only redeeming part of the movie.

[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

Accounting here.

I initially went to college on an art scholarship - and hated that. Was hoping to be creatively challenged, but was surrounded by mostly delusional trust fund kids painting meh still-lifes, that couldn’t handle constructive criticism. Seeing graduates get jobs as baristas didn’t inspire me with much hope. I wasn’t happy.

I had a few jobs before where I learned some excel skills. I figured - why not? Plus it felt like the most logical rebellion against art.

Working in the industry for like ~12 years now. Good work life balance, some disposable income, living in my dream city. Career was a good choice.

Though, I’m not doing art anymore. But I got really into music and recording since college. During the pandemic, I started side hustling in ghost writing and commissioned music. Started doing stuff for free until I had a few credits to charge. It’s not super lucrative (can’t leave the day job), but earning supplemental regular income doing creative work has been deeply rewarding.

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