[-] pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.world 17 points 5 months ago

I am legitimately trying to figure out why the fuck it is I am seemingly the only person in the world who is okay right now.

What the hell are you all doing or going through that is ruining your life, and how can I help alleviate your suffering?

[-] pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.world 19 points 5 months ago

That's functionally how life works if you wear contacts, so 🤷

[-] pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.world 32 points 5 months ago

And this is why we use Newpipe

[-] pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.world 77 points 6 months ago

And this is why we buy dumb TVs

[-] pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.world 17 points 6 months ago

It's almost like you can't force people to try to fix an irrevocably broken system because you're afraid of living without it

It's almost like we should have overthrown them or something

It's almost like everyone was propagandized into accepting band aid solutions and refused to listen when they were told it wouldn't work

[-] pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.world 21 points 6 months ago

It's not education anymore if people are doing that.

They are turning education into the pointless rigamarole they accuse it of being because they don't get that education is more important than feeding oneself. Survival is easy. Animals do that. Education is about humanizing you and connecting you with the universe you live in. It's about something higher and better than that. It's about actually living.

But tell that to the troglodytes using ChatGPT to think for them, who truly only care about themselves.

[-] pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.world 33 points 6 months ago

It literally doesn't matter; you can't make proper use of the calculator without knowing how to do the problems without it anyway, so this is just stupid bullshit lazy people throw at you to justify not putting effort into anything

[-] pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.world 31 points 6 months ago

Blaming everything on capitalism is oversimplistic and reductive, to be honest.

Climate collapse is a result of industrialization and not capitalism, to start. Unless you want to explain how Stalin and Mao were still burning coal.

[-] pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.world 17 points 6 months ago

Many many people are unemployed and/or homeless, or trapped in debt, which skews the numbers.

[-] pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.world 15 points 6 months ago

Because it fulfills their goal of revenge against women for rejecting them, having rights, etc.

And that fulfills the goal of pleasing their bible-thumper and alt-right base, who seek vengeance against women for those and a myriad of other reasons.

[-] pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.world 19 points 7 months ago

So in that killer's mind, wanting someone killed was the morally indefensible crime but actually killing ludicrous numbers of people is not? And he nor anyone else questioned that? 🤔

[-] pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.world 35 points 7 months ago

I would 100% read this book


I didn't come to a new service just to see it get taken over by the corporate beasts who ruined the internet in general, and I am sure as hell am not going to use an instance that doesn't care about its users.

I think the admin of this instance might have been paid off to federate with Threads, it being one of the most popular.

So, I am giving y'all 24 hours to defederate and if the Lemmy.world admins don't, I'm-a bounce and close down my subs behind me

That is all

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