[-] pingveno@lemmy.ml 5 points 6 hours ago

Huh? We are constantly building bridges, what a weird claim. But of course the US is quite capable of launching another space station.

[-] pingveno@lemmy.ml 2 points 9 hours ago

There is already planning to have a replacement in place by then.

[-] pingveno@lemmy.ml 2 points 10 hours ago

That's not how it works. As long as FPTP exists, it will lock us into two parties. We have had multiple party systems that all demonstrated this principle. Some places are experimenting with alternatives on the state and local level, but it will take time.

[-] pingveno@lemmy.ml 1 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

Said by a man who ran a country that outlawed all but the party he was prime minister of. He was probably a little salty about criticism over the lack of democracy in his country.

[-] pingveno@lemmy.ml 10 points 2 days ago

Windows 7, first released in 2009, now well out of the most extended of support. Glad to see security of medical records is a top priority.

[-] pingveno@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 days ago

Conflicts over language have been tied to other conflicts (political, cultural, war) for a very long time. Cultural genocide against indigenous people has targeted indigenous language use among young people. Many people in India have objected to the establishment of Hindi as a UN language because they fear it will advance the extinction of their own language. I'm not saying some Replacement Theory bigot kvetching because someone dared speak a language besides English is equivalent. It's more that language does have a special place in culture in a way that is very common.

[-] pingveno@lemmy.ml 5 points 3 days ago

I like that Google supplies repair parts straight to iFixit back to the Pixel 2. It would be nice if it didn't require melting glue to get to half of the components, but hey, baby steps. And the latest models out finally have a decently long support period for security updates.

[-] pingveno@lemmy.ml 8 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Legally, yes. But you're going to have a bad time if you don't speak at least some English.

[-] pingveno@lemmy.ml 5 points 3 days ago

I used OkCupid for some dates before I found my now husband. It took quite a few dates on my side, but I just considered that par for the course. For him, I was his first date on OkCupid. For that matter, I was the first man that he dated, though he had dated a girl in high school.

Unfortunately, in the decade since we've met, I think both straight and gay oriented dating apps have probably taken a turn for the worse. We both had extensive, descriptive profiles and talked for a long time before meeting up. I keep hearing that the gay apps have turned into mostly hookup apps, but I can't speak for straight apps.

[-] pingveno@lemmy.ml 4 points 3 days ago

I wasn't able to get a good read on it either. I didn't spot anything obviously wrong from a technical standpoint, but I'm not a systems developer. It just doesn't have much that distinguishes it on a non-technical level. The design is neat, but other OS projects like Redox have shot past it in a shorter period of time. That tells me something's broken, whether it's technical or social.

[-] pingveno@lemmy.ml 7 points 4 days ago

I tried Debian/Herd on a spare box. I think that lasted for what, a week? It was a less than complete experience, so I moved on to more fruitful experiments.

[-] pingveno@lemmy.ml 9 points 5 days ago

Why not? This seems to be aimed at scammers who could be injecting who knows what into the binaries and other third builds that may have grown stale over time. It's obviously not aimed at well maintained forks like LibreWolf.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by pingveno@lemmy.ml to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 months ago by pingveno@lemmy.ml to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml
submitted 3 months ago by pingveno@lemmy.ml to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml
submitted 6 months ago by pingveno@lemmy.ml to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml

Homes, a maternity hospital, a shopping center, and a metro station were hit as part of the attacks. The attack may have been linked to the destruction of a Russian landing ship in Crimea.

submitted 7 months ago by pingveno@lemmy.ml to c/green@lemmy.ml

A lot of news that comes out about the environment, climate change, and the like is very dispiriting. Has anyone seen a Lemmy community geared towards uplifting stories in the area? Species that are recovering, rivers that are being cleaned up, microbes being developed to eat plastic, that sort of thing.

submitted 11 months ago by pingveno@lemmy.ml to c/green@lemmy.ml
submitted 11 months ago by pingveno@lemmy.ml to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 year ago by pingveno@lemmy.ml to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml

While the !worldnews@lemmy.ml community has always been a little feisty, the flood of Redditors has turned much of any contentious subject into pure mud slinging. Take the recent post "Ukraine war: Kyiv claims its first victories of counter-offensive". The discussion featured these insults:

  • cia and nafo freaks
  • I don’t think the person you’re responding to has the capacity to realize anything except their own delusions
  • hasn’t achieved reading comprehension
  • tankie
  • fascist
  • gargling Putin's cock
  • weasels
  • So I sincerely ask you to either become a better person or just stfu.
  • loonies
  • Russian dick train
  • willfully obtuse

And that's just half of the page. Seems like it's time to have at least some basic civility rules in place before this community is nothing but personal attacks.

submitted 1 year ago by pingveno@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 years ago by pingveno@lemmy.ml to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by pingveno@lemmy.ml to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml

This thread does a good rundown of why the whole pathogen biolab allegation is just a bunch disinformation. Like with many such claims, it's appealing at first blush, but someone with more knowledge can spot that it's misleading.

submitted 2 years ago by pingveno@lemmy.ml to c/green@lemmy.ml
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