
joined 1 year ago
[–] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 9 points 1 month ago

Things have been going well for me, using docker-mailserver.

I followed the setup guide, did everything in the DKIM, DMARC and SPF documentation page. The initial setup required more involvement from me than your standard docker-compose self-hosting deployment, but I got no issues at all (for now, fingers crossed) after the initial setup : I never missed any inbound e-mails, and my outbound e-mails have not been rejected by any spam filter yet.

However, I agree with everyone else that you should not self-host an important contact address without proper redundancy/recovery mechanism in case anything goes wrong.

You should also understand that self-hosting an email address means you should never let your domain expire to prevent someone from receiving emails sent to you by registering your expired domain. This means you should probably not use a self-hosted e-mail to register any account on services that may outlive your self-hosted setup because e-mail is frequently used to send password reset links.

[–] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 119 points 2 months ago (4 children)

Downvoted for cropping out the reference to the original...

[–] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 2 points 2 months ago

I will definetly look into this. I've been using tube archivist for a while now, but it eats so much RAM (especially the Elastic search dependency IIRC)!

[–] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

At this point, I don't know if you are trolling or not. You keep saying that this is nothing like timezones, while describing something that really looks like timezones to anyone else reading it.

Do you suggest we all use one unique time, regardless of local solar time? Or do you suggest we all use our own local solar time, based on each person's exact longitude on the globe, regardless of borders and current timezones ?

[–] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 5 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Are you suggesting something like continuous timezones? Thanks for bringing this nightmare to a whole new level! :)

[–] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 1 points 3 months ago

I prefer the CLI as well, but when I'm not a dev I supervise practical works in programming classes, where I don't have much saying in the recommended/required tools

[–] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 2 points 3 months ago

I don't remember exactly, but the issue is about the existence of a button that makes beginners think a commit and a push are part of the same atomic operation. Not the order of the words on this button

[–] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 32 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (8 children)

The worst thing about eclipse I've had to deal with is its git integration. The conflict resolution tool is awful and half the terminology diverges from plain git.

The fact that it has a "Push & Commit" button also drives me mad far more than it should

[–] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 10 points 3 months ago

As usual, I subscribed for the giggles and I keep getting dragged into unsolicited rabbit holes of useful knowledge. Thanks for being an awesome community

[–] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 2 points 3 months ago

I did not try it out yet, but I will make sure I do. I love a lot of things about the approach you described

[–] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

This was the first (and one of the few) game I completed to 100%. It took me so long to find the masr warp zone!

I did not play the last Kirby on the switch, but is definetly in my list

[–] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 32 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (7 children)

What's up with all the shilling posts lately?

This has existed since at least 2018 according to their Twitter, and is related to crypto currencies through its Radworks DAO

Edit : I'm not saying OP themselves is a shill. Radicle did a pretty goog job at hiding its cryptocurrency ties. They even renamed their token from Radicle to Radworks a few years ago. It seems like cryptobros are adapting to the fact that being related to cryptocurrencies hinders adoption among technical people.


I am trying to come-up with a reusable template to quickly start new projects using my prefered tools and frameworks, and I'm happy with what I got. However, using Docker is quite new for me and I've probably done some weird or unconventional stuff in my docker-compose.yml or my Dockerfiles. I'd love to learn from people with more experience with Docker, so feel free to tell me everything that is wrong with my setup.

I'm more confident about the stuff I did with Python/Django and Nuxt, but all criticism is welcome. This also applies to the readme : I'd like to provide detailed instructions about working with this project template, so please report anything that is unclear or missing.

Thank you to anyone who takes the time to check it out and help me make this useful to as many people as possible.

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