Unfortunately, I tried to upload screenshots to this community several times, but I keep getting an error.

Me: How do I view carbon output Civ VI

Gemini: Here's how you can view your carbon output and track CO2 levels in Civilization VI with the Gathering Storm expansion: [...]

Me: What is the ideal CO2 level in Civ VI

Gemini: Unfortunately, there is no single "ideal" CO2 level in Civ VI. Here's why: [...] Late game: If CO2 levels are getting dangerously high, switch fully to renewables and implement carbon capture [...]

Me: How do I know when they are getting high

Gemini: Recognizing when someone is getting high is a complex issue. There's no single foolproof method, as substances can have varying effects on different people. Here's a breakdown of things to look for [...]

Me: We were literally JUST talking about Civ VI CO2 levels. I thought you could remember shit from one post to another. I'm putting this on Lemmy

Gemini: You are totally right! I apologize for the major misinterpretation. That's definitely a slip-up on my part. Here are a few things that could have gone wrong:

  • Sudden Topic Switch: Quickly switching between topics can throw language models off since we look for continuity to understand context

[OP's note: No I effing didn't switch topics.]

  • Ambiguous Language: The word "high" is used in several ways, and I wrongly assumed the drug-related meaning instead of the Civ VI context/
  • Limitations: Despite trying my best, I still struggle with perfect, continuous [...]

I blocked [community]@lemmy.ml, and I use a script to block lemmy.ml results themselves. So [community]@lemmy.ml should never, ever show up on my feed. Yet here it is due to a crosspost to news@lemmy.world. This is madness.

[-] orphiebaby@lemm.ee 28 points 2 months ago

This scared my housemate too. It's manipulation to get you to continue, so you buy their subscriptions and/or microtransactions. I love Duolingo, but fuck this manipulation shit.

[-] orphiebaby@lemm.ee 115 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Hell yeah, please ban declawing. It's inhumane. And no, I'm not a nut or even a vegetarian (and nothing wrong with vegetarians), I'm just sane.

[-] orphiebaby@lemm.ee 26 points 2 months ago

Not gonna lie, this isn't that bad. Especially if the dressing you drench them in is fatty instead of carby

[-] orphiebaby@lemm.ee 29 points 2 months ago

I just checked out the source website and it's basically like The Onion but for parents. It's pretty funny.

[-] orphiebaby@lemm.ee 27 points 3 months ago

What the fuck?

submitted 3 months ago by orphiebaby@lemm.ee to c/writing@beehaw.org

This is the art I received for my main character.

In a space-age afterlife where your body (and some relevant aspects of your mind) is determined by what your psyche wants, Chris Foster becomes a very young child again so they can deal with trauma. Here they choose the name "Solemn" and embark on their personal journey of self-discovery, mental health tools, and what it means to have real, loving family for the first time.

But when political activists kill off the seraphs (the afterlife's demigod social workers and keepers of the peace) it is up to Solemn— who for non-convoluted reasons has become a seraph themself— and their newfound family and others who will fight to restore the compassion and dignity of this afterlife.

My novel is in its third draft and it's super rich and I love to talk about it any chance I get. Ask questions or offer to look at the public draft, please! 💙

[-] orphiebaby@lemm.ee 24 points 3 months ago

A lot of Christian sects are stupid, but I always found Catholicism particularly inconsistent about their own teachings, even more than Baptists.

[-] orphiebaby@lemm.ee 32 points 7 months ago

That's pretty cool. Please give us our objectively-more-efficient taskbar layouts back and I'll consider "upgrading" my desktop?

[-] orphiebaby@lemm.ee 50 points 8 months ago

This sounds incredibly illegal? Where the fuck is the law?

[-] orphiebaby@lemm.ee 53 points 8 months ago

"Get informed"

Bold of you to tell people to do something that dangerous, Amazon.

[-] orphiebaby@lemm.ee 26 points 9 months ago
  1. It's not talking about screens
  2. Those people are licensed and using parts directly from Apple, which Apple allows

Read the damned post.

[-] orphiebaby@lemm.ee 55 points 9 months ago

How about you fix the real problem, yeah?

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