[-] nobleshift@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

When's the last time anyone under 12 was excited about a new phone?

I'd rather lose my driver's license and have to go to the DMV all day than have to swap over, and I know what the fuck I'm doing. Can't begin to imagine the PITA for normies.

[-] nobleshift@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago

I bought a small sailboat ($12k usd) and have been off-grid for 6 years now. My bills are (minus food) under $400/m, in South Florida / The Keys. I drive a 22 year old Toyota with 250000 miles on it I paid off in full MANY years ago. I shop Goodwill and used bundles on eBay. I only purchase food, underwear and sex toys new, everything else is used.

Lower your expectations, get rid of as many reoccurring monthly bills as possible, extract yourself from the madness.

It took me three long fucking years to get here from where you are exactly now, and that includes paying off most of my debts. I became debt free in late 2022 at 55 years old. Late for sure, but across the line nonetheless . Don't give up hope, keep fighting, change your goals.

I'll help you however I can as well bro/sis. Don't let the bastards keep you down.

[-] nobleshift@lemmy.world 10 points 1 day ago

I'm so glad I left the industry....

[-] nobleshift@lemmy.world 20 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

4066872, signing off. Thank you and goodbye.

[-] nobleshift@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

And the 5v3a (us version) wall plug ....

[-] nobleshift@lemmy.world 11 points 2 days ago

To this day I use a Creative Labs emu 0404 sound card weekly and just purchased a replacement when the present one started having issues every now and then. One of the great underrated pieces of hardware IMO.

Hi/Lo Z in, digital IO, optical IO, analog IO, USB, 24/192, preamps and one hell of a solid clock and it can be used as a stand alone mixer without a PC.

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