[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 80 points 2 months ago

Most homeless are in the big cities, most churches are out in the boonies. The homeless are very unlikely to accept being bussed to a flyover state to sleep in a church in bumfuck nowhere. For a myriad of reasons.

Keep in mind also that a lot of them have a very hard time accepting any help due to past trauma as well.

It's not a situation with a quick fix. Really the first step isn't even ensuring housing for the homeless, it's making sure we don't get more homeless. We likely can't save a subset of today's homeless because they don't want/or won't accept any help that comes with any strings (like no drugs or just they can't trash the place). But we can ensure no-one else ends up on the streets by beefing up mental healthcare and social services.

[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 59 points 3 months ago

The only power consumers have is voting with your wallet. Which in this case if this is important for you you need to cancel else they'll let it be and then later down the road they'll push even further. Also this is what always happens when a company gets big and think/know they can get away with it.

[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 60 points 3 months ago

Policy makers: "Why won't they have babies?!? We need more babies the whole system will collapse! We must urgently do something! But what? What ever should we do??? We've tried EVERYTHING! We even give them straight cash if they have a kid! This is the greatest mystery of our time!"

The population in nearly perfect unanimous voice: "Work life balance is shit and we can't afford to have kids, neither time wise nor monetarily"

Policy makers: "Such an enigma, truly so mysterious, woe is us, evil evil selfish young people that don't have kids!"


[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 77 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Jesus, they really are one of the most egregiously lock-in focused and monopolistic companies around. It saddens me deeply that consumers (gamers) just don't give a flying fuck about this and continues to pay a premium for Nvidia cards. 90% market dominance in gaming and probably at least that in GPGPU workloads.

All the while AMD tries to sell their cards on supporting / creating open standards like Freesync, FSR and Vulkan but because they don't have CUDA (since it's proprietary) they virtually can't be bought by prosumers that want to do some GPGPU stuff as a hobby and gamers buy Nvidia for brand recognition, Ray tracing which they are stronger in (but I argue isn't really all that outside a few notable exceptions like Alan Wake 2) and DLSS being ahead of FSR. But look at non-RT $/FPS and AMD wins easy at all price points and they don't shaft the people who bought their cards by not giving them the new version of DLSS like Nvidia do. It's just sad.

Vote with your wallet they scream, while everyone votes for the alternative that openly wants to squeeze every penny out of them because they are slightly better...

[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 78 points 4 months ago

Far more likely to actually get you out of service

[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 82 points 6 months ago

That's the wrong take here.

DLSS2 doesn't have frame generation. Nvidia refuses to add support for DLSS3 to their older cards so the open source community ported FSR3 which has frame generation (and is open source).

By all metrics DLSS3 is superior to FSR3, but that doesn't help Nvidia 3xxx/2xxx owners at all. Nvidia is a very skilled company, just greedy little absolute shits. This whole debacle mirrors G-sync vs. Freesync (which is the basis for the VESA standard VRR).

[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 62 points 6 months ago

Yeah I'm not really so sure running Real-Debrid without a VPN is much of a genius move:

"Files links that Users download are stored in a database for legal concerns and our internal use. All saved links are erased within 1 month for security reasons and service needs. However all requests made on our site are stored for 1 year, the legal retention period."

"We may be required to disclose Users personal data in order to protect our legal rights or where disclosure of Users personal data's are required of us by the judicial authorities only when legal procedures are followed."

"Our servers can detect the IP Address of Users connection through the Internet. These IP addresses (public) and their approximative geolocations are recorded by our servers for internal use only (registration on the site, optimal use of downloads, protection against thieves, etc.)."

All from Real-Debrid Privacy information

[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 58 points 6 months ago

You beat me to it... Talk about tone deaf

[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 74 points 7 months ago

Obscenely true

[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 58 points 8 months ago

That's the most hipster headline I've ever read. And on brand for Apple/Mac's to have a dongle issue...

[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 63 points 9 months ago

That's a bit disingenuous. It's Intels own Limited Edition A770 SKU that is discontinued not the A770 as a model. They still ship the chip to AIB makers like ASRock etc. Their second generation, BattleMage, is still on track as well so on the contrary I believe we'll see much better support for Intel GPUs in the coming years since more game developers will have had adequate time with the hardware. Intels cards are also priced competitively if we're looking at the entry level cards which is bound to make them end up in many cheaper pre-builts that parents buy for their younger kids. So I expect to be quite commonly used for certain games in the coming years.

[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 65 points 10 months ago

It was not fabricated by the US. Full stop. It has absolutely been used as propaganda, like literally every politically charged event ever, but it actually happened and wasn't made up. A lot of brave Chinese men and women died that day. The exact number will likely never be known because it was and is an indefensible act by the Chinese military and by extension government and they will never share their true, unabridged reports of the event.

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