[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 100 points 4 months ago

Yeah that's is an attack on Netlify and not on him. It's them that should have protections against this. I argue that the customer can't even effectively defend against this themselves if they're using Netlify, which is turn means a court would likely get them off the hook for anything that can easily be classified as a DDOS attack.

[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 89 points 4 months ago

The best ones are with the philosophy guy imo, he employs the rethorical "Principle of Charity" in such a master class way which turns her stupid questions into profound conundrums which he tackles and he manages to act out this sense of being delighted to finally being asked deep philosophical questions in an interview. It's great.


[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 97 points 5 months ago

Yeah 50% loss isn't servere at all for gut biome loss. If you've ever been on antibiotics you've likely experienced that or worse.

[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 163 points 5 months ago

The fuck is he on about?

[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 110 points 5 months ago

It does, but the thinking here is that the dasher basically loses money taking no tip orders. Which in my Nordic mind is a fucked up business model. A living wage should be the minimum requirement.

[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 91 points 6 months ago

Are other online retailers so hopelessly sucky that you can't live without Amazon over in the states? It just blows my mind because Amazon honestly sucks compared to the more local stores where I'm at in the Nordics.

[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 282 points 6 months ago

In my opinion LotR should've already entered the public domain but thanks to Disney well have to wait until 2044 for that.

[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 261 points 7 months ago

So flat it's not even NSFW

[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 127 points 7 months ago

While saying, "stupid assholes there are no proper races of humans just color variations".

[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 119 points 8 months ago

Absolutely, and Microsoft knows this. You could even upgrade a pirated version of Windows to a legit copy when they did the upgrade drive for 7 I believe it was. Did it myself. And they completely turn a blind eye to OEM key reselling, which is why you can get legit windows keys for less than $10 these days.

They've also never done anything substantial against pirates, all they do is pester about buying a key and warn about the risks. The "worst" they do is stop you from using windows update which some see as a feature. When they could just completely lock you out and/or report you to the police.

The money is in server for Microsoft, but they're losing that battle slowly but surely since they can't make windows actually work properly in a container setting. I have customers that love Microsoft but despite their best efforts at making containerized windows workloads work it just sucks major ass. And virtually everybody is coming around to realize just how insane of a paradigm shift containers are.

And losing that battle is why 12 will likely move to subscription. And I'm willing to bet money that, in 10 years time, will be considered the starting point for Microsofts dramatic loss of market share in the home PC market. From 90% or so now down to like 50 ish %. But maybe some smart guys at Microsoft will nip that in the bud.

[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 116 points 9 months ago

I really hope the people signing up for the human trials are well informed. While I think implants like Neuralink are going to revolutionize treatment for all kinds of paralysis Musk has a track record of giving absolutely no fucks about safety or regulations unless forced to.

[-] ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com 284 points 9 months ago

I love the implication here, that they don't have the proper source (or skills left in the company) such that they can remove the DRM which doesn't play nice themselves so they rely on a cracked copy of the game instead. Been quite a bit of news lately about how game companies have failed to keep the original source code for their games. Diablo 2, the Transformers games etc and those from active companies, there's bound to be 1000s of games where the source is lost due to publishers closing down studios.

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