[-] nichtsowichtig@feddit.de 47 points 2 months ago

I believe Lula and his government appreciates anything that reduces the influence of the US.

[-] nichtsowichtig@feddit.de 33 points 2 months ago

ich finde Plattenbauten eigentlich überhaupt nicht schlecht. Sie könnten eine ziemlich Gute Lebensqualität bieten wären sie nicht so verwahrlost/gesellschaftlich abgelehnt.

Das Meme wäre denke ich genauer, wenn es Gefängnisse zeigen würde

[-] nichtsowichtig@feddit.de 11 points 3 months ago

Ich hoffe echt dass da so schnell wie möglich die 500 Laster Hilfsgüter pro Tag ankommen.

[-] nichtsowichtig@feddit.de 26 points 3 months ago

Erinnert mich ein bisschen an die Zeit, als die Heute-Show noch nicht so bekannt war, und sie da noch ordentlich trollen konnten. Heute erkennt ja jede Poliker:in Lutz van der Horst und weichem ihm aus. In dem Fall funktioniert das mit Fabian Köster ja so gut, weil die Leute tatsächlich davon ausgehen, er wäre von Russia Today

[-] nichtsowichtig@feddit.de 62 points 4 months ago

ich denke, die 700 Millionen jährlich geschlachteten Hühner könnte man der Landwirtschaft auch noch anrechnen. Sind ja auch Vögel.

[-] nichtsowichtig@feddit.de 16 points 4 months ago

ich scheiß auf die Monogamie und fahre mit den Öffentlichen

[-] nichtsowichtig@feddit.de 17 points 4 months ago

Weil Menschen ohne Essen, Trinken und Medikamente sterben.

[-] nichtsowichtig@feddit.de 13 points 4 months ago

Giving people water and food is not funding terrorism. Starving people, denying them basic human rights and killing inocent people is funding terrorism. Yes, the humanitarian aids will also benefit hamas, but that does not give us the right to deny people their basic human rights

[-] nichtsowichtig@feddit.de 10 points 4 months ago

even considering that, withdrawing support for civilians would be unethical

[-] nichtsowichtig@feddit.de 11 points 7 months ago

Ich frag mich tatsächlich wie das dann mit BSW genau aussehen wird. Die Umfragen nach der Ankündigung waren ja recht deutlich. Bin sicher kein Fan von denen, aber jede Stimme die die AfD nicht bekommt ist ein Gewinn

[-] nichtsowichtig@feddit.de 83 points 8 months ago

Bitte einfach die Subventionen abschaffen und höher besteuern. Damit ist dann von sich aus das meiste Fleisch vom Regal. Klimawandel auf das Individuum abwälzen ist nicht nur ineffektiv, sondern es ist die Strategie von Konzernen klimaschädlicher Industrien sich aus der Verantwortung zu ziehen (siehe CO2 Fußabdruckberechner von BP und Exxon)

[-] nichtsowichtig@feddit.de 26 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

solange die Milch dazu nicht aus deinem Euter kommt ist der Camenbert nicht deiner

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by nichtsowichtig@feddit.de to c/linux@lemmy.ml

All code on the blendermarket is GPL. Yet, it sold over 25 million dollars worth of software. No DRM on the assets, all free software. Free as in freedom, not as in beer. In spite of that, I have not seen once anyone in the blender community complain about piracy, let alone have I seen anyone distribute any software or assets sold on the blendermarket unofficially. It just isn't a problem, or at least not more of a problem than on any other DRMed closed source alternative.

Around 10 years ago the developer of a closed source renderer called Corona ranted about Blender's GPL, as it prevented him from integrating his renderer into Blender without disclosing its source code:

Because entire Blender is covered by GPL licence, it is forbidden to link anything closed-source to it (not just commercial as in "you pay for it", but anything closed-source, which includes "it is free to use, but I won't give you my source code") [...]

We thought there were some loopholes, but it turns out the "Free" Software Foundation thought about them too and explicitly forbidden them. [...]

So, Blender has unusable licence. That is fine, any software developer is entitled to the choice of licence. If somebody wants to make a 3D studio legally usable only while not wearing underwear, he should be able to do it. What makes me angry is the whole FREE software ideology/advertisement. FSF goes on and on about "protecting users freedom". Their interpretation is:

  • being able to choose from free plugins: freedom
  • being able to choose from the same free plugins, plus also commercial plugins: less freedom.
  • Forbidding good Corona renderer integration for Blender is freedom. Allowing it would make Blender less free. [...]

I am not saying the OSS concept is wrong. There are other, much better and really free licences, like MIT/Apache/... If Blender would use any of them, we would start Corona for Blender right now. Too bad it uses the GPL bullshit. I feel bad for Blender users, because they will never have any fully-integrated commercial renderer plugin :/.

He feels bad for what? For users having a thriving software ecosystem with license that ensures it stays free and open forever? The Corona Dev wrote this 10 years ago, probably without realizing that blender was already on its way to become the most widely used 3D application. There are plenty of people making money developing comercial plugins for blender - and they are all GPL.

It makes me think about how much we all have been gaslit by the tech corporations that without DRM and that whole subscription-licenses nightmare they would run out of business. It is not true and we can point our fingers to the blender ecosystem to prove them wrong. I don't know.. I haven't seen anyone point this out yet.

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