always nice to see a little insight into how Holo operates. A bit surprised that Yagoo sees potential for improvement on the EN manager side but then again they have to stretch the managers there over pretty much every timezone so I guess it makes sense
don't forget the additional ssl cert for the second domain (assuming it's not a wldcardable subdomain)
Die Erinnerung wer und warum in Deutschland z.b. die Krankenkasse eingeführt hat ist eine historische Lektion die viele der modernen konservativen wohl im Unterricht verschlafen haben. Das zeichnet sich bei anderen Sozialleistungen nicht sonderlich anders ab, die haben meines Wissens nach alle einen ähnlichen Ursprung als Unruheverhinderungsmaßnahmen.
Wie die Römer schon zu sagen wussten: Brot und Spiele. Es scheint nur, dass die (globale) Obrigkeit mal wieder nicht registriert wie wenig Brot ausgeteilt wird.
Ah ja, lass erstmal den Sozialstaat abschaffen, was könnte denn schief gehen /s.
Hatte die Diskusion erst neulich in der Familie, es wurde die Meinung vertreten es wäre doch so einfach die Schmarotzer von den Leistungen auszuschließen. Ein paar Minuten und die Benennung diverser Ausnahmesituationen später kam dann die Einsicht, dass man entweder eine gewisse Rate Schmarotzer akzeptieren muss oder dazu bereit ist wirklich Hilfsbedürftige unter den Bus zu schmeißen.
Ah und zu viel verdienen würden die ja auch, sollten ja eher alle auf dem Zahnfleisch nagen wenn sie unverschuldet in die Langzeitarbeitlosigkeit geraten. An der Stelle muss ich sagen richten die diversen "Hartz IV" Sendungen enormen Schaden an, indem sie flächendeckend Sozialhilfeempfänger als Sozialschmarotzer darstellen. Das verankert sich enorm bei den Leuten die solche Sendungen dann der Unterhaltung halber anschauen, selbst wenn sie meinen sich der verzerrten Darstellung bewusst zu sein.
yes, it seems to be absolving the isekai genre, although currently there's still a lot of overlap
And many by Yen Press of all, can't wait for them to be translated at a snails pace....
Cozy Life with the White Witch and Isekai Walking sound like right up my alley. Glad to see J-Novel Club continue to pick up series, they're the only publisher I don't have to jump through 20 hoops to get my books readable on all my devices.
I recently bought the first five volumes of "Villains are Destined to Die" in the Collector's Edition without so much as reading a single page before the purchase.
Glad the AniList Tags turned out as accurate as I hoped they would.
High School DxD: Volume 1-14
Recently took the time and actually read the books of this. Obviously the target demographic is horny teenage boys of which only the first part still applies to me but oh well, it's still a good read anyway, if only because some aspects of the story are just way too funny to my adult brain.
For a harem series the MC is expectedly dense, although the author does have an explanation ready for that and gives the MC some character development this "early" on into the story, reducing the annoyance of it somewhat. Still even after supposedly overcoming his issues the MC displays a typical lack of self-awareness and a profound ability to not actually do anything lewd while constantly doing lewd things. I find other approaches to avoiding graphic descriptions in the novel preferable to somehow making the audience believe a hormone driven teenager wouldn't try anything if surrounded by willing girls, but that's the genre I guess.
Enjoyable enough to be very good if you like Ecchi Harem stuff, definitely wouldn't recommend if you don't
the problem is less how often I have to charge my mouse and rather that I'm almost always using it and on top forgetting to charge overnight so there is no "convenient" time to charge it during the day where I'd not use it
given how often my mouse has to charge while I'm using it I'd have a major issue with it
It's nice to see more classmate interactions which unsurprisingly have been shipping alongside us all this time. I'm starting to miss the cosplay though so hopefully this interlude isn't going to last much longer.