[-] neoman4426@fedia.io 12 points 1 day ago

And Clark Kent and Superman have massive differences, not just the laughed at glasses thing. There's things like changing his demeanor, the fact that Kent is several inches shorter because he both slouches and uses his super strength to compress his own spine with his back muscles, constantly slightly vibrates at super speed as Superman to soften his features, etc

[-] neoman4426@fedia.io 2 points 2 days ago

The claim is he didn't call white supremacists and neo nazis fine people, just, you know, regular racists who happened to be at a rally planned by the white supremacists and neo nazis. Which is totally better.

[-] neoman4426@fedia.io 14 points 2 days ago

Had a similar issue once and it turned out to be a powered USB hub backfeeding and putting the motherboard into an odd power state, only figured it out when I noticed a status LED remaining on after I physically unplugged the main power for the computer. May be worth unplugging any hubs you may have to rule that out

[-] neoman4426@fedia.io 7 points 3 days ago

Fact that a fucking Cheney was on the kind of sort of reasonable by comparison if you squint side of the Republican party and basically got chased out for it is wild.

[-] neoman4426@fedia.io 15 points 5 days ago

Fact that it makes the 512 LCD cheaper than the 256 LCD is pretty hilarious, even if it is a "these models are discontinued, clearing out the stock" sale

[-] neoman4426@fedia.io 28 points 1 week ago

Always fun when art includes the Warforged standard three finger hands rather than the human standard five finger ones. It's such a little detail that doesn't truly matter (may not even be playing in Eberron, or could be a non-standard Eberron with slightly different lore, the distinction will probably never actually come up, etc), but it's always nice to see

[-] neoman4426@fedia.io 43 points 1 month ago

Plus like a lot of semi recent sexist analogies it's a rephrasing of an older racist one with the same logic but proponents are like "that's different for reasons", 'rather a black man or a dangerous animal' is pretty common in racist circles, just like the 'you have a bowl of M&Ms, 1/10 are poison. That's what it's like to deal with men' analogy from a few years back grew from the 'you have a package of Skittles. 1/10 are poison. That's what it's like to deal with Muslims' analogy

[-] neoman4426@fedia.io 23 points 1 month ago

Like zero percent chance of this happening, but imagine the hilarity if he used this platform to just absolutely wreck the proven pieces of shit that make up the rest of his family

[-] neoman4426@fedia.io 19 points 2 months ago

I mean, until the update comes out it would need to be indefinite, you can't know what needs to be changed to even give an estimate until it's out. Could be anything from a simple five minute fix to starting from near the beginning, may need dependencies updated, etc

[-] neoman4426@fedia.io 22 points 2 months ago

Was a pretty good joke that people always seemed to be being dismissive when asking that, recognized him but couldn't remember the character name or something. Then we see the intro to Horsin' Around, and his character is literally listed in the credits as being named "The Horse"

[-] neoman4426@fedia.io 23 points 3 months ago

Was technically possible to dump the unique cert with a modded Switch prior to this so even used games bought before could technically be impacted, but there was no real reason to do so since modded Switches and emulators would work just fine without it. Since it's required to use the flash cart this dumper is a companion to the risk goes up dramatically

[-] neoman4426@fedia.io 166 points 3 months ago

Nintendo Switch cartridge based games have a file that's unique to each individual cartridge. The dumper and accompanying flash cart make use of that file. If Nintendo detects two people playing while connected to the internet with the "same" cartridge, there's a high chance of them banning both consoles. So any used game anyone buys after this point runs the risk that someone dumped it, maybe an old owner who resold, maybe someone who bought and returned it, etc, which means even a legitimate user who hasn't even heard of the flash cart could get banned. There's also the potential issue of people using the tech in the flash cart once people figure out how to use those chips to sell bootlegged reproduction cartridges that have the same issue

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