submitted 4 months ago by neanderthal@lemmy.world to c/climate@slrpnk.net

Also a huge number of people in the US travel to places that are walkable:

  • Disney World
  • Las Vegas (The strip is anyway)
  • DC
  • NYC
[-] neanderthal@lemmy.world 157 points 6 months ago

They get paid 274k...DC is expensive, but anyone that can't live very comfortably on that is awful with money. Being awful with money will lose you a TS clearance because it makes you susceptible to bribery by spies. I would think it would also be a disqualifier for a SCOTUS judge for the same reason.

I think maintaining a TS clearance should be a requirement for all positions above a certain level in the federal government. Not because they need access to TS information, but to ensure they are at a lower risk of bribery, adversarial interests, and criminal activity. Getting a TS clearance isn't terribly hard. Just generally have your act together. As long as you aren't a train wreck, a drug addict, a criminal, an untrustworthy asshat, or have connections to adversaries, you will pass adjudication. TLDR: A TS clearance would ensure high level government employees are minimumly functional humans.

Small Changes (lemmy.world)
submitted 6 months ago by neanderthal@lemmy.world to c/climate@slrpnk.net

I am well aware of the problems with car dependent design, that isn't what this is about.

I was driving in my car mandatory suburb and was delayed by a good 10 minutes due to a pair of very poorly timed lights. The main thoroughfare had a left turn lane split off that was backed up onto the main road. The turn light would literally turn green for about 5 seconds. A bit further down the road, a light controls traffic to a neighborhood of SFH with very few cars coming or going. The light on the main road would turn red for literally no cars longer than the other light stayed green with so many cars it caused a backup.

Simply adjusting these traffic lights would save loads of time, fuel, and EMISSIONS. It got me wondering what other things like adjusting those lights could be done that even the thirstiest petroholic can't object to?

My example is a drop in the bucket to the GHG problem, but enough drops will fill the bucket. I will be contacting my city about it. I don't doubt they will at least attempt to fix it because traffic is a common complaint, so a simple fix is an easy win for them.

[-] neanderthal@lemmy.world 32 points 6 months ago

TCNs, or third country nationals. People from neither the US or locals.

From my understanding the reason why is the almighty dollar. They don't get paid nearly as much as our troops and contractors, but still a lot more than they would make at home. There is quite a bit of info about it if you do a quick search.

[-] neanderthal@lemmy.world 76 points 6 months ago

Also a cinnabon. And a coffee shop called green bean. And a pizza shop. And much more. Sometimes DFACs 1 and 4 gets old.

This is serious. If the USAF sets up shop anywhere we plan on having a presence for a while, there will be some amenities. Even if the base is bombed on a regular basis.

[-] neanderthal@lemmy.world 55 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Beef is the biggest mass consumed culprit. I think mutten might be worse, but it isn't eaten nearly as much.

My point is, if you struggle to reduce meat consumption, just reducing beef consumption would make a big difference. Next time you are out, get a chicken sandwich instead of a burger. It's that simple.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by neanderthal@lemmy.world to c/climate@slrpnk.net

How about some good news today?

Doomerism (lemmy.world)
submitted 7 months ago by neanderthal@lemmy.world to c/climate@slrpnk.net

I would like to address the doomers.

Just stop. All you are accomplished is dissuading people from trying. Even if we fail, some of us would rather go out feeling good about ourselves knowing that we actually tried. If we succeed, I want to be on the right side of history. If you want to drive a canyonero through a drive through to buy a double cheeseburger on your way to the airport to fly somewhere for a shopping trip: please keep it to yourself.

  • There is still hope
  • Most people want action. I can cite more than one source.
  • Things are starting to turn around. Not as fast as we need to, but we are seeing change
  • Some of us are parents and have a reason to fight with all we have
  • If things get bad, our kids will actually want to have a relationship with us if we cared enough to try
  • Many things that help are economically better on the micro and macro scales

Doomers are the fossil fuel industry's best friend-- even more than the deniers are. If enough people succumb to it, they don't even have to pay lip service to the problem. Doomerism means you can continue to pollute and not even try.

[-] neanderthal@lemmy.world 51 points 7 months ago

I would think they would keep at least 1 of each model/trim of vehicle for testing these things. This leads me to believe one of the following:

  • Too tight of deadlines
  • Cheap management won't pay for testing time or units
  • Culture of pencil whipping
  • A bad apple didn't do their job, which should be caught by procedures
[-] neanderthal@lemmy.world 84 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Yes, Ubuntu 20 isn't EOL yet. A lot of those downloads are probably IT staff or developers that are running Ubuntu servers or developing on those versions.

ETA: We still have some RHEL 7 and clones at my day job

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by neanderthal@lemmy.world to c/climate@slrpnk.net

Good News. Kentucky re-elected Democratic governor. Virginia flipped house of delegates to Democrats, gaining complete control of state legislature.

Kentucky shows is that even in red states, Democrats have the numbers. This shows how critical showing up and voting is.

GOP/Republicans bad for climate change. They deny it, say it isn't humans, etc. Democrats at least acknowledge we need to do something.

For those outside the US, we have first past the post voting, which inevitably leads to two political parties.

State governments hold a lot of power. They are almost completely over sovereign with certain restrictions and reservations of power by our federal government.

GOP (aka Republicans) = Right to far right. I.e. libertarian, fascist, conservative, Christian nationalist.

Democrat = center right to far left. I.e. conservative, progressive, socialist, neoliberal

Democrats have greater numbers by a good margin, but have lower voter turnout and are disenfranchised electorial due to gerrymandering.

[-] neanderthal@lemmy.world 29 points 7 months ago

Churchill: Americans will do the right thing after they have tried everything else.

When do British monarchs do the right thing? You had your chance, Charles, to be a leader and do the right thing. You blew it. History will remember this moment in the way it remembers the cruel imperialism of your ancestors.

submitted 7 months ago by neanderthal@lemmy.world to c/climate@slrpnk.net

Good Morning USA. It is election day. Go vote. That is all.

submitted 8 months ago by neanderthal@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world

Not a good look...

submitted 8 months ago by neanderthal@lemmy.world to c/climate@slrpnk.net

Ideally, rezoning and infrastructure changes would reduce the need for school buses. We don't have the time though, so this is a win. Hopefully production can ramp up and governments can create incentives for schools to buy these instead of dead dino powered buses.

[-] neanderthal@lemmy.world 25 points 8 months ago

If we don't start turning things around rapidly, global warming is going to be saying to WW2: "You think YOU are the master of death, despair, suffering, and destruction? Hold my beer and watch this!"

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by neanderthal@lemmy.world to c/climate@slrpnk.net

TLDR: Fossil fuels are going to all but end sooner or later.

My take, the industry can waste time and money lobbying and wrecking their reputation and the planet even more, or they can get with the program and start transitioning to other operations. I.e. they can choose the redemption arc or the self destruction arc.

submitted 8 months ago by neanderthal@lemmy.world to c/climate@slrpnk.net

TLDR: Media needs to do more. News outlets should add climate sections along with the rest of their news sections.

I'd like to see more actionable content like how to convince city governments to do stuff. E.g All the stuff a lot of the urbanists talk about are better in almost every way than the car dependency we have in the US. The NIMBYs are relentless in my area. They organized on next door to show up at a zoning meeting in my area to try and prevent a rezone so a developer could build 4 story condos rather than practically useless offices now that most office stuff can be done remotely.

[-] neanderthal@lemmy.world 22 points 8 months ago

It's really pretty simple. We have made it socially acceptable to do nothing and awkward to talk about it. Deniers need to be given the same response as someone making a racist comment or joke: "Not cool! The effects IPCC predicted as worst case, years ago, is happening! This almost getting to the point of flat earth!"

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by neanderthal@lemmy.world to c/climate@slrpnk.net

They are spending 445 million USD on this.

I wonder how many of these flights are to other Midwest cities that could be easily replaced with HSR?

They could even build the rail station into the airport. It is on the edge of the city so there is ample space.

If I were king of the US, I'd connect all of the Major Midwest cities between the Appalachians and Rockies and then run the lines through the SW desert cities and then north up to Spokane and Seattle. Building through the mountains is expensive, so let's not make perfect the enemy of good and go after the most cost effective locations. It would be feasible to run lines from Miami up to Bangor too. Connect it to the Western system through the deep south cities.

[-] neanderthal@lemmy.world 44 points 9 months ago

I'm not all in on prison abolitionism, but I think this is a good step in legal system reform. Most people in jail probably aren't much of a threat to society.

submitted 9 months ago by neanderthal@lemmy.world to c/climate@slrpnk.net

Great speech by Al Gore about the fossil fuel industry.

Fight back by lobbying local officials for things that reduce car dependency!

[-] neanderthal@lemmy.world 42 points 10 months ago

I disagree with him.

"Nobody that is intelligent AND cares about other people" is more accurate.

There are very intelligent people that deny it because they are old and enjoy doing things that exacerbate it. Other intelligent deniers are making tons of money and can afford to weather the problems.

[-] neanderthal@lemmy.world 34 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Misinformation or disinformation? It sounds nit picky, but there is a huge difference.

Those spreading misinformation are simply mistaken and possibly swayed by good information.

Those spreading disinformation are deliberately trying to deceive people.

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