[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 81 points 1 week ago

Got to really wonder what's going on at Mozilla. Between the previous CEO milking it for cash, the purchase of an ad company, and now this?

[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 112 points 1 month ago


My VPS provider also migrated away from VMWare - got an email saying VMs would be down temporarily during the move, and the main website no longer contains any references to the virtualization tech. I miss my /64 IPV6 😭 but i'll happily give that up if it means Broadcom's dumpster fire comes crashing down as big customers pull the plug and migrate

[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 74 points 2 months ago


When the plugdoor hinge consultant is asked how to spell Boeing

[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 76 points 3 months ago


On the up side, if anyone wants in, they are free to create accounts on other instances

[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 92 points 3 months ago

Someone else mentioned in a comment that the LLC behind Yuzu may file for bankruptcy to avoid paying Nintendo anything

[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 65 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I'm not planning to move anywhere tbh.

Mozilla is almost 100% financially dependent on Google right now, if that funding goes away then so will Firefox, the Gecko engine, and likely all the forks. With all the layoffs happening in the industry, we can't rule out Google shareholders looking elsewhere to cut costs too, such as the massive subsidization of Mozilla. The little we can do is allow Mozilla to find other sources of funding that are optional for users IMO

Yes, stuff like pocket is garbage. But at least Mozilla allow you to turn it off, which is more than can be said for Google: on Android devices manufacturers have to pay a hefty "fee" just to allow users to remove the Google search bar from the launcher. As a user you can get around this by installing a custom launcher, but as a manufacturer, you will not get Google certification: no SafetyNet (Play Integrity DRM, required by Banking apps), no Widevine, and Google will block GMS & their other apps on your product.

Regarding AI, mozilla's memorycache is completely local (runs on the user's machine) and does not call out to any servers. The new translation feature is the same. The only exception to this that I'm aware of is the AI helper on MDN, but the target audience of that site is already in a position to determine whether that is a useful feature or not.

[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 62 points 4 months ago

The way Proton works is really fascinating, and also requires a ton of effort from Valve. Recently found out most games are "unsupported" because they require proprietary Windows Media Foundation libraries that can't be redistributed on the Deck - so Valve actually modifies the source game assets to no longer depend on the proprietary libraries.

These games often run flawlessly with Proton GE, a community version which includes the proprietary libraries (but must be installed via Desktop mode, thankfully there is an app on the Discover store that does this automatically)

I'm glad to hear that the main author of Proton-GE is joining forces with the various non-Steam Linux game launchers to make game compatibility even more seamless for the wider Linux user base in general!

[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 85 points 5 months ago

I'm all for it to be honest. The 737 Max sounds like a death trap, and until Boeing is banned from certifying their own planes nobody should be flying in these IMO.

The FAA needs to start certifying these themselves again, and remove the existing loopholes/exemptions that allow some design changes to avoid recertification

[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 83 points 5 months ago

While it's good that they have been ramping up production, their attitude towards consumers during the shortage is something that some users won't forget, as well as them seemingly ignoring that they are an education charity.

At least the Pi CEO acknowledges this in the CES interview with Jeff Geerling, where he mentions that the company has been "burnt" from a customer perspective. While they do contribute a lot to mobile linux development (indirectly), I think most people here would probably prefer the company just focus on their original mission of getting an affordable, credit card sized computer into users' hands... not scalpers and hardware developers' warehouses.

Also, I personally don't really want to support Broadcom seeing the horrible decisions they've been making recently - why would they buy VMWare, then proceed to drop ALL of their partners, and put a ton of their staff out of work??

[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 99 points 5 months ago

At least this policy is making it easy to spot bot accounts and autogenerated product listings.

These sellers should be shadowbanned and penalized, there is absolutely no justification to have an LLM auto-generate product listings unless the intent is to create spam

[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 84 points 5 months ago

They should do something about "consent platforms" using various DNS tricks and thousands of domain names to bypass/evade user blocks.

I wasn't so bothered about some non-invasive ads a few years ago, but I absolutely despise any kind of ad now TBH, and it's mainly down to how persistent some of these platforms are with their evasion tactics

Also pretty ironic for their popups to talk about "respecting" my privacy when these platforms literally do the opposite of that to show their popup in the first place. I will not support any of them, in any way, on my network.

As soon as I see a new one appear when browsing, I chuck it into dnsdumpster so it can get recorded with the rest of them, and then block the new list from dnsdumpster (grid icon) on my network.

[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 90 points 6 months ago

Made even worse by Sony, the manufacturer, completely exiting that market. I wonder if/how Sony will fix this, are there even staff on hand there with the technical details for their projector's DRM anymore?

It speaks volumes about how silly DRM is when a massive game publisher like TakeTwo/Rockstar resorts to selling a pirated version of their own game 🤦‍♂️

The next time this happens those projectors may end up being $20000 bricks, and I'm not too sure how many independents will be able to afford dumping a quarter of a million to replace all their projector screens

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