[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 8 points 18 hours ago

This infographic is really helpful. Stuff like this makes me relieved I use the majority of services in a browser, rather than native apps

[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Chromium... I'm so getting downvoted with this one.

Why? Anyone is free to use whatever browser floats their boat 🤷‍♂️

Firefox itself is quite sluggish and slow to open on that piece of hardware

Do you get the same issues on an older version of Firefox for that device? If yes, proceed with caution - your device's internal EMMC might be nearing EOL considering how old Android 6 is

But the problem is they all do not support modern arm64 apps that most Android phones use nowadays. Instead they need this other type called armeabi-v7a

They probably just stopped building for Android 6 devices. The SDK and various third party libraries continue to add new features all the time, and unlike Firefox, the majority of devs do not have the time or resources to manually code-in the missing bits to retain compatibility with old versions of Android. As a side effect, these custom implementations may have bugs or issues that go unnoticed due to the shrinking install base.

One of the more noticeable bits that changed is the Share API, which is why Firefox's one looks so different vs every other app. There are other things like enhanced battery optimization and the storage API, which have changed a lot since Android 6.

IMO your best option is an older version of FF, or install Lineage (etc) on that device and use another browser

Edit: change "age of device" to "shrinking install base"

[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 3 days ago

IIRC Beehaw doesn't federate downvotes. The OP has been pretty heavily downvoted for no valid reason

[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 3 days ago

I've tried both on my low powered HTPC and came to the same conclusion - especially noticeable where video acceleration is concerned

[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 18 points 3 days ago

Something about that channel feels "off", don't know what it is. Maybe all the rants and abundance of negative opinions?? Perhaps it's the culture difference in how he communicates on camera?

The only positive videos I've seen are him moving to macOS, the dell laptop one, and i guess the keyboard one, the other ones seem to be mostly opinion pieces & rants. There are other channels that do a better, more balanced job of this I think

[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 5 points 4 days ago

Okay then, steal the battery 🤷‍♂️

The owner still has a bicycle to ride home on.

[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 6 points 4 days ago

On the newer Bosch ones, the head unit functions as a remote key/killswitch when removed from the bicycle. They're pretty $$$ though


[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 4 days ago

Explains why I was having issues with this in Gnome on my HTPC...

Ended up making a remote button shortcut to maximise and restore apps

[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 6 days ago

IIRC when looking into this originally, there are multiple tools necessary due to additional metadata on the MCs: mcpaste for PS1 saves, psupaste for PS2 saves, and the PS3 uses an entirely different format that needs to be converted prior to use (I don't remember if you need to jailbreak to get the keys for this)

Felt there was a bit too much manual stuff involved which could allow human error to come in and mess something up. I did do a copy + psupaste to the internal HDD on a new partition just in-case, but there was no way I was going to risk copying those back onto my only memory card to test if it actually was done right 😅

The original MC was near full as well, so it's pretty nice to also be able to spin up new ones when needed (to be fair I believe OPL has a similar feature built in, although some games may freeze using it)


Ordered back in Feb and just got delivered!

As soon as I saw the PS1 version release a while back, I was eager to get a PS2 version to backup the single 8MB card I've owned since my first PS2. I got all my games pre-owned back then, so sadly none came with extra memory cards 😭

Initially I ran into some issues copying the save files from my old 8MB to this one (using wLE), ended up turning off the "Game ID" MCP setting so all saves get copied to the same VMC instead of dedicated ones for each game.

Apparently this card works on the PS3 too if you hold the front right button while connecting the USB, looking forward to that since I have some PS1 saves trapped in there...


I've been looking into this material due to the really nice surface finish and clean look (actually purchased some already 😅)

However I recently came across a video by CNC kitchen where he raised some potential health concerns relating to the fibers specifically inside the filament. One of the commenters mentioned they couldn't wash the fibers off their skin, and another likened it to the "3d printing equivalent of asbestos"

I don't plan to print with it just yet due to needing a hardened nozzle, and spare extruder parts. However when I do, i'm feeling a little worried about how safe it is - mainly whether the final printed part is fine for occasional skin contact, or whether this material should ideally be left to just cosmetic parts.

P.S. image not mine, taken from here

[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 112 points 1 month ago


My VPS provider also migrated away from VMWare - got an email saying VMs would be down temporarily during the move, and the main website no longer contains any references to the virtualization tech. I miss my /64 IPV6 😭 but i'll happily give that up if it means Broadcom's dumpster fire comes crashing down as big customers pull the plug and migrate


Title pretty much, my brand new deck arrived today and I wasted no time loading up all my games and linux desktop apps onto it. I was pretty much firmly sold on it after having the opportunity to experience one 😁

Out of excitement I also impulse ordered a full replacement shell in advance, thinking I was prepared to also tackle the screen. Turns out I was wrong - the screen is so well stuck down that I couldn't get it to budge with a 2kw hot air gun. The battery was also getting quite warm from the heat.

Pretty much ended up putting everything back to the original casing before I damaged something, and settled for just changing the back cover instead 😢

Maybe I'll give the replacement shell another shot in future, but not too sure to be honest.

Anyone managed to do a full shell swap? How did you find it?


TL has been returning 1004 errors all day, however their staff are aware of this looking at a discussion thread on a certain site.

Hopefully it gets fixed soon - posted here just in case others are having issues with the site and its mirrors

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I bought a 3d printer off Ebay which got delivered not too long ago, and it came with 2 sd cards - one with a build video and some demo print files, but worryingly another card that has all the previous owner's personal files on there.

Not sure whether to format it, or to contact the seller offering to send the card back (free of charge)... how would you prefer to be approached in a similar situation?

Edit: No gcode files are on the card, just 30gb of pictures, music and videos. Sent the seller a message offering to upload it to cloud or to send the card back

[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 125 points 6 months ago

Hands up if you/someone you know purchased a Steam Deck or other computer handheld, instead of upgrading their GPU 🙋‍♂️

To be honest I stopped following PC hardware altogether because things were so stagnant outside of Intel's alder lake and the new x86 P/E cores. GPUs that would give me a noticeable performance uplift from my 1060 aren't really at appealing prices outside the US either IMO

[-] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 157 points 6 months ago

Wow, this is a very complex exploit, involving bits of iMessage and an undocumented CPU feature that allowed the attacker to evade hardware memory protection. From what I can see, Lockdown mode would have prevented this. The attacker is ridiculously skilled regardless

Exerpts from the article missing from the bot summary:

The mass backdooring campaign, which according to Russian officials also infected the iPhones of thousands of people working inside diplomatic missions and embassies in Russia, according to Russian government officials, came to light in June. Over a span of at least four years, Kaspersky said, the infections were delivered in iMessage texts that installed malware through a complex exploit chain without requiring the receiver to take any action.

With that, the devices were infected with full-featured spyware that, among other things, transmitted microphone recordings, photos, geolocation, and other sensitive data to attacker-controlled servers. Although infections didn’t survive a reboot, the unknown attackers kept their campaign alive simply by sending devices a new malicious iMessage text shortly after devices were restarted.

The most intriguing new detail is the targeting of the [...] hardware feature [...]. A zero-day in the feature allowed the attackers to bypass advanced hardware-based memory protections designed to safeguard device system integrity even after an attacker gained the ability to tamper with memory of the underlying kernel.

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