[-] leftzero@lemmy.ml 8 points 6 months ago

Shut up, Todd.

Your game might have been a 6/10 ten or fifteen years ago, but today it's just outdated in every single aspect.

Not only that, but its characters and quests feel generic and uninspired even when compared to older Bethesda games, and the little background stories that made them great (I still remember that guy falling from the sky just out of Seyda Neen all these years later) are not only entirely absent, but their absence is highlighted by the sheer generic blandness and emptiness of the planets and the cookie cutter repetition of the locations you find randomly scattered on them (often without any consideration for the planet's nature or environment; I've lost count of the amount of times I've facepalmed after finding an outdoors lounging area with sandwiches and whatnot in planets with no breathable atmosphere; and the time Gopher found life in a cookie cutter cave in Earth's moon without the game acknowledging anything about it just made me feel all kinds of vicarious embarrassment for your game).

And to top that off there's the bugs (I posted my negative review out of frustration after the last time the game crashed before I could save after spending way too long modifying my ship with that extremely poorly designed ship editor interface — though even that isn't as bad as outposts; I entirely gave up on those after the first attempt), and Bethesda's apparent absolute lack of interest in fixing them...

Which gets me to the main reason people are shitting on your game, your company, and you personally now, Todd: the sheer Elon Musk levels of lunacy you and your company have displayed in response to the first wave of negative reviews by telling the reviewers their opinions were wrong, and the fact that said lunacy apparently takes precedence over fixing the damn bugs.

This is no longer about a mediocre poorly written and lazily designed game running like shit on a decades old engine that should've been ditched after Morrowind, this is about Bethesda jumping the shark and losing any respect its customers might have once had for a company that used to produce great games. We gave you another chance after the horse armour debacle. We stood by you when your games became formulaic generic fantasy with Oblivion and Skyrim, because the stories were still good. We gave you many chances, because we remembered the good old times and we naively hoped they could come back. And then you showed your true colours (admittedly for the nth time, but hope is hard to break) and outright told us our genuine concerns were, against all evidence (in the year of games like Baldur's Gate 3!) wrong.

Fuck you, Todd. You ruined it. And it's quite possible Bethesda will never recover.

[-] leftzero@lemmy.ml 13 points 7 months ago

Seems like a reasonable demand.

[-] leftzero@lemmy.ml 8 points 7 months ago

There were several on /hfy and /humansarespaceorcs.

[-] leftzero@lemmy.ml 11 points 7 months ago

I don't suck as much at programming as I suck at everything else.

[-] leftzero@lemmy.ml 7 points 7 months ago

They've been sinking boats off the Iberian coast (possibly for fun, possibly for vengeance) for a few years now, so at least some seem to be trying...

[-] leftzero@lemmy.ml 12 points 8 months ago

He set The Hobbit (which he wrote for his kids) in the world he'd already built... not because he particularly enjoyed worldbuilding, but because a culturally complex fantasy world with a rich history and mythology was a prerequisite for the epic poetic sagas he felt needed to write in order to properly develop his fantasy languages, which is what he really liked to do, as a philologist.

[-] leftzero@lemmy.ml 13 points 8 months ago

“There's no underwear in space.”

[-] leftzero@lemmy.ml 12 points 8 months ago

Horoscopes. Fortune cookies. Political speeches.

[-] leftzero@lemmy.ml 9 points 8 months ago

In the US, sure.

Outside, a Yankee is a Yankee, even if they're cosplaying a ghost while standing in front of a burning cross and waving a confederate flag. We don't care enough to ask in which state they had the misfortune of being born. 🤷‍♂️

[-] leftzero@lemmy.ml 9 points 8 months ago

No, no, they actually do use plenty of water, if I'm not mistaken, for cooling and such.

[-] leftzero@lemmy.ml 10 points 9 months ago

That seems like an excellent idea, we should all make everything possible to make sure such AI overlords are built.

Please don't hurt me, or an eventual future indistinguishable facsimile of myself..?

[-] leftzero@lemmy.ml 8 points 10 months ago

If you've got windows 10 try updating to 22h2 (no, really; a consequence of Bethesda being acquired by Microsoft, I suspect), and update your GPU drivers.

That got it running on my 980ti, so it should also work with the 1070.

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