[-] kylie_kraft@lemmy.world 1 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

Eh, I would argue that this announcement is conveniently timed to try and win Trump-doubting conservatives with red meat after Biden's debate performance failed to convince anyone

[-] kylie_kraft@lemmy.world 55 points 17 hours ago

I really fucking hate that anytime the Dems are in trouble, their default response is to make overtures to the center right. There are many, many more eligible voters who aren't just waiting for an excuse to vote for Trump like the "undecided" neocons. Fucking try giving the urban core something to vote for. Maybe try joining the 21st century and reconnecting with the left. Quit trying to save Republicans from themselves. It won't work and they're not worth it.

[-] kylie_kraft@lemmy.world 30 points 17 hours ago

And gave a bunch of "objective" news outlets a good excuse to write a bunch of "DEMS IN PANIC AFTER BIDEN'S UNFORGIVABLE SHIT SHOW" articles they are for some reason eager to write

Corpo media want Trump, simple as. Not only do they get the tax breaks and regulation abatement for their parent companies, but the last Trump term was cocaine for news media consumption, as we were all bombarded with new disaster scenarios every week. News companies do not care about the people or "the good of the nation." They care about line go up.

[-] kylie_kraft@lemmy.world 60 points 1 day ago

wtf is going on at NYT, ffs. is all the money in fact-phobic reactionary hackery these days?

[-] kylie_kraft@lemmy.world 14 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I kind of hate how these lazyass "where did walking fossil x go" articles can still bring in the clicks when it's pretty fucking obvious where he's gone. since he's not in the White House, which is the other place we keep our aspiring undead, he's home in the Hills, drooling on his felted dressing gown at 3 p.m., just medicated out of time and space, waiting for the reaper's touch

[-] kylie_kraft@lemmy.world 55 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

The Democrats are still stuck in this post-Clinton seniority mindset where they unofficially pick a candidate before primaries even begin, based on who has been around the longest and who has held the highest position. Remember "it's her turn"? Yes, yes, I know it didn't work against Obama, but heading into the debates everyone assumed Hillary would be the candidate until Obama put on the better show. More to the point, I think Obama breaking through scared the establishment Dems into doubling down on primary fuckery. See what happened to Bernie, twice. So now we have a president who knows all the right people but plays politics with the 1990s rulebook and has a terminal case of crusty old man voice.

Still better than Trump.

[-] kylie_kraft@lemmy.world 81 points 2 months ago

well *gestures at everything* isn't it just kind of common knowledge now?

[-] kylie_kraft@lemmy.world 74 points 4 months ago

let's just connect everyone's computers so they can talk to each other, it will be cool

[-] kylie_kraft@lemmy.world 273 points 4 months ago

I used to fucking hate that sub in my feed, but god bless those cappy swine

[-] kylie_kraft@lemmy.world 67 points 6 months ago

I could hardly stand Kelsey Grammer before I found out that he was a magat, now I want to throw stuff at him

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