[-] kryptonianCodeMonkey@lemmy.world 3 points 18 hours ago

Does it have to be an individual fey? Could it be an entire coven? Could be interesting to have your warlock be the charge of, say, the Hourglass Coven. They each distrust each other and want to get one up on the others all the time, so they could each be using you to fuck with the other two all the time, essentially giving you carte blanche to do as you want as long as you are constantly a thorn in the side of all 3.

Could even flavor your spells to take on the aspects/traits of one of the three, like that individual hag has given you that specific spell. Divination and control magic from Endelyn with something like suggestion or hold person controllingthrough puppet strings. Skabatha can give you summoning spells and enlarge/reduce with all effects appearing like wood carved toys. Bavlorna gives you all necrotic magic and polymorph with the forms they take looking like stitched together Frankenstein-esque monstrosities.

Or maybe your Patron is specifically Baba Yaga, but she tasks you with being the Hourgalss Coven's errand boy while also being her eyes and ears on her daughters' activities.

[-] kryptonianCodeMonkey@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

There's fucking instructions on how to getcha a good rape victim!

Numbers 17-18 (paraphrased):

"1.Kill all the men and boys. 2. Kill all the women who has had sex with a man. 3. Kidnap the remaining women and girls that are still virgins, and take them for yourselves as wives."

Judges 21:20-23 (again, paraphrased):

"Go stalk and hide in the places where young women do their traditional dances. When they come out to dance, catch and kidnap one for yourself and take her as your wife. When their male family members protest, tell them that the men should actually be helping you to steal their daughters and sisters because you didn't didnt manage to get any in the war, so you need these girls. Tell them it's fine, they don't have to be guilty, because they didn't actually offer them the girls themselves.

And they did that, kidnapped the young women, and returned home with them."

For context on this one, there was a place that most isrealites deemed too sinful to exist, like Sodom, so they decided to do a genocide on it. But one tribe refused to do said genocide, and stood against the rest of the tribes. All of that tribe were then killed except 600 men by the rest of the Isrealites.

But that left those 600 men without wives, and they were still the chosen people. So, while the rest of Isreal swore to never let their daughters marry someone from that tribe, they still decided to help get them replacement wives.... with another genocide. When another tribe failed to join their war coalition, they went and killed everyone there except the virgin girls, around 400 of them. Then gave the wifeless tribe the above instructions.

What makes this story extra shitty is the entire reason for the original genocide was because one group of men raped and murdered one woman. While that it abhorrent, they then corrected this crime with at least 400 rapes and tens of thousands of murders. Yaaaaay. Much better. Thanks, The Bible!

That shit is in the fucking Bible. Read those passages for the direct translations without my paraphrasing, if you like. It doesn't get any better.

Sorry about that. It was vile to write, too. But it illustrates how vile someone has to be to think that the only thing stopping child rape is reminding them that "it's against the rules", which.... it's also not against their rules, either. No commandment says anything at all about rape or pedophilia, which is just wild. But don't worry, they got the one about not making any idols/"graven images", so... the day is saved. In fact, both rape and pedophilia are often completely condoned in the Bible, at least under certain circumstances. So, yeah, I don't get this guys logic even a little.

Beside the idiocy of thinking that the mere displaying of the Ten Commandments automatically makes the property in question somehow more righteous, more moral, or just generally safer for children... you do know that the Ten Commandments, notably and infamously, do not have any commandment forbidding rape OR pedophilia. And, in fact, the Bible seems to be generally fine with those things at least under certain situations, so...

Honestly, probably helps explain all that child raping going on in churches. Nobody wrote down that they couldn't.

[-] kryptonianCodeMonkey@lemmy.world 44 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

"I know if I carry around my pocket ten commandments at all times, it stops me from sticking my old sweaty semi-hard cock into every sweet virgin 10 year old butthole I can get my hands on. So you should display them everywhere I may be in contact with kids, just in case I misplace my wallet." - This Guy, Probably

Unintentional and ironic

Also interesting that everyone I've ever met that is a fan of Andrew Tate wears wife beaters because they dress for the job they want. Also they seem like they either have meth or know where to get it.

[-] kryptonianCodeMonkey@lemmy.world 34 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Could you imagine if both of them just suddenly died of natural causes from old age in the same day before the election... like... the power vacuum would be wild.

[-] kryptonianCodeMonkey@lemmy.world 150 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

In this thread: User ThuleanPerspective apparently losing their fucking minds and then having their entire account comment history removed. I've never been so intrigued to know what crazy nonsense this person posts.

Update: Looked closer at their history. Managed to comment in dozens of threads per minute. Likely a bot that got removed. That's more boring than I'd hoped.

[-] kryptonianCodeMonkey@lemmy.world 131 points 3 months ago

And label the text box "username" when it only accepts email address.

[-] kryptonianCodeMonkey@lemmy.world 157 points 6 months ago

Well. No points for subtlety.

[-] kryptonianCodeMonkey@lemmy.world 158 points 7 months ago

What happened? Classic radicalization happened.

He was presented with a new viewpoint on gender. He said "no thanks" to considering that viewpoint, which is honestly fine (we're allowed to have different opinions). But instead of just holding his opinion on that viewpoint personally, he used his considerable platform to make a huge deal out of rejecting that viewpoint. He then faced the predictable backlash for doing so as a public figure.

Instead of apologizing or just avoiding the subject on his platform in future, he reacted to that backlash by doubling down and repeatedly employing his platform to attack the viewpoint. Thus, he began earning the ire of more people that support trans rights and the admiration of those who opposed them.

He then immersed himself in his new right-wing support group, rubbed elbows with those who share his viewpoint on gender, found a new more conservative fanbase, and had those views reinforced and enhanced by the echo chamber around him. As a result, he has slowly become more radicalized and made this issue a huge part of his worldview and public persona.

My prediction is that this influence will continue to radicalize him and steer him further to the right, not only on this issue but on other issues as well. His new peer group will reward him for his views on the trans people. They will use that as a jumping point into other right-wing ideas that will start to make "a lot of sense" to him. And as a public figure, they will encourage him to use his notoriety to voice more and more of these views and use his platform to support their causes. I bet money he will be a semi-regular on Fox News or some other conservative voice box in the next 5 years and will be publically endorsing Republican candidates for office. Bet.

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