[-] kromem@lemmy.world 84 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

That someone who believes in the Bible and is professionally contracted to prevent people from drowning is being upset they are doing that job near the Biblical symbol of a covenant not to drown humanity again is making me drown in the irony.

Please send help.

[-] kromem@lemmy.world 116 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

For reference as to why they need to try to be so heavy handed with their prompts about BS, here was Grok, Elon's 'uncensored' AI on Twitter at launch which upset his Twitter blue subscribers:

[-] kromem@lemmy.world 93 points 3 months ago

Y'all are a bunch of bloodthirsty headline-readers.

Sources don't believe Ohebshalom was targeted because the assailant threatened a number of other people in custody as well.

This isn't a story about a slumlord being targeted for his past harms, it's just a story about how shitty prison safety standards are.

Not exactly the kind of thing I'd personally be celebrating. "Breaking people's face bones" shouldn't be a part of the US justice system, and the fact it was a part of that process - irrespective of the victim crimes - is a disgrace. Probably even worse is the number of stories of things like this that don't get published because the victim isn't click-generating.

[-] kromem@lemmy.world 126 points 3 months ago

Your competitors take out contract hits against your whistleblower and you need to have bodyguards to protect them.

And then your head of security and the whistleblower fall in love until at the end of the movie the competitor assassin gets into the court waiting room and the head of security throws themselves into the ninja star's way and dies in the whistleblower's arms as the ultimate sacrifice is made for love and corporate profits.

I tear up just thinking about it.

[-] kromem@lemmy.world 104 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

That's a weird take given the actual numbers and relative results per company, but ok.

Microsoft's price didn't change much at all and is still trading at a 35 P/E ratio (17% higher than Apple's) despite being neck and neck in the race for the largest company in the market and allegedly not having its AI efforts actually change product usage. Clearly the market is still pricing it as if it's going to grow more somehow.

AMD is down, but since when is AMD an "AI company"? That's Nvidia through and through, who is still double digit percentage points up from a month ago, and trading at a 81 P/E ratio. The market losing faith in Nvidia's competition seems more like the opposite of this headline, given it's the key area where Nvidia has a market advantage over AMD.

Google, whose revenue is 90% ads, is down in response to falling short on ad sales. Which if anything may be a result of increased chatbot usage reducing search volume and Google's chat offering being the Bing of AI chatbots.

This is clickbait analysis.

[-] kromem@lemmy.world 91 points 6 months ago

I'm getting really tired of all this enshitification.

[-] kromem@lemmy.world 93 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

The number of adults in the US that think Satan is a literal being is way too fucking high.

It started as an editor using 'adversary' in the place of what was probably the goddess Anat appealing the head of the pantheon to kill the son of the protagonist like in the earlier Canaanite A Tale of Aqhat as an intro into what was an adaptation of the also earlier Babylonian Theodicy in Job.

But we couldn't have a polytheistic holdover, so suddenly there was a supernatural 'adversary' ('Satan') in a story.

Which in turn spawned fanfiction during the prophet ages where they referred to the supernatural adversary of Job.

Then Hellenistic ideas around Hades (both the place and figure) get added into the mix, and we get the Enochian literature about fallen angels, where the guided katabasis influenced Virgil which later informs Dante's Inferno.

Then King James messes up translating Isaiah and the Latin for the morning star (Lucifer) gets mistaken for a proper name, further tying the supernatural adversary to being one of the Enochian fallen angels. And we get Milton's Paradise Lost.

It's all just mistranslations and fanfiction.

And yet millions of people believe it's actually a thing so much so that they freak out at the idea of any references to it as literally being dangerous.

In 2022.

An age filled with things beyond the wildest imagination of those in antiquity dreaming up miracles and wonders.

We're so beyond fucked as a species.

[-] kromem@lemmy.world 92 points 7 months ago

Because stocks kept trading at higher and higher P/E ratios essentially saying "the market thinks this company can make much more money in the future than they are making now."

The problem is, most companies couldn't, and as we have hit a recessionary phase those companies are now scrambling to try to show continued growth justifying their price.

The way they do that is by cutting off their limbs and selling them for short term cash at long term consequence.

So you see them cutting costs in all kinds of ways that screw over their customers but can show quarterly profits. Even though it means customers may not stay customers if better options appear.

So we are in this sort of pendulum swing period where large corporations suck because there's effectively no competition that doesn't and sucking is the last way for them to squeeze water from a stone. The natural solution is that we'd see competition rise up that doesn't suck to take their customers away and force pro-customer changes.

This likely will eventually happen, but it's going to take time. There are emerging tech trends that will accelerate it, but are still a few years away from practically changing the equation.

In about a decade things should suck less, and a number of the crappy companies around right now may no longer be around, but in the meantime it's still going to suck for a while yet as things adjust to the dying of the old guard and birth of the new.

[-] kromem@lemmy.world 95 points 7 months ago

It's the board for the non-profit which owns and controls the LLC, and none of the board members have equity in the non-profit.

This wasn't a board of investors/owners like for profit boards.

[-] kromem@lemmy.world 122 points 7 months ago

I learned so much over the years abusing Cunningham's.

Could have a presentation for the C-suite for a major company, post some tenuous claim related to what I intended to present on, and have people with PhDs in the subject citing papers correcting me with nuances that would make it into the final presentation.

It's one of the key things I miss about Reddit. The scale of Lemmy just doesn't have the same rate and quality of expertise jumping in to correct random things as a site with 100x the users.

[-] kromem@lemmy.world 84 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

This is BS. It's a 3rd rate marketing group trying to game SEO for lead gen.

Go ahead and contact them, claiming to be a prospective client with a few hundred (insert niche retail or service here) stores and that you're interested in their product.

At best they'll end up revealing they have a SDK or some crap to do the active listening in your own app if you have one.

If this were real, more than this company would be doing it, and you'd see actual case studies around it.

Also, it's 1000% not legal in half the US states given two party consent wiretapping laws unless the users are agreeing to it in some way, which again brings us back to that at best this is some shoddy SDK (and unlikely even that).

Edit: Looking at it closer and given the way it isn't linked at all from elsewhere and is a one off mention of the services, I'm actually wondering if this was an April Fool's page that they just never took down. It's pretty funny if that, especially given the ridiculousness of a lot of the buzz word heavy language in the bullet points. Like the idea that they are actively listening to the voice data and then having AI analyze the purchase history of the users to then cross attribute ROI using your "tracking pixel" is hilarious.

Even just one of those steps is such a pie in the sky claim even for most billion dollar agencies.

[-] kromem@lemmy.world 86 points 8 months ago


Stanford researchers found that cooking with gas stoves can raise indoor levels of the carcinogen benzene above those found in secondhand smoke.

It's really wild how committed dumb people are to receiving Darwin awards for them and their families.

"Vaccines don't work and are a hoax, and it's unrelated people who agree with me are dying from COVID at a higher rate."

"Liberals want to take away my red meat every day of the week and limit how much high fructose corn syrup soda I drink in a day, but screw them. Unrelated, my whole family has diabetes and older members strangely have heart disease and colon cancers..."

People who treat science as a dirty word really seem to have higher all cause mortality. So bizarre and unexplainable.

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