[-] kromem@lemmy.world 2 points 1 hour ago

This is incorrect as was shown last year with the Skill-Mix research:

Furthermore, simple probability calculations indicate that GPT-4's reasonable performance on k=5 is suggestive of going beyond "stochastic parrot" behavior (Bender et al., 2021), i.e., it combines skills in ways that it had not seen during training.

[-] kromem@lemmy.world 47 points 16 hours ago

Maybe they both could and the US might have a return to a respectable election options?

[-] kromem@lemmy.world -1 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

Yes, that's what we are aware they are. But she's saying "oops, it isn't a ghost" after shooting it and finding out.

If she initially thought it was a ghost, why is she using a gun?

It's like the theory of mind questions about moving a ball into a box when someone is out of the room.

Does she just shoot things she thinks might be ghosts to test if they are?

Is she going to murder trick or treaters when Halloween comes around?

This comic raises more questions than it answers.

[-] kromem@lemmy.world 16 points 23 hours ago

Why is she shooting ghosts with a gun?

Are they silver bullets and werewolf ghosts?

[-] kromem@lemmy.world 13 points 1 day ago

Literally any half competent debater could have torn Trump apart up there.

The failure wasn't the moderators but the opposition candidate to Trump letting him run hog wild.

If Trump claims he's going to end the war in Ukraine before even taking office, you point out how absurd that claim is and that Trump makes impossible claims without any substance or knowledge of diplomacy. That the images of him photoshopped as Rambo must have gone to his head if he thinks Putin will be so scared of him to give up.

If he says hostages will be released as soon as he's nominated, you point out it sounds like maybe there's been a backroom tit-for-tat deal for a hostage release with a hostile foreign nation, and ask if maybe the intelligence agencies should look into that and what he might have been willing to trade for it.

The moderators have to try to keep the appearance of neutrality, but the candidates do not. And the only reason Trump was so successful in spouting BS and getting away with it was because his opposition had the strength of a wet paper towel.

[-] kromem@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago

Having a presidential election without debates would have been a big step back and loss for American democracy.

We shouldn't champion erosion of democratic institutions when it helps our side of the ticket.

And generally, if eroding democratic institutions helps your ticket, it's a red flag about your ticket.

[-] kromem@lemmy.world 24 points 2 days ago

Ok. Now how do I unwatch it?

[-] kromem@lemmy.world 6 points 6 days ago

Oh, man - the comments...

At a minimum, he's certainly increased the chances of us being tortured significantly.

No, no he did not. 🤦🏼

[-] kromem@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

nobody claims that Socrates was a fantastical god being who defied death

Socrates literally claimed that he was a channel for a revelatory holy spirit and that because the spirit would not lead him astray that he was ensured to escape death and have a good afterlife because otherwise it wouldn't have encouraged him to tell off the proceedings at his trial.

Also, there definitely isn't any evidence of Joshua in the LBA, or evidence for anything in that book, and a lot of evidence against it.

[-] kromem@lemmy.world 10 points 6 days ago

The part mentioning Jesus's crucifixion in Josephus is extremely likely to have been altered if not entirely fabricated.

The idea that the historical figure was known as either 'Jesus' or 'Christ' is almost 0% given the former is a Greek version of the Aramaic name and the same for the second being the Greek version of Messiah, but that one is even less likely given in the earliest cannonical gospel he only identified that way in secret and there's no mention of it in the earliest apocrypha.

In many ways, it's the various differences between the account of a historical Jesus and the various other Messianic figures in Judea that I think lends the most credence to the historicity of an underlying historical Jesus.

One tends to make things up in ways that fit with what one knows, not make up specific inconvenient things out of context with what would have been expected.


I often see a lot of people with outdated understanding of modern LLMs.

This is probably the best interpretability research to date, by the leading interpretability research team.

It's worth a read if you want a peek behind the curtain on modern models.

submitted 3 months ago by kromem@lemmy.world to c/technology@lemmy.world
submitted 3 months ago by kromem@lemmy.world to c/technology@lemmy.world
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by kromem@lemmy.world to c/technology@lemmy.world

I've been saying this for about a year since seeing the Othello GPT research, but it's nice to see more minds changing as the research builds up.

Edit: Because people aren't actually reading and just commenting based on the headline, a relevant part of the article:

New research may have intimations of an answer. A theory developed by Sanjeev Arora of Princeton University and Anirudh Goyal, a research scientist at Google DeepMind, suggests that the largest of today’s LLMs are not stochastic parrots. The authors argue that as these models get bigger and are trained on more data, they improve on individual language-related abilities and also develop new ones by combining skills in a manner that hints at understanding — combinations that were unlikely to exist in the training data.

This theoretical approach, which provides a mathematically provable argument for how and why an LLM can develop so many abilities, has convinced experts like Hinton, and others. And when Arora and his team tested some of its predictions, they found that these models behaved almost exactly as expected. From all accounts, they’ve made a strong case that the largest LLMs are not just parroting what they’ve seen before.

“[They] cannot be just mimicking what has been seen in the training data,” said Sébastien Bubeck, a mathematician and computer scientist at Microsoft Research who was not part of the work. “That’s the basic insight.”


I'd been predicting this would happen a few months ago with friends and old colleagues (you can have a smart AI or a conservative AI but not both), but it's so much funnier than I thought it would be when it finally arrived.

[-] kromem@lemmy.world 194 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I've seen a number of misinformed comments here complaining about a profit oriented board.

It's worth keeping in mind that this board was the original non-profit board, that none of the members have equity, and literally part of the announcement is the board saying that they want to be more aligned as a company with the original charter of helping bring about AI for everyone.

There may be an argument around Altman's oust being related to his being too closed source and profit oriented, but the idea that the reasoning was the other way around is pretty ludicrous.

Again - this isn't an investor board of people who put money into the company and have equity they are trying to protect.

[-] kromem@lemmy.world 267 points 10 months ago

The bio of the victim from her store's website:

Lauri Carleton's career in fashion began early in her teens, working in the family business at Fred Segal Feet in Los Angeles while attending Art Center School of Design. From there she ran “the” top fashion shoe floor in the US at Joseph Magnin Century City. Eventually she joined Kenneth Cole almost from its inception and remained there for over fifteen years as an executive, building highly successful businesses, working with factories and design teams in Italy and Spain, and traveling 200 plus days a year.

With a penchant for longevity, she has been married to the same man for 28 years and is the mother of a blended family of nine children, the youngest being identical twin girls. She and her husband have traveled the greater part of the US, Europe and South America. From these travels they have nourished a passion for architecture, design, fine art, food, fashion, and have consequently learned to drink in and appreciate the beauty, style and brilliance of life. Their home of thirty years in Studio City is a reflection of this passion, as well as their getaway- a restored 1920's Fisherman's Cabin in Lake Arrowhead. Coveting the simpler lifestyle with family, friends and animals at the lake is enhanced greatly by their 1946 all mahogany Chris-Craft; the ultimate in cultivating a well appreciated and honed lifestyle.

Mag.Pi for Lauri is all about tackling everyday life with grace and ease and continuing to dream…

What a waste. A tragedy for that whole family for literally nothing. No reason at all other than small minded assholes.

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