[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 7 points 1 month ago

One problem is the lack of alternative transport options. In most of the US, public transport just isn't a thing. And things are too far apart for cycling to be efficient for commutes, grocery shopping, etc.

I hope that changes some day though.

[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 6 points 3 months ago

Its been a few hours, did you find it yet?

[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 7 points 4 months ago

I already replied to a different thread, but figured I'd comment on some of the other options too. My vote is for Silverbullet, but I've tried way too many note taking tools.

  • Joplin: I ran into multiple syncing issues that caused data loss and large numbers of conflicted files. I'm pretty sure these were all fixed a long time ago, but it was annoying. The dev was always good about fixing issues when they came up. It takes forever to sync on my devices and only syncs while the app is open with the screen on. The format it exports markdown files in isn't standard, so I had to write my own scripts to export from joplin to markdown and preserve metadata.
  • Standard Notes: I was willing to pay for this, but it's extremely slow. Their support said it's because it loads everything into memory, which I'd expect to be terrible on mobile with large databases. It's also pretty limited in what you can do on the free self-hosted version.
  • Obsidian: I really like obsidian's ui/ux, and my only complaint is that it's not OSS. I'd even be happy if they offered a self-hosted sync solution. There are some third party solutions for syncing, but they aren't as smooth as the paid sync.
  • Trillium: I love Trillium. I would vote for it, but it recently entered into maintenance mode. The community is working to start a new fork and I'm sure it will be great, but it's too new to know where things will go yet. Trilium lets you encrypt specific notes and also has a cool plugin system where the plugin scripts are just notes in the database. It does have a mobile interface, but it's a bit limited compared to the desktop interface and also doesn't have an option to sync notes to use offline.
  • Silverbullet: My current choice. I use it between windows, macos, and an android phone. I leave all three clients on sync mode all the time. The interface is minimalistic, but offers everything I need for notes and documentation so far. One of the rare "markdown" tools that actually save your content to markdown files and not to a database with the ability to export to markdown. It also has a cool feature built in where it indexes all of your notes/tasks/paragraphs and lets you build queries around them sort of like the dataview plugin for obsidian.
  • Emacs: I haven't seen emacs mentioned yet, but emacs+org-mode is still great. The mobile apps just don't live up to the desktop experience, and you'd still have to figure out how to sync your notes yourself. Logseq's outliner format is a similar feel afaict
[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 7 points 4 months ago

Ollama and localai can both be run on a server with no gpu. You'd need to point a different web ui to them if you want though

[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 8 points 5 months ago

Storage is hard to do right :(

If you can get away with it, use a separate NAS that exposes NFS to your other machines. Iscsi with a csi might be an option too.

For databases, it's usually better to not put their data on shared storage and instead use the databases built in replication (and take backups!).

But if you want to go down the rabbit hole, check out ceph, glusterfs, moosefs, seaweedfs, juicefs, and garagehq.

Most shared file systems aren't fully posix compliant so things like file locking may not work. This affects databases and sqlite a lot. Glusterfs and moosefs seen to behave the best imo with sqlite db files. Seaweedfs should as well, but I'm still working on testing it.

[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 6 points 6 months ago

Make sure your backups are solid and can't be deleted or altered.

In addition to normal backups, something like zfs snapshots also help and make it easier to restore if needed.

I think I remember seeing a nextcloud plugin that detects mass changes to a lot of files (like ransomware would cause). Maybe something like that would help?

Also enforce good passwords.

Do you have anything exposed to the internet that also has access to either nextcloud or the server it's running on? If so, lock that down as much as possible too.

Fail2ban or similar would help against brute force attacks.

The VM you're running nextcloud on should be as isolated as you can comfortably make it. E.g. if you have a camera/iot vlan, don't let the VM talk to it. Don't let it initiate outbound connections to any of your devices, etc

You can't entirely protect against zero day vulnerabilities, but you can do a lot to limit the risk and blast radius.

[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 8 points 6 months ago

Are you familiar with lxc or chroots or bsd jails by any chance? If you are, you probably won't find docker that much different to use other than a bigger selection of premade images.

It is kind of sad that some projects are trending towards docker first, but I think learning how to make packages for package managers is also becoming less popular :(

[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 7 points 7 months ago

Do you like any of them more than others?

[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 6 points 9 months ago

It looks pretty bad even with an adblocker on now too

[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 8 points 10 months ago

And I know OP mentioned not using much ram, but almost everytime I see a server load that high, it's usually because the server is swapping heavily causing the iowait.

[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 5 points 11 months ago

You can also just add a 512 or 1tb microsd card. Surprisingly the performance of the card hasn't made a huge difference for me when playing games off of it

[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 6 points 1 year ago

Borg is great, I actually switched from borg to restic because borg would index everything before backing up the files. Restic starts backing up while indexing is still happening. Not a huge deal normally, but it mattered a lot when it'd take 8+ hours to index lots of tiny files on a couple servers.

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