[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 1 points 5 days ago

Sounds pretty cool, thanks for the details! Any chance of some pictures? My worry would be the same, I don't know if I trust myself not to flood the house lol

I did think about using a mechanical float like in the back of a toilet, and an overflow drain in case it never stops filling

[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 18 points 1 week ago

Eh while it sucks, registrars and web hosts get so many abuse reports that sometimes they just err on the side of caution and don't investigate as thoroughly as you'd like.

Of course it also depends a lot on various things like what type of complaint, how much money you spend with them, account history, complaint source, etc.

They should be able to tell you what they had a problem with and give you a chance to fix it.

[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 10 points 1 month ago

Dumb question but what do you mean you cycled them a few times?

[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 15 points 2 months ago

OpenBao is the open source fork of Vault

[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 14 points 2 months ago

From your list, I'd go with hetzner. Racknerd is another good cheap option.

Also check out lowendtalk or lowendbox. Various providers post deals there petty often and the community is active.


What's everyones recommendations for a self-hosted authentication system?

My requirements are basically something lightweight that can handle logins for both regular users and google. I only have 4-5 total users.

So far, I've looked at and tested:

  • Authentik - Seems okay, but also really slow for some reason. I'm also not a fan of the username on one page, password on the next screen flow
  • Keycloak - Looks like it might be lighter in resources these days, but definitely complicated to use
  • LLDAP - I'd be happy to use it for the ldap backend, but it doesn't solve the whole problem
  • Authelia - No web ui, which is fine, but also doesn't support social logins as far as I can tell. I think it would be my choice if it did support oidc
  • Zitadel - Sounds promising, but I spent a couple hours troubleshooting it just to get it working. I might go back to it, but I've had the most trouble with it so far and can't even compare the actual config yet
[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 22 points 6 months ago

I'm alright with the games that give you daily rewards but they don't have to be consecutive days. It still benefits people who log in everyday, but you at least aren't entirely missing out

[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 14 points 6 months ago

So many good multiplayer games weren't live service games and did just fine

[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 19 points 6 months ago

Consider still using sendgrid, AWS ses, or some other service for outbound mail. Incoming email isn't bad, but outgoing email is where your more likely to run into issues with your IP being blacklisted/etc

[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 9 points 8 months ago

Have you reported the posts and users you're referring to? Or have you tried reaching out to the admins yet? Without proper reporting, you can't know if they're even aware of an issue.

[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 15 points 9 months ago

It doesn't work on every website, but sometimes you can change your address to be in California and then magically a cancel button will appear.

[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 9 points 11 months ago

rsync.net is great if you need something simple and cheap. Backblaze B2 is also decent, but does have the typical download and API usage cost.

[-] johntash@eviltoast.org 9 points 1 year ago

There's a hostname replace plugin that can do this. You can use it to replace hostnames or just remove them from the results altogether.

Take a look at https://github.com/searxng/searxng/blob/master/searx/settings.yml#L231


Does anyone have recommendations for centralized backup servers that use the server/client model?

My backups are relatively simple in that I use rsync to pull everything from remote machines to a single server and then run restic on that server to back them up and also copy that backup to cloud storage.

I've been looking at some other software again like Bacula/Bareos/UrBackup and wondering if anyone's currently using one of them or something like it that they like?

Ideally I'm looking for a more user-friendly polished interface for managing backups across multiple servers and desktops/laptops. I'm testing Bareos now, but it'll probably not work out since the web ui doesn't allow adding new jobs/volumes/etc.

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