
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 11 months ago (1 children)

So I go with the “MOFO” is shorter to type and hits the same.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I too am in the market for a new tv. I’ve had my 60 inch plasma tv from Samsung for going on 12 years. I dropped a pretty penny on it from Best Buy at the time and haven’t had any problems with it at all for over a decade!

Only in the last year or so I’ve started having issues with turning it on if it was just turned off. Like it’s plasma so I’ve always been super careful of burn in of images. So I press pause on whatever I’m watching on the Roku streamer connected by HDMI. Then I turn off the tv itself. If say I’m running to the bathroom, when I get back and attempt to turn on the tv it’ll make the red power light blink randomly several times over and over… but it won’t initiate the start up of the screen…

I’ve tried lots of things… unplugged the tv and waited about 10-15 seconds and plugged it back in then pressed the power on the remote and it’ll usually come back on with the volume all the way back to “1” which stinks… but it still “works”…

I’m willing to pay a good amount for a plasma adjacent/similar tv just because of the luck I’ve had with this current tv. It makes more sense to me to invest in a really great tv now, as opposed to replacing several less great tv’s when they inevitably break down..

I’ve been looking around, and obviously they’ve stopped producing Plasma tvs now… so I’m still searching for a plasma like tv that I want…

[–] 13 points 1 year ago (2 children)

That is wild! I watched the videos in the linked article, and I’m shocked how easy it is to steal vehicles!

I guess what I see in the movies/shows if hot wiring and the time that takes isn’t the norm nowadays.

IMO I feel like the Shipping Ports need to step up their game as far as inspections and stop the cars BEFORE they’ve been shipped to other countries. I would hope that the car insurance companies would be willing to help the cost of this increased inspections, considering they have to pay the value of the stolen vehicles to the owners…

[–] 8 points 1 year ago

The answer is…. D) all of the above/ and below!

[–] 46 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Wtaf? I can’t believe this is allowed to happen. The videos that were in the article showed just how tough and brave these cowards are. The leaders are the only ones actually showing their faces. The rest? Hiding behind ski masks. Fuck them. Ignorant racist pigs… start a fire then do me a favor and fall in

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I mean… I’m sure it was shocking to see the bull and horn show roll down the road… but I’d have just laughed it off as hilarious… not ever considering calling 911 to have the poor dude pulled over.

Who does that? Also… would have loved to see the cops face when he had to walk up to the car! Hahaha 🤣

[–] 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

My daughter hit a deer last evening in her car and our insurance adjuster is due to be here within the hour to look at the damage and decide what to do.

My hope is that they’ll repair it and get it done quickly… she’s due to start her new job in less than a week and needs her car to get there… 🤞🏻

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

I love french toast so much! When I make it at home… I whisk some eggs, milk and Cinnamon… splash the bread on both sides and let it sizzle… I also make a ton extra and freeze the left overs so when I don’t want to destroy my kitchen with mess and dishes.. I can just throw em from the freezer into my toaster and bam! Instant awesome breakkie!

When I make pancakes I use the Jiffy mix recipe for waffles cause I find their thicker and fluff up as opposed to being flat lifeless disks…

[–] 8 points 1 year ago

I have struggled my whole life to ask for help. I’ve always been afraid of inconveniencing the helper, or getting judged about why I don’t know how to do something. I have a fierce independent streak, and have trust issues… what if I ask and then it’s used against me later?

After I quit drinking, and went to AA, and got a sponsor… I’ve been gradually retraining my brain that it’s okay to reach out and not stay silently struggling (I am told it increases my risk of relapsing). I’ve also always helped when I can to anyone who has asked…

As other commentators have said, without the ask for help, I wouldn’t know it was needed.. and wouldn’t want to assume anything…

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

What a great video that was! I really enjoyed watching it, and I laughed and could totally relate to what she was saying. Thank you very much for sharing this!

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

From the pictures I can see… you shoot some beautiful pictures! Hope all goes well and you don’t have any problems! Love the sky and rocks and the penguins Ofc! 😁

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

What the actual FUCK? I’ve never seen that shit before, and never want to see that shit again. Offensive.

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