[-] insomniac_lemon@kbin.social 41 points 2 months ago

It was a streaming site that pulled from a large amount of other sources automatically.

Funnily enough it didn't have any discovery features whatsoever (no front page, popular, latest etc), it was just a search bar that took you right into the video so you needed an idea what it is you wanted to see. And I don't think it was nearly as popular as other sites (like you probably weren't finding it from search results, as I don't think it even had the info that'd be grabbed, and probably didn't even have SEO or anything like that)

[-] insomniac_lemon@kbin.social 70 points 2 months ago

Me watching a movie from 2 decades ago on a free site called gronkmooveesh.heh

[-] insomniac_lemon@kbin.social 52 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

KiB, MiB, GiB etc are more clear. It makes a big difference especially 1TB vs 1TiB.

The American way would probably be still using the units you listed but still meaning 1024, just to be confusing.

Either that or maybe something that uses physical measurement of a hard-drive (or CD?) using length. Like that new game is 24.0854 inches of data (maybe it could be 1.467 miles of CD?).

[-] insomniac_lemon@kbin.social 28 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

As a fun aside, unauthorized sharing is the only reason I tried and bought the game back in early beta days before there was a demo (friend A owned, friend B didn't, I tried it from friend B's unauthorized copy of friend A's game and got the copy too, later gave friend A $20 and info to activate my account because I didn't have internet at home).

[-] insomniac_lemon@kbin.social 25 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I backed up all of my own files except the jars apparently (because when you download every one they added up, and I didn't do that when the servers were at stake). I even had a launcher still logged in but none of the files will download now. Prism is lame (but understandable, I guess) in that it just says "contact microsoft support if you didn't migrate" or something like that, but you can just copy over accounts.json from polymc to use an offline acct. Though a few mods I've tried don't work (and I feel like mod discoverability might not be the best?).

Also a small bit not directly in reply to you: I'm pretty sure this is actually the second migration too, at least for accounts that were started on the minecraft website (username-->email login+mojang acct). But of course searches only give info on this one.

[-] insomniac_lemon@kbin.social 31 points 4 months ago

Ah yes...
could soon™

And at the bottom it says I can turn my old sneakers into actual cash!

[-] insomniac_lemon@kbin.social 42 points 5 months ago

what if
elf Vietnam

[-] insomniac_lemon@kbin.social 24 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I'm like that because:

  • I need a hobby
  • weird history with programming, but never actually liked any programming language enough to have a real project.
  • now I found a niche language* that I like but so far it's just not where I want get started (one example, still no bindings for Godot 4)
  • Ray almost tricked me into making a framework for a framework but I saw right through that
  • personal issues


[-] insomniac_lemon@kbin.social 22 points 6 months ago

You're missing the point. We live in an environment that reinforces obesity, see also car-centric lifestyle which is an infrastructure problem. It's not like humans "wanted" to be active before, it's just that their activity was easily covered by work and travel without needing extra time and effort PLUS they may have already been at/near a caloric deficit just eating what was available to them.

Also I am not fully weened off sugar, but honestly I find a lot of things unpalatable due to the sugar content (like milk chocolate). I would be perfectly fine if sweet on its own wasn't a primary flavor anymore. That and it's at the point where you need to assume that there's a significant amount of sugar in basically everything. For example, Ireland classifies Subway's bread as cake due to the sugar content.

Sugar is cheap (and can be put in higher concentrations than in the past), and it makes sense to make unhealthy food cheap. I also wouldn't look at the opioid epidemic or similar problems and say "only personal problems here".

[-] insomniac_lemon@kbin.social 34 points 6 months ago

It's probably stuff being less "indie" than it appears on the surface. Both of those games you listed appear to have successful publishers, one behind Maplestory and multi-million (in USD) net income (also largest shareholder is investment firm, Maplestory NFTs). The other has more games (and significantly more DLC) on Steam.

That doesn't really answer your question, well aside from saying money. Though there may be a deeper connection as well (shareholders having hands in everything etc)

[-] insomniac_lemon@kbin.social 49 points 8 months ago

society must allow for 200lbs of meat to be moved fifty miles per day

And in the US, said transportation will likely make even less sense (in terms of weight, cost, and health/comfort).

[-] insomniac_lemon@kbin.social 133 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

So, as it turns out there are a few big reasons.

  • it's a cosmic felony

  • causing improbable events creates a new timeline which increases entropy in all probable realities, which can have some drastic (and usually negative) effects.

  • most time travel agencies (which is what most people can afford) use technology that doesn't actually allow for free will, that's why it's mostly sold for vacations.

    • you can alter/push some decisions, but for most people it's not gonna be successful stocks.
    • older technology was advanced calculation in a realistic simulation. Most people just wanted an old memory or to get closure. Some people just try a different meal or movie choice, the experience is all that matters.
  • time mercenaries. We're actually not sure who these guys are, but we also don't wanna know either. Some say they're who cause spontaneous combustion and embarrassing deaths.

  • most forms of actual time travel leave the user stranded, with chronic or terminal illness (and sometimes amnesia), and in some cases fading/poofing out of existence when certain thresholds are crossed.

    • On top of that, new timelines of you typically aren't experienced by you. It's a different you. So that was nice of you.
  • time spiders. You don't want to know.

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