[-] hellfire103@lemmy.ca 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

You can try playing with Arkenfox, installing uBlock Origin, fiddling with about:config, and giving yourself an aneurysm...

...or you could try Mullvad Browser. It's a fork of Firefox, co-developed by Mullvad and The Tor Project, with impressive fingerprinting resistance (according to Cover Your Tracks). It's like Tor Browser without Tor.

Also, install NoScript. It helps a lot.

[-] hellfire103@lemmy.ca 9 points 1 day ago

Looks like it is. I had noticed a few Mastodon and Misskey instances blocking poa.st, but I didn't realise it was the same as poast.org.

Good thing there are other instances now!

[-] hellfire103@lemmy.ca 3 points 1 day ago

My HP's hinge broke, too. I had to pack the entire back of the case with putty in order to fix it, and it's still not quite right.

[-] hellfire103@lemmy.ca 2 points 3 days ago

I know. I've worked with it myself, and I once accidentally inhaled a small volume of it.

A-Level chemistry, innit.

[-] hellfire103@lemmy.ca 12 points 3 days ago

HCl‽ Jaysus...

[-] hellfire103@lemmy.ca 1 points 4 days ago

Well, I often just do a bank transfer or card payment. I've tried to use Monero, but I've had trouble getting ahold of any crypto without selling my soul to Guardarian.

[-] hellfire103@lemmy.ca 2 points 6 days ago

The letter arrived yesterday.

submitted 1 week ago by hellfire103@lemmy.ca to c/memes@lemmy.ml
Encyclopedia (lemmy.ca)
[-] hellfire103@lemmy.ca 46 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

That's far too good for AI. It has to be photoshopped.

Our Rishi (lemmy.ca)
[-] hellfire103@lemmy.ca 81 points 2 weeks ago

Where would The Runaway Bride go? It's set in 2006, but they also travel to shortly before Earth is formed.

Also, what about episodes that are set outside of time or entirely within the TARDIS (e.g. Time Crash)? Or when all of time sort of happens at once (e.g. The Big Bang, The Wedding of River Song)?

What about false realities (e.g. Amy's Choice, Extremis)? Bubble universes (e.g. The Doctor's Wife, Hide)?

And then there's the matter of the Doctor and River. Do we go in the Doctor's order, or in River's order?

What about cliffhangers and cyclic stories?

Absolutely I'd do this, but I'd need a very large corkboard and about a mile of red yarn to figure out the order.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by hellfire103@lemmy.ca to c/privacyguides@lemmy.one

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/22775470

I'm looking to buy a router for home use, on which I plan to install OpenWRT. After some research, I have come across the TP-LINK Archer AX23, which checks all of the boxes I have:

  • [x] Comparatively low price

  • [x] Supports WPA3

  • [x] Supported by OpenWRT

  • [x] Has at least three LAN ports

However, before I and my dad go and buy one, it has to pass the final test: the forums.

Has anyone used this router before? What was your experience? Can I do better, or have I found the best router ever made? Please share your thoughts.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by hellfire103@lemmy.ca to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/22775470

I'm looking to buy a router for home use, on which I plan to install OpenWRT. After some research, I have come across the TP-LINK Archer AX23, which checks all of the boxes I have:

  • [x] Comparatively low price

  • [x] Supports WPA3

  • [x] Supported by OpenWRT

  • [x] Has at least three LAN ports

However, before I and my dad go and buy one, it has to pass the final test: the forums.

Has anyone used this router before? What was your experience? Can I do better, or have I found the best router ever made? Please share your thoughts.

[-] hellfire103@lemmy.ca 55 points 2 weeks ago

You were, but it appears OP is running Windows in a VM on Linux.

submitted 1 month ago by hellfire103@lemmy.ca to c/unixporn@lemmy.ml
  • OS: openSUSE Tumbleweed
  • DE: Xfce
  • WM: bspwm
  • Theme: Rosé Pine
  • Font: Hack
  • Zsh Theme: Fishy

  • Browser: Brave
  • Email: Thunderbird
  • Terminal: Alacritty
  • File Manager: Thunar
  • Music Player: qmmp
  • Fetch: Albafetch
  • Shell: Zsh

Dotfiles available on request.

Also, Albafetch does not yet feature the openSUSE logo. I am in the process of trying to implement this, which is how I have it on my system.

submitted 1 month ago by hellfire103@lemmy.ca to c/memes@lemmy.world
[-] hellfire103@lemmy.ca 68 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Guess it's time to either get a new pendrive, or enter the void.

Good advice (lemmy.ca)
submitted 2 months ago by hellfire103@lemmy.ca to c/memes@lemmy.world

Alt Text:

An edited meme image featuring two stills from MegaMind. The top still shows Titan speaking to a the mayor, who is labelled "TikTokers getting censored by China" and saying "You have freed us!" overlaid. Titan has a US flag as a label, and is saying "Oh, I wouldn't say freed, more like under new management."

submitted 2 months ago by hellfire103@lemmy.ca to c/unixporn@lemmy.ml

DSLinux was a port of the Linux kernel and some basic software to the Nintendo DS. As you can see, it also works in Delta.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/19875697

[-] hellfire103@lemmy.ca 46 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I do, for three reasons:

  1. Hackers. It's unlikely that anyone would hack my webcam, but there's always a chance. Maybe I'm paranoid, idk.
  2. Hardware exploits. Three of my laptops are too old for me to update the firmware with fwupd, so I cover the webcams in case there's some critical hardware-level vulnerability which could be exploited; or in case one of the three-letter agencies are in there.
  3. Consequences. Despite the incredibly low chances of anything happening whatsoever, the possible consequences are too bad for me to want to risk it.

I'm paranoid, aren't I...

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joined 5 months ago