[-] harrys_balzac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 7 points 11 hours ago

The only one of the films that made the world seem fun.

I was feeling kinda sad about the whole thing then I saw the part about the two small dogs. I'm guessing they weren't on a lead.

"Ha! Look at Gretchen play with the little Kuh. So nett! Oh...mama looks mad...ach Scheiße!"

[-] harrys_balzac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 10 points 2 days ago

My family prefers Brawndo. It has what plants crave.

[-] harrys_balzac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 28 points 2 days ago

Yes. There should probably be some sort of disclaimer about how much Rotten Rons paid for this incredibly in-depth reporting.

Just saw a Wankpanzer for the first time last Friday and I agree. It is ugly and anyone who fell for this scam deserves every ounce of derision they receive.

He'll join Cucker Tarlson and Melon Tusk on Telegram and Xitter.

[-] harrys_balzac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 11 points 3 days ago

The existence of close minded, bigoted people automatically renders them in violation of just about every societal norm and contract.

Punching a racist/homophobe/terf/Mazi is always justified. Their existence is a threat to others because of their beliefs.

Would you tell an abused spouse to tolerate or be less close minded about being hit or emotionally abused?

Go f off with your fence sitting.

Elon is working on it. Some of the women even consented freely.

[-] harrys_balzac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 22 points 4 days ago

There is no proof outside of the Bible and some other writings. Even those mentions seem to have occurred well after Jesus supposedly lived.

In terms of non-literary proof, there isn't anything credible.

There's more evidence that King David existed.

[-] harrys_balzac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 17 points 6 days ago

Why many word when few good?

Seriously though, "AI" itself is misleading but if they want to be ignorant and whiny about it, then they should be labeled just as they are.

What they really seem to want is an automatic metadata tag that is more along the lines of "a human took this picture and then used 'AI' tools to modify it."

That may not work because by using Adobe products, the original metadata is being overwritten so Thotagram doesn't know that a photographer took the original.

A photographer could actually just type a little explanation ("I took this picture and then used Gen Fill only") in a plain text document, save it to their desktop, and copy & paste it in.

But then everyone would know that the image had been modified - which is what they're trying to avoid. They want everyone to believe that the picture they're posting is 100% their work.


I bought a pair of hypoallergenic pillows a couple of weeks ago and immediately started having a reaction to them. I washed them and no change.

I looked at what they're made from and I think it might be the Lyocell Tencel in the cover - made from eucalyptus trees.

Everything else about them is the same - afaik - as my other pillows.

Anyone else experience this or know anything about it?


I've been lurking here for a while, trying to learn and set up my own stuff. I'm starting off with music. I have a few thousand files in different formats and plenty of duplicates.

I already have an Emby server set up and it works very well.

However, is there a music manager that will help me find and eliminate duplicates?

I'm using Linux Mint and I'm still figuring out how to set up the various users and groups so that the software can access where my music is stored.

I'm thinking Lidarr but - as mentioned - something about setting up users and a media group and doing the permissions is not clicking.

For Emby to work, I've made the music directory a shared location and opened guest access.

Any pointers to step by step guides on any of this would be very helpful as well.

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joined 3 months ago