Forget the younger guy's name. Erno? Anyway, I didn't know if anything actually bad happened, just normal meanness on camera played off as humor.

Direwolf20, he was mean to the kid

You can be a hot sexy millionaire too, just look at all these examples in film.

The OS-who-shall-not-be-named lest you summon it's power.

Yeah, it's a huge project, but not impossible.

Didn't she run someone over?

Technically you can if you learn a little 3d modeling and electronics. The index touch pads are cirque

thank mr skeltal

Living the dream

Why is this guy still around after bathroom?

Hallelujah is similarly about Bathsheba

GPL + butt hole? (

License stuff came up the other day. Got me wondering.

Could I use something like the mit or GPL license, but add a requirement that anyone that uses the software had to send me a pic of their butthole?

What is the use case for this GPL + bhole license?

Memes mostly. It world also need to have an age of majority clause.

Then if the library actually gets picked up somewhere it would be a good extortion tactic.


With Google podcast dying I'm looking for a replacement.

I'd like to unchain myself from the corpos if I can too. So I'm not interested in another pod catcher that'll just try to monetize me.

Are there are self hosted rss readers with push? That seems like a great solution for pods and just about anything else I might want to keep up with.


I don't want a dark and twisted batman that watches Catwoman change through her window.

I want a bat credit card and ice puns.

The whole plot is that robin is scared of getting bracers. The joker taunts him with those fake chittering walking teeth.

the answer is (
Too horny? (

I just had to turn down a prancing Wyll. I tried to let him down easy, but he wasn't getting the hint.

Is this what it's like to be a woman? Dudes come prancing up to you out of nowhere like it's their best move, then get bitchy when you don't drop your pants for a two step?

I know I risk summoning the worst of the Internet with this question. I'm still curious if anyone's experienced similar in the game. Maybe I'm way off thinking there's some empathy lessons in here. It's obviously not the message of the game, but maybe one of the messages.


Sneaking is op because you can start a battle with a sneak attack from Astarion and then the combat tracker is just Astarion and the enemies that saw him, or maybe only the little pillar of light that shows up.

Once Astarion gets locked into the combat tracker you can still maneuver everyone else around the enemies sight lines and get a few more alpha strikes in outside of the combat tracker. My paladin -- in full plate -- can walk right up to an enemy that's frozen in the combat tracker as long as he doesn't walk into the sight cone.

I beat dror, m, and gut in the goblin camp all without any of them taking any turns because I was able to alpha strike them into the dirt by just starting combat with the whole party sneaking, and then walking them right up outside of the combat tracker.

Is there a party that can really exploit this? Ranger, wolf barb, shadowharts +10 party sneak, and an assassin rogue? Just alpha strike everything.


No shit skip, of course they shouldn't turn the ball over, or get red cards, or what the fuck ever. Passing gas in the bathroom and think it's perfume; literally shitty analysis I just heard on ESPN.

Why don't sports commentators actually break down plays and strategy?

Only one I can think of is jomboy breaks down pitches sometimes. Showed that the pitcher was releasing at the top of the throw for like 4 pitches of sliders then released like 20 degrees sidearm with another slider but because it was released differently it caught the batter and struck them out. Beautiful breakdown and I appreciated the sport and gamesmanship even more.


Saying eye doctor in a conversation feels normal. Saying tooth doctor feels like listening to someone who had a bad disco elysium roll and they're punching themselves in the face to get the words out.


I've seen what I think are pseudo engagement bait type posts, but I'm a little confused why that's happening here.

There's no incentive to have big karma accounts to sell on Lemmy, is there?

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